MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 111

Looking at that s.h.i.+ning jewel, Liu Yang didn"t know what the World Jewel was, but he understood that it was extremely rare and powerful items.

Liu Yang was two meters away from the barrier that prevented souls from leaving. He saw thousands of crowded souls screaming madly, though he could hear nothing, he could see by the distorted expressions that souls made. The souls belonged to the four races.

The thought of taking the jewel popped into his mind, but he did not know how to take the jewel, as souls caused so much damage, Liu Yang imagined this because of the information in the community.

Walking to the barrier, Liu Yang began to look closely to see if something was wrong or not.

"Ah !!!" Liu Yang jumped back, he screamed in fright over a group of souls that suddenly hit the barrier.

"It almost scared me to death" Liu Yang calmed down and looked at the souls that were hitting the barrier with their arms. He tried to do the same to see what was happening.

Liu Yang approached his finger slowly to the barrier, beads of sweat dripping down his face like a waterfall from nervousness. When his finger was an inch from the barrier, Liu Yang closed his eyes, his finger touched the barrier, but nothing happened.

Opening his eyes slowly, Liu Yang saw all souls look at him as if he were something interesting. No soul was screaming as before, all were orderly looking in his direction.

Suddenly a light shone on the barrier and Liu Yang"s body was pulled in, he tried to resist, but it was useless, the suction force was stronger. Liu Yang stopped resisting and let his body into the barrier.

The inner of the barrier was different from the outside if the outside was like h.e.l.l that had the image of tens of thousands of souls screaming madly, the inner was like a great paradise with rivers, mountains, floating immortal palaces and souls wandering from one another side to side.

Liu Yang"s arrival alarmed the wandering souls.

"Look !!! It is a living being !!! "

"What is going on??!!!"

"How did a living being get into this place?"

Souls were surprised to see Liu Yang appearing at the scene, this was the first time they had seen this scene.

Since souls were arguing using the language of souls, Liu Yang was able to understand what they were talking about. He stood still while listening because he was interested in what they had to say.

It wasn"t long before an old man with gray hair appeared before Liu Yang.

"Greetings, this old man would like to know if you can understand my words." The old man spoke the language of souls.

"Greetings, I can understand your words," Liu Yang answered casually.

"Great master, I apologize for the lack of education on our part." The souls bowed toward Liu Yang.

(Great master ?? This again ?? Why are they calling me that way ??) Liu Yang was curious about why souls were calling him that way.

"I apologize for my doubt, but why are you calling me a great master?"

"Does the great master not know about this?" The old man asked with a curious tone, he did not know that Liu Yang did not know about it.


"If the great master does not yet know, this little soul cannot talk about this subject. The great master will find out when the time comes. "The old man didn"t tell Liu Yang about why, and that made him even more curious.

"I see… Let"s put this matter aside then. Sir, I would like to know what this world is and why it is so different from the world out there. "

"Great master, this is the world within the jewel, the souls that the great master saw outside are the souls corrupted by hatred and madness. After being stuck in here for a long time, they went crazy and did everything to get out of this place, in the end, they succeeded. "

"Why did they want to leave this place? This place is considered a paradise if compared to the situation outside "

"Great master, this is a relative thing for us to be within this world is like endless torture. The great master has only arrived now, but we who have been within this world for hundreds of years, we can do nothing but wander through this confined world. This place is an illusion created by jewel, what we see is all a mere illusion created by our desires. If the great master wishes, you can imagine the world you want"

"I see… Seniors, do you want to leave this place?" Liu Yang wanted to see if there was a quest or not.

"This is our greatest wish, but it is impossible for us unless the great master can obtain the jewel and free us from this world."

Ding… Ding…

Quest - Taking the World Jewel - Illusion: The souls are confined in this illusory world for a long time, some have gone mad while others are still maintaining sanity. To free souls, you need to take the jewel and control it. Rank: E

Objective: Take the World Jewel - Illusions

Rewards: World Jewel - Illusion."

(Jackpot !!!!!!!!!!!) Liu Yang exclaimed in his mind, he was extremely happy to get the quest.

"Senior, how can I get the jewelry?" Liu Yang asked expectantly.

"The great master just has to imagine how you are in the world with the jewel, and your reality will change on its own"

"Alright, I"ll do it"

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"Quest Accepted"

Liu Yang closed his eyes and began to imagine the perfect world for him, suddenly the areas around him were changing. When he opened his eyes, the scene ahead totally changed.

The place turned into a common house and Liu Yang was inside the room and lying on the bed, seconds later, the door was opened and four beautiful young women come in, each of them wearing fine and elegant clothes, they were Tears on Sky, Rose, Little Thorns, and Linda, the four girls Liu Yang had interaction with.

Liu Yang was shocked when he saw this scene, and quickly remembered that it was an illusion created by the jewel, but the scene was very realistic and he could not distinguish between the real and the illusory.

The four young girls lay next to Liu Yang and the five began activities. Having done the first time with Linda, the images and sensations were always in Liu Yang"s mind, and that made him unable to concentrate. Because of this, he eventually imagined doing these things along with the other three girls.