MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 249

A big explosion occurred on Little Black"s back, but no damage was done. Only the was thrown away and fell to the ground.

Little Black felt only a nuisance because of the explosion. It made sounds of dissatisfaction to the princess.

"Cuaa !!! Cuaa !!! Cuaa !!! "

"Little Black, calm down ... It was just this once" The princess stroked Little Black"s back.


"Stop them !!!!!!!!!!!" The traitors shouted at the same time. They already had bleeding eyes when they saw this scene. Liu Yang was already ten meters away from the capital"s entrance.

The wars.h.i.+ps aimed the cannons at the princess and fired.

At the same time, a large group of players appeared and blocked the entrance. The entrance was completely blocked and no one can enter or leave the city.

"Little Black, come back !!"

"Cuaaa" Little Black returned to the cage.

Liu Yang and the princess started running towards the city entrance.

"Princess, blow them all up !!"

"Yes," The princess took dozens of spheres and hurled them towards the entrance.

The instant the spheres touched the players, it exploded.

Boooooom !!!! Boooooom !!!! Boooooom !!!! Boooooom !!!!

Dozens of explosions happened. The players were thrown out of the entrance.

"It won"t be that easy" A group of hidden killers appeared and surrounded the pair. But the two did not stop and continued to run.

"That"s what you think. Speed ​​Enchantment !! " The healer"s soul appeared and buff the princess. Her running speed has been multiplied several times.

"You are not going anywhere !!!" The princess was already three feet away from the entrance. The killers wanted to throw paralyzing daggers, but something strange happened.

"What is going on??"

"Why can"t she be hit ???"

"Isn"t she the target ???"

The killers were in doubt when this situation happened, none of them understood what had happened. 

The princess could not be attacked, it looked like she was some ordinary NPC who had nothing to do with the quest.

The instant the princess entered the city. Nothing happened.

"Isn"t the quest over yet ?? How is this possible???"

"He must be with the princess !!!!" The looked at Liu Yang and cut with his daggers.

"Stop them !!!!!" The princess screamed

"Divine Protection!!!!!!!" A powerful white light fell on Liu Yang"s body from the attacks.

Miss !!! Miss !!! Miss !!! Miss !!! Miss !!!

Several Misses appeared on top of Liu Yang"s head. All attacks were wrong.

"What?????!!!!!!" The killers were shocked when they saw this scene. They realized that someone very powerful protected Liu Yang.

Liu Yang took advantage of this opportunity and ran into the city. He ran in front of the shocked looks of the, they understood that the opportunity to kill the princess was over.

"Are you alright?" The traitorous players and allies had already surrounded Liu Yang and the princess.

"Yes. Thanks to you"

"How do I get my sister out of the ring?"

"Give me the ring"

Liu Yang put the ring on his finger and summoned the older princess. The instant she appeared. The system sound played for all players in the kingdom of the white elves and Liu Yang.

Ding… Ding… Ding…

"Quest Completed"

"Have an audience with the king of the white elves to receive your reward"

"Kingdom Announcement - The princess was successfully brought to the kingdom"s capital. The Allies won the battle.

As a reward, the allies will receive half of the traitor"s territories. Points earned during the quest will be used to receive rewards. The NPC who will make the exchange is in the central square of the capital.

The player by name, x.x.xXX, has successfully brought the princess to the capital, he will be rewarded with one of the capital"s free properties. He will be the first to choose before the rewards are release"

"Whoaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!" The allies cried out in ecstasy when this notification was heard.

"This can not be happening!!!!" The traitors were mourning the wrong choice.

"Princesses, are you two okay ?? What happened?" A middle-aged elf man appeared along with a group of soldiers wearing golden armor.

The surrounding players moved away when they saw the NPCs. Chief of the Royal Guard (Level ????) (Legendary Tier)

"Chief of the royal guard, I need to speak to my father urgently" The older princess spoke solemnly.

"Yes, Princess." The guards escorted Liu Yang and the two princesses to the royal palace.

"My dear daughters, what happened? Are you two able to get this far saved? " The king was a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe and had several leaves drawn, while the queen was beside him, she was beautiful, and also wore a golden robe with leaves drawn.

The royal couple was happy to see the two daughters again.

"Royal father, the kingdom is in danger. A person named The True is planning to destroy the kingdom "

"The True?" The king"s face was solemn when he heard these two words. He knew who that person was.

"Yes. He"s behind my attempted murder and little Lymseia"s illness. "

"My dear daughter, how did you manage to get here alive?"

"He helped us. He brought us to the capital. " The princess pointed to Liu Yang, he who was wearing a black cloak and covered his body.

"Him? But he is not a white elf, he is a human "The king"s words shocked the guards around him. None of them imagined that the greatest helper in the kingdom was human.

"Yes, real father, he is a human. But he is different from the others because he is "his" heir. That person"s heir "The princess tried to appease things by referring to Herman. The royal couple knew who the person the princess is referring to was.

"Is he his heir?"

"Yes, the former princess confirmed those words for me. Princess Lyna Oddmind. "

"If she confirmed those words, it must be true. Human, I appreciate your help in bringing my daughters safely to the capital. As a reward for this act of bravery and courage, I will give you a property in the capital, you can choose anyone you want "

Ding ...

The city map window appeared in front of Liu Yang. He saw that there were many vacant spots, these places were the ones that the traitors lost after the quest was completed by Liu Yang.

(Do you know which part of the capital is the busiest? You must know what I"m referring to, right?) Liu Yang sent a message to his ally. Since she was a player in the kingdom of the white elves, she knew more about the kingdom than he did.

(Yes. The best place to get a property is in the central area. All players using the Transport Stone are sent to the central square of the capital)

(I see ...) Liu Yang looked at the map and saw that there were five properties in the central square and it was next to Transport Stone. The stores were already set up and only a new owner needs to be confirmed.

"I choose this property" Liu Yang chose the auction house next to the Federation Bank. This was one of the best places in the capital.

Ding ...

"You received the deed from the auction house"