MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 177

Returning home, Liu Yang went straight to his room and into the game, he was motivated after hearing Rose"s words, although Little Thorns didn"t speak, he was glad to see her too.

After the girls left, the students who were chosen began to brag about their being chosen. They were talking about how amazing they were and among other things.

In Liu Yang"s group, Zen Hi was doing this, as someone who came from an above-average background, he already had some of those att.i.tudes after he was chosen. He started bragging about it.

As the only member of the group that was not chosen, Liu Yang was quiet and listened to what his three colleagues had to say.

The students who were chosen, they were called by the, he asked them to do their best during the test as this would increase the school"s reputation. In exchange for doing well on the test, the school would give the students the highest scores on their respective challenges, the rewards were money, equipment, items and among other things.

Entering the game again, Liu Yang was still inside the tomb, he and his teammates already cleared everything. All items and gold coins went to his inventory and s.p.a.ce backpack which was given by Mrs. Veola.

"Young Master, you are back," Nina said cheerfully when she saw Liu Yang appear, she, Sophie and the three beasts also approached. Little Black was on top of the bear"s head.

"Guys, as we already cleaned the room, let"s get out of here"

"Yes, Young Master" Everyone agreed, Nina and Sophie got some light and dark items that increased the powers of their sets. Among the items found, Liu Yang found an item called Dragon Fruit, this fruit had the effect of raising the level of the companion beasts. As the weakest beast was Little Black, it was fed the fruit, its level reached 50 after eating the fruit and resting a few days.

Little Black grew to the size of a full-size adult crow.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The group returned to the previous room, another door opened on the other side of the room. That was the way out.

"Little Blue, Little Black, come back" Liu Yang put the two beasts in the cage.

"Let"s go" Liu Yang rang the door, and it opened automatically, the other side was dark.

"Young master, what do you think is on the other side?" Sophie asked.

"I don"t know, but I think it"s a safe place, that old skeleton wouldn"t send us to a dangerous place," Liu Yang said, this was just his theory, he wasn"t sure about that.

"We"ll find out when we walk through this door," Nina said.

"Yeah, let"s go on." Liu Yang was the first one through the door, Little White followed, then Nina, Sophie, and the two horses.

The place was a big red sand desert, there was nothing in the place, just red sand. The weather was hot, much warmer than the previous desert, and there was no wind, there was only the infernal heat.

When Liu Yang"s group went through the door, they were sent somewhere in the Red Sand Desert. Sweat has begun to fall from their bodies by the time they appeared.

"It looks like we"re in the middle of the Red Sands Desert, if we go further north, we"ll go into the white elf territory." Liu Yang opened the map and said, he was surprised by the location he arrived in.

"Young master, where are we going now? This place is very hot, and there is no wind. "Nina said with a low tone, her clothes were already soaked with sweat.

"For now, we will travel through this desert and train to become stronger" Liu Yang wanted to level out for now, as he had two years to complete Nina"s quest. He knew that traveling through this desert would be extremely arduous, luckily, he still had a few barrels of water in his inventory, but they couldn"t bathe or anything, that was not wasting water.

"Yes, young master"

"Let"s go" Liu Yang rode Little White, the two girls rode horses. The group began to travel through the desert.

The group traveled for less than half an hour before stopping, they meet some giant creatures, they were house-sized brown scorpions, the tweezers looked like two large claws that could break anything, the long tail with a pointed sphere at the end looked like A powerful spear ready to pierce their enemies. The scorpions lay on the red sand, it looked like they were sleeping.

In contrast to the scorching heat, the giant scorpions didn"t seem to care about the heat and were sleeping normally.

"Young master, what are we going to do?" Nina was surprised when she saw those giant scorpions.

"Nina, show the information of these creatures" Liu Yang asked.

"Yes, young master"

Red Sand Scorpions (Level 400) (Common Tier)

Liu Yang just needed to see the names of the creatures before closing the info window. To him, common creatures below level 500 were weak creatures, because his current group could easily deal with them. If the scorpions are alone of course.

The group of twenty giant scorpions was separated, each one ten meters apart.

Looking at this situation, Liu Yang began to think of a good strategy to defeat these scorpions to gain some experience.

Liu Yang, Little White, Little Blue, and Sophie level were between 200-300, while Nina was level 320, and Little Black was level 50.

Since Liu Yang had to share his experience with four things, his leveling was much slower than normal. Nina and Sophie didn"t need to share, so they level faster.

After some time a.n.a.lyzing things, Liu Yang set up a simple plan in his mind. He just needed to attack one scorpion at a time and lure away from the rest of the group.

"Go. The strategy is the same as we use inside the tomb, we only need to attack one at a time and lure it away. Got it? "Liu Yang didn"t want to risk dying, although he considered normal creatures weak, the scorpions could still do a good deal of damage when they are together. Due to the large difference between levels, the damage the group would receive was very large.

"Auuuu" But before the group could act, something unexpected happened.

Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!!

Several explosions are heard where the scorpions were.

"Little White, Little Blue, Little Black, come back !!" Liu Yang said hurriedly, he kept the three beasts.

"Nina, Sophie, keep the two horses too," Liu Yang asked the two girls to do that too.

"Come back" The two horses were sent to the cages, the two girls had that too.

"Let"s get back fast, those who are fighting the scorpions, none of us have enough power to deal with them. Let"s go "Liu Yang said, he and the girls had to guard the beasts in order not to be identified as the player who took the rare quest with a legendary NPC.

Liu Yang and the two girls started running in the opposite direction of the explosions. Despite the heat, the three put on the black cloak and covered their faces, the mask was also put to increase the disguise if the cloak is destroyed.

At the blast site, it was possible to see a large group of players, they were wearing s.h.i.+ning armor, leather and cloth clothing. Despite the difference in equipment, they all had one thing in common, the design of two crossed pistols and two small b.a.l.l.s under the guns. This symbol belonged to a famous guild called the Scout Guild, they were a guild that famous for exploring maps, instances, dungeons and the like.

At the head of the group you could see a sickly-looking young woman, looking closer, you could see that this sickly young woman was the one who was trying to get the quest with smith Smith at the Steel City lodge, but the quest was picked up by Liu Yang.

The sick girl was annoyed by this and sent players to find out who was the player who took the quest, but after several unsuccessful months she gave up and leveled up again.