MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 142

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:28 PMChapter 142

The leader of the group of players followed his subordinate"s advice, he was able to complete the sudoku in a few minutes .

When the sudoku was completed, a light shone and the entrance slowly opened, the mountain wall moved and the entrance appeared .

"Very good, when we get back to the capital, I will recommend you to the general . " The commander was pleased with the group leader . As someone under his command, the commander would receive a good reward, which was better than the group leader"s reward .

"I appreciate the commander for that . " He thanked him, the leader was happy with this situation, but he didn"t know it was used by the NPC .

"Soldiers, charge!!!" The commander shouted .

"Roger !!!" The magic cla.s.s soldiers started using spells to light the way .

The path was like a little maze, the NPCs and players got lost a few times before finding the right path to the village . They only left after a few hours .

"Soldiers, we don"t have time to rest, scour the houses for clues about our target" The commander shouted, he was in a hurry to capture Nina .

"Roger !!!"

The NPCs and players broke up and started checking the houses, none of them cared what had happened to the village, they just wanted to find clues that could lead to Nina .

Since players were smarter than NPCs, they were luckier than them . The players were able to identify the locations that were used by Liu Yang and his group .

"Leader, I found clues about our target, the house I"m searching has signs of recent use, our target seems to have come out a short time ago, the pans still have some hot food, and the plates are dirty . Our target must not have gone too far . "One of the players spoke through the group chat .
"Leader, I also found clues about our targets, they seem to be a group with other players . In the house I searched for there were signs of magic use, the wall has melted and it looks like there was something hidden inside, but it was already taken by the target . "Another player spoke through the group chat .

Many players found clues about Liu Yang and his group, but it was a pity they didn"t know where Liu Yang"s group went . The only thing they could do was search for the village .

"Commander, it seems that our target has left the village for some time, my companions and I have been able to find clues about the target, it seems that she is with some other people . "

"Very good, you are doing a good job . Has anyone found out where our target might have escaped? !!! "The commander shouted, he asked everyone at the scene .

"Commander, we found footprints of three people, one giant animal, and two horses, it looks like they have amount with them," One of the soldiers reported .

"Lead the way, we need to find our target as soon as possible"

"Roger !!" The soldiers began to lead the way to the little magical maze, if they can"t get through that, none of them can find Liu Yang and his group .

"Commander, the footprints lead into this little forest, it looks like there is some kind of exit at the end of it . " One of the soldiers spoke .

"Search the forest, they should not be in this village anymore . We will"

"Roger" The NPCs disappeared after entering the forest, nor could their shadows be seen .

The players were looking at this scene with solemn eyes, they knew it was part of the quest, but they didn"t know what kinds of dangers were in the forest .

"Leader, what are we going to do?"

"Our only choice is to follow the script, but before we get in, you need to remember to use group chat for communication . Go"

The group of players also entered the forest, but they did not know that the interior was a strange little maze, and by the time, they found out, it was late .

Sometime later…

"Leader, it looks like something is wrong with this forest, I can"t see any NPCs here"

"Also here"

"I can"t see any of you or NPC . Looks like I"m alone in this forest . "

A lot of information started to appear in the chat, everyone realized that they had split up for some reason . Everyone understood that the forest was some kind of maze .

"Everyone, be calm . Let"s try to go back to where we came from and get back together "The leader suggested, but it was a pity it wasn"t working .

"Leader, I tried to do that, but I"m always coming back to the same place, this forest seems like a big magic maze . "

"Leader, I tried to mark the trees and the ground to show the places I"ve been through, but it"s unless, whenever I walk a few inches different from the previous step, the place I appear is different . To get back to the previous place you have to walk perfectly the same way you came, that"s a theory, I haven"t tested it yet . "

"Everyone, test this theory to see if it works or not . We have to get out of this place as soon as possible . "The leader said, he was getting worried that Nina might have escaped . If this happens, his quest would fail and he would lose Contribution Points in the army .

"Leader, I"m trying, but it"s not working, I keep coming back to the same place I was"

"Leader, I managed to get out of place, but then I went back to the same place as before .

"Leader, this maze is very confusing, none of us can find a way out of this . It looks like there must be some kind of puzzle again as before . "

"Leader, I think this forest is a puzzle that we need to solve to get out of here"

Many discussions started to take place in group chat, players were confused as to how they should get out of this forest . None of them had a good plan for it .

"Can any of you try to quit the game and come back in a few minutes?" The leader asked he wanted to test every possibility at the moment .

"Yes, I can do it" Some players have expressed .

"Quit the game and come back in five minutes"

"Yes," The players who spoke have left .

"Leader, do you think this can work?" One of the players asked .

"I don"t know, I hope they can get back out of the forest when they get back," the leader said in a hopeful tone . If not, everyone would be trapped in the maze forever .

Sometime later…

"Leader, I managed to get out of the forest, but the penalty is that I can"t enter the forest for an hour," One of the players said .

"Me too, the same thing happened to me"

"Also here"

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The players who left the game and returned later, they managed to get out of the forest but suffered the penalty of one hour to be able to return .

"Leader, what are we going to do now?"

"Let"s go back to the village first, there may be clues about how to get through this maze . We will leave and come back later " The group leader could only sigh about this, he knew that if they failed to get through the forest, the quest would be considered a failure .

"Yes . " The rest of the players agreed together .