MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 117

After settling matters with the families of the descendants of souls, Liu Yang returned to the Imperial Capital, he would go to the capital"s library and seek information about Chip Smith. 

The capital"s library was a large, majestic old building, the place had plenty of players in and out, this was where high-level players had to look for information.

When Liu Yang entered the library, he went straight to the information desk.

"h.e.l.lo, how can I help you?" The attendant asked.

"h.e.l.lo, I would like to know where is the session about the human kingdom, I want to know things about history, customs, and things"

"Sir, the human kingdom session is on the first floor, you just have to go up the stairs and the whole floor had books on that subject."

"Thank you"

The first floor of the library was the longest of all, for it had the largest number of books on the subject, tens of thousands of books on the human kingdom. It took Liu Yang a full month to flip through all the books and find out about Prince Chip Smith.

According to the books, Chip Smith was the son of the king and lover, he could not fight for the succession of the throne like his brothers, who were children of the queen. So he used his mother"s last name, Amite Smith.

Chip Smith preferred to venture into the human kingdom rather than become a spoiled prince, he began training magical arts with the royal guard mages when he was thirteen, though he had no talent for it. Chip Smith did not give up and continued with training, his results were shown when he reached sixteen he managed to conjure his first water skill.

Although not something to celebrate in the eyes of others, for Chip Smith, it was worth the celebration, because, after three years of hard work and dedication, he managed to conjure up his first magic.

A few months after that, Chip Smith began to learn other water element magic, as he had a deep grounding in the subject, he managed to learn the spells quickly. This was the result of years of hard work to create a good foundation.

A year later, Chip Smith entered a magic academy in the University City, he was considered one of the weakest because his age was much older than the other students in his cla.s.s.

Contrary to the expectations of other students, Chip Smith showed that he was a capable student and was much stronger than his cla.s.smates. He quickly managed to reach the top ranks in the academy rankings and since Chip Smith was the king"s son, despite being the son of a king"s lover, that didn"t change the fact that he was the king"s son.

Many lower-funded students began to flatter Chip Smith in an attempt to do him any favors, but it was pointless, he didn"t like that kind of thing and strongly declined. This left some students disappointed while others were unhappy with this fact. Many plots have happened involving Chip Smith since then.

After many years of trial within the academy, Chip Smith was able to graduate, those who plotted against him, many were dead because he let them die on trips to explore dangerous dungeons and forests. The others who were alive still had their methods of survival.

A few years after graduation, Chip Smith joined the army mage battalion as a recruit, his combat and leaders.h.i.+p skills soon made him a commander. His first task as commander was to suppress an invasion of creatures that were attacking a village.

That day he met his future wife and lover, and mothers of his children.

After the invasion was successfully suppressed, Chip Smith was walking around the village to see the situation. When he pa.s.sed a certain house, he met two girls, one older and one younger, both sisters, but their parents were killed during the attack of the creatures.

Chip Smith fell for the older girl at first glance, he asked if the girl would like to be his lover, at first the girl was a little scared of the situation. After talking a little with Chip Smith, she agreed to be his mistress as long as he took care of her younger sister and her. He gladly accepted it.

The two girls later found out that Chip Smith was the rescue mission commander, and they were happy to find a good home to live. The two began living with Chip Smith at his house, his mother, accepted the two girls as her daughters-in-law, although it was only one of them her son asked as a lover.

Years later, the older girl became pregnant and gave birth to two children, but a few months later the younger girl also gave birth to a child. This did not create discord between the sisters, as Chip Smith"s mother always treated them both as her daughters-in-law.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Over the years, Chip Smith became more powerful and famous, he became one of the great generals of the human kingdom. After this feat, the king invited Chip Smith to an audience, where he would be recognized as one of the princes of the kingdom, but he could not fight for the throne, and Chip Smith had no intention of doing so, he preferred to stay in the army as a general.

After being crowned, Chip Smith received his first mission: Fight the invasion of the kingdom of white elves.

Liu Yang finished reading the books when he got to this part because it was a lie what was written beyond that. He knew that Chip Smith did not fight in the invasion of the white elves nor died in the fight. Chip Smith was killed for something else.

In the doc.u.ments that souls left in the bank vault had another side of this story.

After being crowned as the new prince, the other heirs to the throne did not like it. The king"s action brought discontent to the heir princes.

Although Chip Smith had spoken in public that he would fight for the throne, the princes were still skeptical of this, as they imagined he would kill all the other princes to try to get the throne. This was the paranoia of those who were fighting for the throne.

A few months after being crowned prince of the kingdom, Chip Smith mysteriously disappeared, and his corpse was only found a few months later. His family was frightened by this situation and understood that this was some scheme of the other princes.

Fearing that they were the target of some plot, his mother, two wives, and the children left the capital and decided to live far away, a place where the princes would not find them.

The news on this subject was not spread because the king commanded that no one comment on this subject, and if anyone talks about it, that person would be executed. Thus, everything was hidden and a false battle was created to make it appear to be true.

The subordinates who were loyal to Chip Smith did not believe it but were told to be silent about it. Many of them left the army and went to the family of general in an attempt to help them in this time of tension.

A few years later, the king died suddenly and a new crown prince was crowned as the new king. No one dared comment on this fact, for anyone who spoke was punished with death.

The new king was tyrannical and greedy, he ordered expeditions to the four kingdoms, but many were unsuccessful because of the lack of a soldier. This began to diminish the king"s prestige, and a coup d"etat was dealt with by his faithful subordinates.

The king was only able to rule for a few years before being deposed and killed for treason and a new lineage ascended to the throne, but they could never be the true heirs to the throne, as they were not recognized by the Holy Sword, the guardian of the human kingdom.