MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 172

99% ... 100%

It took ten minutes to hatch the egg, Liu Yang knew it meant that the creature was rare and powerful in some way. According to general information, each type of egg needed a certain time to hatch, this changed from creature to creature, the longer it took to hatch the egg, the more powerful the creature was.

Before the eggsh.e.l.l was completely white and pure, after being fed with blood, the sh.e.l.l began to gain several lines of blood throughout the eggsh.e.l.l, which were forming strange birdlike designs.

Crack… Crack… Crack…

The sh.e.l.l began to crack and black light began to emerge from the egg, in contrast to the purity of the sh.e.l.l, the sensation that the black light gave was s.h.i.+vering as if something scary was about to come out of the egg.

Crack… Crack… Crack…

The egg cracked completely but was not broken, it scared Liu Yang. Normally, when the egg cracks, it should break completely and show the creature inside, but it didn"t happen this time.

cuá... cuá... cuá... cuá…

Liu Yang heard strange sounds inside the egg, but he could not identify which creature was inside, because of curiosity, Liu Yang touched the sh.e.l.l. At that moment, the sh.e.l.l was broken due to the touch.

What emerged after the egg was completely broken was a complete blackbird, its body was as if it were darkness itself, its three eyes were red as blood, the third eye was in the middle of the forehead.

Blood-Drinking Crow Chick (Level 1) (Legendary Tier)

Ding… Ding…

"Congratulations on receiving a new companion beast"

"Choose a name: ____________"

(Another legendary beast !!!!!!!!) Liu Yang exclaimed in his mind when he saw this scene. He was extremely happy about that, the crow was his third legendary tier animal companion. Liu Yang was curious to see the crow"s statistics, but to his disappointment, the chick had only one point in each attribute and status. This would change as the chick"s level increased as its growth rate was very high, 13.

The growth rate of the animal companion was divided between the numbers 1 to 10, the higher the growth rate, the higher the statistics gained when leveling.

Number 1 was the most common beasts, while number 10 was the rarest, the beasts that were between these two numbers, their tiers were common to elite. The tier was changed after the player made the contract or tamed the beast, the common tier remained common, the tier elite and boss only became elite. The tiers world boss and super world boss become legendary and G.o.d respectively.

Numbers above 10 belonged to special and unique beasts, this kind of beast could only be found by luck or by doing extremely rare and difficult quests.

One example was Little White, its growth rate was 15, the rate limit. The number of points it earns on certain attributes was insane, while the rest was scary.

"I choose Little Black"


"Name Accepted"

cuá... cuá... cuá... cuá…

The crow chick began to squeak like it was hungry, Liu Yang wanted to feed it with something, but did not know what to give the chick, but when he remembered the description in the egg. Liu Yang cut off his hand again let the blood drain.

The moment the crow saw that red liquid, the three eyes glowed as if it had seen the most precious thing in the world. Liu Yang realized that his guess was right, he moved his hand closer to the chick so it could drink the blood.

The crow opened its small beak and slowly began to drink the blood in Liu Yang"s hand, it looked like a harmless creature at the moment. However, Liu Yang knew that this was only appearances because of its size when the chick grows up to become a slaughter machine, it will not continue to appear docile and harmless.

cuá... cuá... cuá... cuá…

After the small meal, the crow chick was extremely happy and began to make sounds showing it. Liu Yang used his finger to stroke the chick"s small body.

cuá... cuá... cuá... cuá…

"Little thing, you"re the newest teammate of our team," Liu Yang said cheerfully, he raised his hand with the chick on top and showed it to the other members of the group.

cuá... cuá... cuá... cuá…

The chick did not understand Liu Yang"s words, it just made its sounds as if what was said was a good thing. As Liu Yang had fed the chick, it thought that Liu Yang would continue feeding it.

"Little thing, eat some more" Liu Yang made another cut on his finger and fed Little Black. The chick"s eyes sparkled when it saw that, he drank some blood before sleep.

"Young master, congratulations on your new beats companion," Nina said, she saw Little Black and think it is cute.

"Yes, we have a new mate now. Let"s keep working hard to get more companions and increase our power. "

"Yes, young master"



Everyone was happy to have a new companion, the group was getting bigger despite being another animal companion.

"Did you find anything else valuable?" Liu Yang asked he didn"t think there was just one precious item inside this great hall covered with gold coins.

"Yes young master, we found some colorful jewelry and some rare equipment"

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The four stated as best they could.

"Okay, let"s see what each one could find." Liu Yang had expectations for the things that each one found.

Nina and Sophie found some jewelry to enchant equipment, some weapons, and armor. Little White found some skill books and Little Blue found a deed of the territory, that is, the property deed.

Liu Yang was shocked when he saw the deed, he did not know where this place he could get, he only knew it would be an extremely valuable place.

After seeing what each one achieved, Liu Yang and his group continued to clean the room and take everything inside. Golden coins, jewelry, scrolls, books skills, equipment, and many other valuable things. The group left nothing in the place, not even dust.

The group took two days to clear everything, Liu Yang got a big harvest that day.

While things were very well in the game, in the real world, things were tense for Liu Yang. It was time for the school where he studied, the time had come for a visit from the three girls, Rose, Little Thorns and Tears on Sky.