MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 247

The great battle between the allies and the traitors broke out completely. The big shots were forced into battle because someone used strange methods to throw their members into the area of ​​the other faction, the traitors in the case.

The two sides entered a brutal and b.l.o.o.d.y battle, the players" bodies were being piled on the battlefield. When they died, none of them dared to return, especially those who were above level 500.

They have already lost a piece of equipment they were using and a level. That kind of loss was too heavy for them. Especially those who lost a rare and precious item. Their hearts bleed at that moment.

Since everyone was in battle, no one wanted to be distracted by thinking about other players. Thus, a large part focused on the fight while a small part focused on a.n.a.lyzing the field and trying to detect the princess and the player who was with her.

While the big battle was going on ...

Liu Yang and the princess hid in the crowd of allies, the two were just walking towards the capital slowly and subtly. They didn"t want to be discovered.

So the two were holding hands.

The cooperating player was still doing her job, which was to throw brown b.a.l.l.s at the traitors and throw them all over the place.

In the middle of these explosions, these traitors were players out of battle. This causes the allies to step aside to fight these traitors. This situation was seen by the most intelligent.

(The person with the princess is doing it !!! He is moving the battle slowly towards the capital !!! But who is he ???) That was the thought of those who realized Liu Yang"s intention. But it was a pity that this was only part of it. He had another goal.

(Are you ready to cause more turmoil?) Liu Yang asked his ally.

(Yes. I already prepared everything. Can I start?)

(Yes. Make the biggest explosions possible !!!)

(Just see !!!)

Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

Dozens of explosions took place on the battlefield, these explosions took place where the big shots were, but this time, it was in the field of the allies. Tens of thousands of allies were sent flying off the battlefield. Then tens of thousands of great shots from the traitors" side were thrown to the other side.

Liu Yang made the crowd part or part of it. Tens of thousands of players breaking up was not much, as there were millions of players in the place.

His objective was to separate the big shots and make them the focus of the crowd. Since they were all rich and powerful, every piece of equipment they used was worth a great fortune. This attracted the attention of the other big shots and the smaller groups. This further distracted the players" attention.

(s.h.i.+t !!!!! He did this to the allies!!!!!) The allies" big shots started cursing Liu Yang internally. They understood that Liu Yang was also an ally when they saw him target only traitors.

n.o.body thought that he would also attack the allies. This scene was a total shock to the big shots.

Booooooom !!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

After flying out of the fight, these players were killed immediately after being hit by tens of thousands of spells and abilities.

"Rare equipment !!!!!!!"

"That"s mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Get out of here!!!!!!!!"

A fight broke out to try to get the items.

Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

More explosions started to happen and to throw players off the battlefield. The center began to decrease the number of players, while the sides started to have more players.

Liu Yang was forcing players to move to the side with him. That was his plan.

The big shots were the only ones that were worried about this, as they realized that they were everyone"s targets for having the rarest and most expensive equipment.

The battle continued for several hours, Liu Yang, the princess, and the hidden ally were walking slowly towards the capital. The speed was like a snail, but it was better than nothing.

The big shots from both sides realized what was happening, but they had no way of ending it. Or rather, they didn"t want to do that.

The only option that the big shots were able to think of to overcome Liu Yang"s strategy was just one: Use the wars.h.i.+ps and blow up everyone on the spot.

(It seems that we are being forced to use this method !!!) The leaders thought the same way.

The big shots on both sides have already suffered heavy losses from the explosions caused by Liu Yang"s hidden ally. They"ve endured a lot and their patience was already at the limit, especially for traitors.

"I order wars.h.i.+ps to shoot at the crowd !!!!" Traitors were the first to use wars.h.i.+ps.

Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

Several fleets of wars.h.i.+ps flew over the battlefield, the magic cannons started firing towards the ground. Thousands of allies players died in the blasts instantly.

"It looks like they can"t take it anymore and used the trump card. I will not lose either !!!! Activate the magic cannons !!!! " The Allies also could not stand to see their members die and ordered the s.h.i.+ps to fire.

Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

The fleet of wars.h.i.+ps of the allies began to fire towards the ground, they killed thousands of traitors players instantly like the traitors.

Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

The explosions caused by the s.h.i.+ps overshadowed the players" spells. They started running in all directions to try to escape the cannons. But at the same time, try to survive the attacks of other players.

The battlefield was much more chaotic than before.

"Run !!!!!!!!!!"

"Run away !!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Escape !!!!!!!!!!!"

Lesser groups started running in an attempt to escape these explosions. Part of the battles was stopped, but there were still millions of players fighting.

Millions of players started running in all directions.

That was Liu Yang"s ultimate goal. Seeing all the players escape from all sides and him having a chance to run with the princess.

Carriages, mounts, flying boats…

Those who had mounts or methods of transport, they summoned these things to run as fast as possible. Hundreds of thousands of players did this and started to escape.

The thought of chasing the princess was no longer in their minds. They only want to escape so they can return after the wars.h.i.+ps stop shooting.

Liu Yang and the princess escaped along with the others.

"They are running away !!!! Stop them !!!!!!!! " The leaders shouted, but it was impossible to stop everyone. They could only follow the compa.s.s and try to find the princess in some way.

The princess was already riding on Little White while Liu Yang ran along with his group of souls. He was a little distant from her because he didn"t want to be hit by the attacks.

"Kill all those who are in the place where the compa.s.s goes crazy !!!! Shoot !!!!!! "

Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!! Boooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

(Little White, activate Light Piercing !!!) Liu Yang ordered.

Little White"s running speed exploded, it looked like a laser fired forward. The only thing you could see was a line of light.

"That brown wolf is with the princess !!!!!!!!!! Attack !!!!!!!! "