Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 438



"No. Listen to sister-in-law. Give Jing baby first, then we can come last," Lin Liqin admonished.

Having heard his second brother speak, who was he to argue. Turning to face Li Jing, one could see the shame in his eyes.

He could not believe it took several years of fighting and loneliness for him to realize that he had a rare gem and was about losing her just like he did the first that shouldn"t have been lost.

"Li Jing honey," he began but his voice betrayed him and broke. The next thing they knew, they saw the patriarch of the family in tears. "I am so sorry. Please forgive this insignificant grandfather of yours.."

Even though Li Jing"s heart hurt right now, she did not want to say anything and just let him speak.

"I am so sorry for taking the joy of an actual family from you, my child and subjecting you to suffering. I am sorry for not giving yo the perfect family to grow up in and stealing the joy of your parents from you. The list is many for my wrong doing. Please baby," he shifted from his seat.

And the next thing Lin Zian did, had the mouths of his brothers and sister-in-law, hanging. He moved away from his seat and made his way over to where Li Jing was seated and before they could utter a word, he was already on his knees before his grand daughter with tears couding his eyes.

"Please forgive grandpa, Jing-er. Please have mercy and do not leave me. Please, you are all I have, forgive me. I am so sorry for being selfish and crude."


"No, allow me. I deserve this. Please baby. Please. Grandfather is so sorry for what he has done."

"Grandfather, you do not need to kneel before me. Please get up." She stood up quickly and tried to a.s.sist him but he did not want to budge.

Rather he just wanted to remain on his knees. For a long time now, he had felt bad and wondered if he was doing the right thing or was it that his brother Lin Jie was right about him all the while?

But then, his pride did not allow him to set his say straight and he kept on believing in his ignorance. This time, when he saw her almost go ballistic on him again and the anger in her eyes, it reminded him of the fire in his daughter"s and t did break him.

He saw his life flash before his eyes and the pain of losing Quinyang came flooding back in full force. That coupled with what Lin Lin Liqin said, further enhanced his pain and he saw things in a new light especially when Lin Liqin expatiated on the fact that he was the cause for taking away the parental love from a young child and subjecting her to a life of suffering and pain.

It further broke whatever back bone he had.

"Grandfather, please get up if you do not want to see Li Jing cry as well."

"No, not until Li Jing agree to grandfather, I would remain on my knees."

"Grandpa. I am not angry at you."

"But you are not happy as well. If not for your second grand uncle, by now you might have stormed out."

Li Jing sighed and then the next moment she was on her knees too, shocking everyone with her actions. "I wouldn"t do so."

"You left my life before. You got angry."

"That was because you did not want to support my love. If you love me, you would seek and want my happiness and not the other way round."

"I love you. I thought what I was doing was best for you. I did not want what happened with your mother to replay itself. I know I was selfish."

"Grandfather, you failed to see that mother was deeply in love. What good is any relationship or marriage without love? You would lose your peace and happiness in the process and if you love me, you should wish me well."

"I know my wrong doings now. I am so sorry. I have learnt my lesson and I have seen that my ways have made me lose twice. Please give me a chance to rewrite my wrong."

"Grandfather I forgave you already. Yes I was mad but even at that, I shouldn"t have cut off from you. Please forgive me as well."

"Nonsense, you did no wrong. I am sorry."

"Okay, that is it. Since you two do not want t come to a consensus, then just hug already and be happy and get up. Enough of this back and forth apology. I am tired!"

All eyes turned towards Lin jie. He did have a point but why ruin the moment?


"Just shut it, Lin Jie and give them their time," Lin Liqin scolded. "But really bro, hasten things up, you are not getting any younger."

"Neither are you," Lin Zian shot back.

"Hahhaaaa…." Li Jing burst out laughing. It was nice seeing the old brothers behave like youngsters. Soon she forgot her tears and began to laugh heartily.

"Look at her. She reminds me so much of Quinyang," Lin Huilang noted and smiled with tears staining the corners of her eyes.

"There, there, do not add to their pain. Quinyang where ever she may be would not want any of us going through this now."

"Yes. I miss her too and I know she would want us to be happy. I wish I can be where she is and make her happy too. My Quinyang, my sunshine."

Li Jing smiled at her grandfather before pulling him in for a hug.

After a minute or so, they pulled back and helped each other up. "Thank you so much child. Thanks for everything and thank you my brothers and sister. I love you all."

"We love you too," they chorused, everyone more joyed than they had come.

Finally the pending issue and hot air in the household was clear. Li Jing felt a weight being lifted off her chest after that day.