Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 437



"Glare at me all you want brother, it doesn"t change the fact. This is you, you are too rigid," Lin Jie said without a second thought.

Li Jing did not know when she face-palmed her forehead. This was a dinner get together not a fight get together. So why then were things turning sour so quickly?

"Lin Jie, watch your mouth."

"Or what?"

"Lin Jie!" It was Lin Liqin that yelled out his name next. Irrespective of what was happening, that did not give the last born the audacity to yell at their older brother like that.

"What!" He hollered right back.. "Or am I saying what s wrong? Is it not the actual truth? When would he earn or when would he understand that all that is happening is indeed his fault and n.o.body else"s?"

"Lin Jie," Lin Liqin called out in a warning tone.

"No, leave him. Let him speak. Isn"t it not what he wants, paint me as the bad person."

"Grandfather, you know uncle did not mean it that way," Li Jing finally intervened, trying to put things on the calm.

"And why wouldn"t you side him, after all he is giving you what you want."

"Excuse me?"

That was it, she was here trying not to let this old issue blow up and ruin their family time but no. What did her granddad do? Instead he was trying to worsen the situation or had he forgotten that she"s been the one on the losing end here?

Or did he forget that he had lived his life and now was trying to control hers? She was so done with him trying to speak for her and acting like she was a one year old child in need of her mother"s milk.

"Do you mind repeating what you just said, grandfather."

"Li Jing, let it be," Lin Liqin advised.

"I am sorry uncle but someone still needs to speak some sense into my grandfather. What issue does he have with my marriage? Last I recall, it was my marriage, mine and no one else"s. Please we were already having a lovely evening, let"s not try to spoil it."

"She was fuming but because of her second granduncle she had to try to calm down.

"It is okay dear," Lin Liqin pacified. Turning to face Lin Zian, he began. "Brother, remind me, why must it be Kim Fan? And why can"t you just let this matter go?"

After listening to Li Jing and seeing that she was ready to go ballistic on him if not Lin Liqin, he calmed down and finally voiced it out.

"It was like a family something for her to marry Kim Fan. Quinyang was promised in marriage to Kim"s son then, so…"

"You made a very big mistake then. You had no right to promise Quinyang to anyone. Yes she was your daughter but she owned her life and if you did not learn that your selfishness caused you your daughter, then learn from this situation and do not lose your granddaughter too."

He paused, trying to make sure, Lin Zian was getting all he was sayng before continuing.

"Because of you, Lin Zian, you do not realize it toll now that she does not have the love of her father and her mother, all because of you. If you had allowed things to be as they were, you too would not have been lonely and my wife and sister would not be pocknosing into your wealth and who knows how many grandchildren you would have had running everywhere around you?"

He has a very strong point there but did his older brother ever see it or think of it? He was the cause of his own loneliness.

"If she wasn"t such a darling, who do you think would have saved you from Li Qi? I suggest you count your losses and think twice when it comes to the only main family you have left."

That was all he had to say. He did not need to stress so much on the matter. A word they say was enough for the wise.

For a long time, no one spoke. Everyone just watched the other with various thoughts going through their minds.

After what seemed like forever, Lin Zian stood up from his seat. The look in his eyes told to everyone that he was not joking but here for a serious matter. Well, they were too.

"Ahem! Good evening to everyone, once again."

"Good evening," they responded irrespective of the fact that they were not happy with him.

"Umm, I believe that for a while now or for a very long time, we have started on the wrong note."

"Tell me about it."

"Lin Jie…" the warning tone in Lin Liqin"s voice was even worse than what Lin Zian would have hoped to accomplish. The second he said so, even Lin Jie shut up instantly and apologized.

"Sorry. I thought that was an inner thought. Hehhehe did not know I voiced that out. Forgive me, brother."

"Good thing you did, at least I know the thoughts in that thick skull of yours."


"Well, I would like to start by first setting out an apology to the general house. I know I have been a thick headed old man and it has not been easy coping with me. For that, I am sincerely sorry."

"Brother, I think the one you should be apologizing to is your granddaughter and not us. For we here, we understand, we are family."

"And so is she, Huilang," Lin Zian defended.

"Yes, but she did not grow up with you. So it is even more harsh on her especially since it is her life you were trying to tamper with."

Hearing that, Lin Zian managed a weak smile at Lin Huilang. She was right on every side though. "Noted. I was still coming to that. I just wanted to give a general apology first."

"No. Listen to sister-in-law. Give Jing baby first, then we can come last."