MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 122

"My dear daughter, remember, you must not let any man touch your body except the one you have sworn to love and protect."

"Mom, what does this have to do with daddy helping mom get dressed?"

"Silly girl, daddy helps mom get dressed because he"s mommy"s man. Someday, little Nina will also meet a man who will help her put on her clothes. If he does it without even blinking, he is the right man, because not everyone likes to do it."

"Mommy, so when I meet a man, will he help me get my clothes on?"

"Yes, but remember, my dear daughter, this man can"t be anyone, he needs to be trustworthy and a good heart to take care of Nina"

"Mom, I understand. Someday I"ll find a man to help me get my clothes on. "

These were some of Nina"s memories of her mother. This conversation popped into her mind when Liu Yang helped her put on her clothes.

Nina saw that Liu Yang felt no disgust or hesitation in helping her, he was just ashamed and shy. When Liu Yang finished helping her dress, her heart was touched, at which time the system activated the notification.

That was the method to win a relations.h.i.+p with Nina, although Liu Yang saw her body and helped her take a shower, none of this happened. When Liu Yang helped Nina get dressed, their relations.h.i.+p was improved.

"Nina, try moving," Liu Yang asked, he didn"t know if the sandals were the right size for Nina"s feet.

Nina spun a few times and took a few steps, her long straight hair swaying according to her movements, the dress following her footsteps and sliding down her long, slender legs.

"Young master, how am I?" Nina asked she was anxious for Liu Yang"s answer.

"Beautiful, simply beautiful" Liu Yang had no other word to go down Nina"s current image, her appearance is different from the previous one. Internally, Liu Yang was feeling like he was cheating on the Rose and Little Thorns again, even though he didn"t do anything.

"Young master, Nina"s proposal is still standing if the young master wants to…" Nina was embarra.s.sed when she spoke those words, a slight blush appeared on her face. She couldn"t finish saying her words.

"Nina… We can do this later, but before that, I want to talk to you about some issues, do you mind?" Liu Yang didn"t answer Nina"s question, as it wasn"t the right time for that yet. One part wanted to accept, but the other was too embarra.s.sed to do so.

"Yes young master, what would the young master want to talk about?" Nina noticed Liu Yang"s little hesitation after hearing her question, she was happy about it because her young master was interested in her suggestion.

"Nina, could you tell me about yourself? Like your past or your parents? "Liu Yang asked with a serious tone.

"Why does the young master want to know about this?" Nina was surprised and curious about it, she never had time to think about it. At that moment, Nina realized that there was something wrong with her family background, if her parents were just normal people, they would not be persecuted and by murderers.

"Nina, you seem to understand some things about your past."

"Yes, but I don"t know anything about it, I lived like an ordinary person along with my parents, they were just ordinary workers too. Our relatives were also ordinary people, none of them from an influential group. "

"Did your parents offend any influential group?"

"No, the parents were just ordinary farmers and had no involvement with other groups. The place where we lived was a small village away from civilization. "Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Nina, could you tell me where this village was? Or the name? "

"Yes, the name of the village I lived in was called Stone Village, the place was built on the side of a mountain, the houses were made of stone, the location was at the eastern end of the City of Swords."

Hearing Nina"s words, Liu Yang opened the world map. Looking to the east of Sword City, Liu Yang saw that there were some medium and very small cities, but the number of villages was very small.

However, Stone Village did not exist, what was in place was only broken stones carved into a mountain. That showed only two possibilities, Nina was lying, or the village was erased from the map. Liu Yang could only confirm the truth when he goes to this location.

Liu Yang started thinking about what he was going to do, go to the old Stone Village location or do the delivery quest to be able to go to the white elf kingdom without having to do the level 500 quest, but his quest of the master of souls needed to be done at level 500.

Thinking about the time he had before six months was completed, Liu Yang decided to go to Stone Village, as there was no time left to create some kind of impressive feat to please his future in-laws. Liu Yang had a plan B for this situation, and because of that plan B, he was sure it would work.

"Nina, according to the map, Stone Village doesn"t exist. Look "Liu Yang took a world map from his inventory, this was one of the basic items every player should buy as it was useful in quests where NPCs had no map.

When Nina adjusted the map to where her village was supposed to be, she saw only a large mountain range and a few holes in the mountains. This should be the location of Stone Village.

"It can"t be…" Nina went into despair, the village where she grew up no longer existed, the place where her most important memories were made no longer exists. Her body began to tremble, and she went into despair.

"Nina be calm !!" Liu Yang hugged Nina to his chest, he understood that she suffered a great shock when she discovered that her home disappeared.

Nina cried in Liu Yang"s chest for some time, she only calmed down after she let her tears fall.

"Young master, could you help Nina with her request? In return, I will belong completely to the young master, my body and soul. "Nina spoke with a resolute tone after wiping her tears, she looked straight into Liu Yang"s eyes to say those words.

"Nina, what"s your request?" Liu Yang would not refuse the request of a girl who just cried in his arms.

"Young master, I want to know the truth about what happened in the village"

Ding… Ding…

Quest: Discovering the Truth(1) - Nina wants to know the truth about what happened to Stone Village. Rank: E.

Objective: Go to Stone Village and look for clues about events.

Requirement: Have a good relations.h.i.+p with Nina.

Reward: ??

"Accept - Decline"