MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 224

Hearing Liu Yang"s call, the four contract beasts appeared. Little White, Little Blue, Little Black and Horse 1, Nina"s horse. Silali hasn"t left yet because it wasn"t her time to do that.

Roar !!!!!!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!!!!! Cuaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!!!!!

The four animals roared fiercely as they looked at the large horde of skeletons in front of them.

After reaching level 500, Little White grew to be the size of a giant wolf three meters high and five meters long, its fur was silver with a blue glow. It looked omnipotent as it stared at the skeletons.

When Liu Yang used Little White to travel, he camouflaged the wolf so as not to arouse suspicion.

Little Blue has become a bus-sized bear, its blue skin with brown and white spots. Powerful claws and sharp skin. Little Blue was like a big hunter waiting for its prey inside a forest.

Little Black grew up to be a giant black crow. Its feathers were black as the darkness of the night while a b.l.o.o.d.y aura emanated from its body. Little Black was four meters high and twelve meters long, it was standing on its one leg. Three eyes looked at the horde of undead as if they were nothing.

Horse 1 is Nina"s horse, that was the way Liu Yang called the horse, even though Nina gave it a name. Before, Horse 1 was just an ordinary horse, but after the transformation made by Princess Relyea Goodwin, the horse turned into an extremely powerful Demonic Horse.

The horse gained the ability to level and become stronger. Its current level is only 380, as it received experience from Nina. An appearance was a large and powerful warhorse. What attracted the horse"s attention were the two horns on the head and the bright white stripes around the black fur.

The statistics for each of the beasts were extremely high. Surpa.s.sing current levels. Liu Yang"s three beasts had the level 700 common creature stats while the horse had the power of a level 450 common creature. The horse was weaker because its growth rank was lower than the Legendary Creatures.

"Nina, are you ready for the fight?" Liu Yang stroked the coat of his three beasts.

"Yes, young master. Nina is ready for the fight. " Nina was also petting her horse. The two traveled many distances together and their link became very strong. The same was the situation for Sophie with her horse, Horse 2.

"Guys, are you ready?" Liu Yang asked the beasts.

Roar !!!!!!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!!!!! Cuaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!!!!!

The four agreed as if they understood Liu Yang"s words.

"So let"s start!!!! Nina, use your buffs to increase everyone"s power. You will attack from the front. "Liu Yang waved his hand forward indicating for the four beasts to attack.

Roar !!!!!!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!!!!! Cuaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!!!!!

"Yes, young master" Nina held her staff and started summoning buffs.

"Heavenly Blessing !!! Iron Will !!! Protective Light !!! Protective s.h.i.+eld !!! Self-Healing !!! ... "Nina conjured up dozens of buffs in all. Since she was a full support NPC with some damage skills, all of her abilities were of some use for all occasions.

"Nina, create the Sacred Fields to kill all these skeletons quickly," Liu Yang asked.

"Yes, young master" Nina started to sing the spell.

"Sacred Field !!!"

In less than three seconds, a light covered fifty meters in front of them, the floor was completely white. A sacred aura could be felt in the place of light.

"Sacred Field !!!"

"Sacred Field !!!"

Nina created at least ten fields of light, as the number of living dead was very large, 40,000. Nina had to use her powers to the best of her ability.

The skeleton warriors finally arrived, the moment they stepped into the field of white light. A red number appeared over their heads, 1,000,000. The damage was critical.

The abilities of the light elements are the greatest weaknesses of creatures of the demon, undead, darkness and other types. This type of ability or magic deals twice as much damage as normal, and when the damage is critical, the damage is doubled again, that is, four times the basic damage.

Since Nina was at level 500 and her equipment was rare and powerful, her damage was very high for level 1 creatures.

Ding ...

"1 - 40,000"

The system sound echoed when the first one was defeated, but Liu Yang was not paying attention to the counter, he was looking at something else.

(Critical for a million damage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Liu Yang screamed in his mind when he saw that number with many zeros. He never imagined that Nina would do so much damage to a level 1 creature. But such a thing was expected to happen.

Level 1 skeletons were like paper coming down on the chopper. They were nothing in front of Nina"s light field. Whenever they stepped on the site, high damage would come to their heads.

Ding… Ding… Ding… Ding…  

"2 - 40,000"

"3 - 40,000"

"4 - 40,000"

"5 - 40,000"

Thousands of sounds echoed continuously in Liu Yang"s mind, this represented the number of skeletons defeated by Nina"s magic.

Liu Yang could only see thousands of red numbers on top of each other and nothing more. There were so many skeletons that whenever hundreds of thousands died, others took their places.

"Sacred Field !!!"

"Sacred Field !!!"

"Sacred Field !!!"

The effects of the Sacred Field only lasted a minute, that was not enough to defeat the forty thousand warrior skeletons. Nina had to create twenty more sacred fields before defeated the forty thousand.

Ding ... Ding ...

"40,000 - 40,000"

"The first Wave completed"

"Second Wave will begin"

"0 - 30,000"

Pang !!! Pang !!! Pang !!! Pang !!!

This time, the number of warrior skeletons was lower, 30,000. However, their level was much higher than before, 200.

(The Sacred Field of Nina can still handle these level 200 skeletons. The problem will be the next wave, the level must be much higher than the second) Liu Yang started to think about the situation.

The first wave was easy to beat, the second was also fine, but the third and fourth were very problematic to deal with. Because the levels of the skeletons will have levels very close to 500.

"Sacred Field !!!"

"Sacred Field !!!"

"Sacred Field !!!"

Nina created another thirty Sacred Fields to defeat the skeletons.


Ding ...

"1 - 30,000"

The first damage was extremely high and killed the skeletons instantly. Then, hundreds of thousands of sounds echoed in Liu Yang"s mind again. The thousands of skeletons were killed again.

Ding ...

"2 - 30,000"

"3 - 30,000"

"4 - 30,000"

Thousands of successive numbers have gone up on the counter.

Looking at this scene, Liu Yang frowned, he was thinking that the quest was too easy. Such a quest shouldn"t be that easy.

(It shouldn"t be that easy, right? Or is the worst yet to come?)

Liu Yang"s thoughts will come true in the next wave.