MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 262

After Liu Yang made his move.

A giant white door appeared behind him. Contrary to the terrifying feeling of the door summoned by The True, the door summoned by Liu Yang gave a feeling of peace and tranquility, but at the same time, it contained a powerful and majestic aura.

Various drawings of beings of all races and creatures were drawn, each wearing ordinary armor and clothing.


The door was opened slowly. A special warmth was felt, everyone around them seemed relaxed with this feeling.

Hundreds of thousands of white lights quickly left the great door before becoming an army of white soldiers. There were warriors, wizards, archers, and healers.

Liu Yang summoned an army of hundreds of thousands of souls. This was the army of souls. He was only able to do this because the Lord of Souls Book was activated by the system when The True used the World Summon. This was to balance the two sides.

"What is it????!!!!!"

"How did this player manage to summon so many soldiers and equate The True ??? !!!!"

"Could that book be a quest item for this occasion ??? !!!!"

"He must have taken some quest from the old princess, and as a reward, he received the bow and the book to help with the quest !!!!"

"Who is this player ??? !!!!"

"What is his ident.i.ty????!!!!!

Millions of screams echoed in the four corners of the city, n.o.body believed the scene they were seeing.

When The True used the World Summon and summoned an Army of Evil Spirits, all players were already frightened because only players with light magic can handle it.

But now, another surprise happened, a player also did the same thing, but it was an army of souls that appeared. How can they handle it ??? It"s impossible.

The group of old people who tried to force Liu Yang to show the bow before, they started to sweat cold and fear arose in their hearts. They realized that Liu Yang was not someone they should offend.

Someone who took a quest with the former princess and received two items that manage to eliminate millions of evil spirits, at the same time, to have another item that summons hundreds of thousands of souls. This person should not be offended, as he must have a very high status within the kingdom.

(That player should not be offended !!!!) That was the thinking of the old and the current leaders of the big shots.

"I see ... You managed to find the inheritance left by Herman ... Human, you are lucky to have found the inheritance" Although there is no change in the skeletal head. The True"s tone was completely sinister and malicious, he wanted Herman"s inheritance.

"My dear apprentice, show this low-cla.s.s adventurer what you have" The True ordered the player on his side.

"So you are the human who got the Master of Souls inheritance, let"s see how strong this cla.s.s is. Show up!!!" A feminine but distorted voice was heard under the hood. A gray light came out of her body before turning into a giant white wolf the size of a house.

The wolf"s body was covered with cuts and seams as if it had undergone many surgeries and battles. The instant it appeared, great pressure arose.

The corpse of the Celestial Wolf (Level 670) (Tier G.o.d)

"Auuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!" The corpse howled loudly, the sound seemed to be of agony and pain.

(Celestial Wolf !!!! This is the corpse of the wolf spirit !!!!!) Liu Yang was shocked when he saw the wolf"s name, he never imagined that he would find the wolf"s body in such a place.

"Tier G.o.d !!!!!!!!!"

"This is a Tier G.o.d contract beast!!!!!!!"

"Who is that other player ???? !!!!"

"How is that possible ??? !!!!!"

The players were scared when they saw the Celestial Wolf"s Corpse, but soon after, they would be even more scared.

"Little White, show up. This is the chance your mother is waiting for "Liu Yang summoned Little White, but he hasn"t changed its appearance this time.

A light came out of Liu Yang"s body before taking the form of a large white wolf, the size was slightly less than the corpse, but it was still large.

x.x.xx.x.xx, Celestial Wolf Cub (Level 500) (Tier G.o.d)

A majestic and powerful aura emerged when Little White appeared. Its name was hidden because Liu Yang did not want others to find out about it.

Little White looked at the group with looks of hatred and resentment, it was furious about the things that happened to its mother, now, it was being used as a slave.


"What????!!!!! Another Tier G.o.d contract beast !!!!!!! "

"This is insane!!!!!!!"

"Who is this player ????? !!!!!"

"This new wolf is the corpse"s baby !!!!!"

"What is this guy ??? How can he also have a Tier G.o.d contract beast??? !!!!!! "

"What"s going on in the game ??? Since when Tier G.o.d contract beast is vegetables to appear so many ???? !!!! "

Screams of surprise and fear echoed everywhere in the capital, no one imagined that they would see a Tier G.o.d contract beast, let alone two.

A Tier G.o.d NPC was not difficult to see, as in many cities there was one, the player can see if he is far away. But a Tier G.o.d contract beast was an entirely different situation.

Finding a Tier G.o.d contract beast was like looking for ice in the sea, something almost impossible to find. Since the game was created, only a few players had Tier G.o.d beasts and each of these players was extremely influential and powerful.

If the two players above the capital were not yet famous and powerful, they will be in the future. The levels of the two beasts can be seen, so they already had a vague idea about their power. The two were already half a step before going to the Federation of Independent States.

"Haha ... So you also got the baby from that corpse, very impressive" The True was not surprised by this scene. He imagined that this would have happened.

But the player next to him was shocked by this event, she never imagined that Liu Yang would also have a Tier G.o.d contract beast. That was a big surprise for her.

"Little apprentice, show this human your true power. Don"t let me down "The True spoke ominously before waving his hand.

"Afj.a.pfafwoowfaoofo !!!!!" The evil spirits screamed in pain and agony before charging towards the duo ahead.

"Attack!!!!" Liu Yang also did the same. Souls carried evil spirits towards them. A fantastic battle began to take place over the capital

The players in the four corners had no time to watch the battle in the sky, they had to pay attention to the creatures charged towards the capital.

The four sides were already prepared for battle.


The tanks carried towards the creatures, the great battle on the ground also started.

"Attack!" The player ordered the corpse.

"Auu!!!!" After the howling, the corpse charged towards Little White.

"Little White, you will fight your mother"s corpse. I"ll try to think of a way to get it body back, okay? "

"Auuuuuu" Little White also charged towards the corpse.

"Luminous Explosion !!!!" Liu Yang and the dark elf screamed at the same time.

The two giant wolves shone brightly before white light exploded from their bodies.

Boooom !!!!