MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 231

The human realm was in a frenzy looking for the ident.i.ty of the black-clad player who was with Nina and Sophie. Even after many efforts, no one was able to discover that this person was Liu Yang or Ward.

This situation happened because Liu Yang"s actions were too random to be predicted by others. n.o.body could imagine that he would be able to do something like that at such a low level, or rather, start doing this type of thing at such a low level.

For large guilds, only someone with a high level or have a great influence can do an unknown rank quest. Especially because this type of quest needed many resources. Something that an ordinary player would never achieve.

Because of this thought rooted in everyone"s mind that none of them could imagine that an ordinary person would be the master of the two girls.

Currently, the most wanted person in the human kingdom was enjoying some days of peace and quiet. Liu Yang was lying in bed with the girls, Nina, Sophie, and Veola.

The four were at Veola"s mansion enjoying the time they had before they parted again. Liu Yang needed to go to the kingdom of the white elves again to complete the quest.

The quests he had in the human kingdom have now been completed. The only thing missing was the quest to get permission to go to the Federation of Independent States.

Liu Yang had fun with the girls for a few days before saying goodbye. He asked Veola to teach the girls a little bit about management, they both needed to learn this to manage the newly acquired territories and properties, these places were those that belonged to the large guilds, but were confiscated by Nina and handed over to Liu Yang.

If some comparisons were made, Liu Yang has at least twenty or thirty percent of the territory of the human kingdom in his control. This was somewhat insane, as the number of guilds that partic.i.p.ated in the scheme was many. And Nina confiscated eighty percent of all their properties and territories.

Veola agreed to teach Nina and Sophie the management tasks. The two girls will learn all kinds of things about the subject. If they don"t want to do that, they just need to hire someone they trust to do the job.

After resolving matters at Veola"s mansion, Liu Yang paid a visit to Linda, who was looking after her mansion. The two had fun in various places in the mansion before she slept deeply and contentedly.

Liu Yang rested for a day or two at the mansion, but before he left, he was forced by Alexali and Silali to do activities. The two girls drained him completely.

The trio left the mansion and went to the City of Diamond Snake, the city where Liu Yang"s girlfriends were. He met them one at a time, as he would avoid suspicions of Sick Woman.

Rose and Little Thorns did activities with Liu Yang, while Tears on Sky chatted and joked with him, as the two had advanced in their relations.h.i.+p yet. Liu Yang left a few days later.

The trip to Swamp of Perdition was a smooth one. Liu Yang already had the pa.s.s to travel through the kingdom of the white elves. He can travel smoothly through the kingdom.

Liu Yang used several portals until he reached the city closest to the swamp before traveling using Little White. He traveled as quickly as possible and got to where the two princesses were waiting.

By the time Liu Yang appeared, the two princesses were already waiting for him.

"It looks like you managed to receive the inheritance and became a Master of Souls." The princess"s soul spoke in the language of souls.

"Yes. I got it"

"Great. We don"t have much time, we need to go to the capital as soon as possible and stop a ma.s.sacre from happening "The soul spoke urgently.

"Princess, what"s going on?" Liu Yang asked the princess, she seemed to know more about the situation than the soul.

"Ward, it looks like a conspiracy is taking place in the kingdom of the white elves. Those who are trying to usurp the throne are working with someone called The True "The princess spoke hatefully, she learned from the princess"s soul that this person called The True is a very powerful person who has done many bad things with the inhabitants of four kingdoms.

"The True? Some people in the human kingdom were also working with him to usurp the throne. Fortunately, the true heir stayed alive and received the guardian"s blessing "

"That"s true?"


"Ward, we need to hurry. If not, my parents and everyone in the kingdom of the white elves will be killed "

"Yes. Let"s go"

"Wait" The soul spoken.

"Princess, is there a problem?" Liu Yang did not know what the soul wanted at the moment.

"I want you to take me with you" The soul spoke solemnly.

"Princess, how am I going to do this?"

"Take this" The soul waved a hand and a giant bow appeared before Liu Yang. The bow was made of s.h.i.+ny metals and precious jewels.

G.o.d Forest Bow - Quest Item

"What do I do with this?"

"Take it with you until the right moment appears. Pull the bow if the situation is bad "


"Human, I need your help to solve something for me."

"If it is within my reach, I will do my best"

"I need you to find some items for me to forge my body again"

Ding… Ding…

"Quest - Creating a new body - Princess Relyea Goodwin"s soul needs ingredients to forge a new body for her. However, the items she needs are very rare and precious. Rank: F

Items - One bottle of Water of Life, One bottle of Spring Water, Bones of General Skeleton, Bones of Marshal Skeleton, Ten bottles of Water of the G.o.ds

Reward: ?????? "

"Accept - Refuse"

"Princess, how much time do I have to bring these items?"

"The faster the better"

"Okay. I will bring these items, wait a moment "

Ding ...

"Quest Accepted"

Liu Yang walked to a corner away from the two princesses, they looked at him curiously.

Inside a mansion in the Diamond Snake City…

"It"s rare for you to call me, what kind of favor do you want?" A beautiful young woman spoke dissatisfied. She looked like a lover dissatisfied with her man because he didn"t call often.

"My dear Rose, can I not call you if I miss you?" Liu Yang spoke embarra.s.singly. Despite the little time together, Rose has already noticed some things about Liu Yang.

"I see… What kind of quest are you doing now? It must be quite interesting, right? " Rose knew that Liu Yang was always doing some random quests. He even got two super-powerful helpers, how can he not be doing another difficult quest?

"My dear Rose, I have a little problem here. I need you to send me some items by mail. If possible, I want these items as soon as possible "Liu Yang stopped playing and spoke solemnly. He needed to deliver the items as soon as possible.

"What kind of items do you need?" Rose understood that the items Liu Yang needs are extremely rare and precious.

"I want the items on this list as soon as possible" Liu Yang sent the list to Rose.