MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 120

Nina was facing Liu Yang, meaning they were looking at each other. With every move made by Nina, Liu Yang could see the beauty of her face, he couldn"t stop looking at her.

Although not showing emotions on her face, Nina was still extremely embarra.s.sed by Liu Yang"s warm gaze, he was wearing a hood to cover his face. But Nina could still feel Liu Yang"s warm gaze coursing through her body.

Since Liu Yang was the new owner of Broken Village, he fed all the inhabitants and gave them new clothes, she should at least show a gesture of thanks. So Nina thought that Liu Yang would be interested in her body, gritting the teeth, she made a bold decision.

"Young master, could you help me wash my back?" Nina asked without changing her tone or expression.

Liu Yang was surprised to hear this request, he guessed that Nina was having difficulty was.h.i.+ng her back and asked for his help. Liu Yang never imagined it was because he was staring at her.

"No problem?" Liu Yang asked just to be sure.

"No problems"

"Fine, but before that, I"ll change the water, the water you are using from the barrel is very dirty" Liu Yang did not want Nina to continue bathing in the dirty water, he took another barrel that had clean water and heated up.

"Come in." Liu Yang gestures to Nina, she was stunned by the scene before her.

Nina never imagined that Liu Yang would do something like this for her, she started wondering what kind of benefits she could give him, in the end, Nina could only think of one thing, her body. As a woman, Nina was proud of her beautiful body, so she thought Liu Yang was being good to her because of it.

Before being possessed, Nina saw many women sell their bodies for money, and others became lovers of influential men, which helped them to improve their lives.

At that time, Nina didn"t know the meaning of words like poverty, hunger, and loneliness, she lived a humble life, but after her parents died and she nearly died due to some incidents, Nina began to understand the meaning of those words.

If becoming a lover of Liu Yang can change her life dramatically, why would she refuse? Nina didn"t want to feel those sensations again.

Liu Yang didn"t know what kind of thinking was on Nina"s mind, he was just thinking she was asking for help and his gesture of changing water was something he thought he should do. For no one should bathe with dirty water.

Nina got out of the barrel and showed her beauty to Liu Yang, she didn"t hide anything, every part of her body could be seen, she still turned once in front of her so that Liu Yang could have a clear view of her body. After that, Nina entered the barrel of clean water.


"Buaa" Nina stepped into the barrel, she bent down before getting up, half of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were floating in the water.

"Young master, please," Nina said casually and turned her back on Liu Yang.

"I apologize if I do something wrong" Liu Yang grabbed a sponge and began rubbing Nina"s back gently. Since he was wearing a black cloak, this scene looked very strange.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Hmmm…" Nina moaned a little as Liu Yang started rubbing her back, she was feeling very good because of the care that Liu Yang was taking. Although not showing on her face, Nina was extremely embarra.s.sed by the moan.

"Young Master, be a little kinder," Nina asked in a mosquito voice, she couldn"t help moaning from time to time because of Liu Yang"s soft touches.

"I will do my best…" Liu Yang couldn"t keep his concentration on Nina"s actions, her moans were stimulating to Liu Yang, his mind was full of perverted thoughts about it. For he was remembering the perverted things with Linda, the maid.

"Young master…" Nina felt as if her body had struck by lightning, she felt two warm hands rubbing both her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She could no longer keep her face indifferent, a flush appearing on her face from Liu Yang"s action.

"Ah…" Nina"s shy words woke Liu Yang, he was lost in his thoughts and didn"t know what he was doing. Looking at the place where his hands were, Liu Yang jumped back, he did not realize that in the moment of distraction, he did something so bold.

"Nina, I apologize for that." Liu Yang apologized, although it didn"t look because of the black cloak, it didn"t change the fact that his voice was sincere.

"The young master is funny, if the young master wants, you can do whatever you want with me, I will not refuse the young master"s advances" Nina spoke in a casual tone, she didn"t seem to mind saying those words.

"Nina, why are you saying these words?" Liu Yang didn"t understand why Nina said those words.

"Young master, I"m just someone who has no background, my parents were ordinary people, but they were killed by sent by someone unknown. For some reason, one of the allowed me to escape, but before that, he conjured strange magic that prevented me from being tracked. After that day, my life changed, during my escape, I thought of nothing but running for my life.

I starved for several days, I got lost in a dark and dangerous forest, luckily a group of adventurers were pa.s.sing and helped me get here, but as I had nothing of value, they abandoned me. After that, I lived for some time before losing consciousness and waking up a few moments ago.

Young master, you were the first person who treated me like an ordinary person after the things that happened to me, even those adventurers treated me like dead weight during the trip, they didn"t even give me a piece of bread to eat. Young master, how should I act? You treated me so well, not only me but the other inhabitants of this abandoned village.

Young master, you gave to us, what no other adventurer gave, dignity, the young master treated us like another living being like you. This is something we will all be grateful for a lifetime, if there is anything we can do to repay, we will do it even if it costs our lives. This is not just my thinking, but also of the other villagers.

Tell me young master, is my attempt to seduce the young master wrong? "