New Game Plus! ~The Struggles of a Popular VRMMO Livestreamer~

Chapter 1

 This Man, is a Popular Streamer


In these barren wetlands, among the tall tall gra.s.s, stood a single man.
With s.h.i.+mmering silver hair than ran down his back, his body was covered in pure white armor that matched it in color.
In this mist-filled wetland, the visibility was low, the dampened air made it an unpleasant place to be. But, the man paid no attention to these minor details. Clearing his mind of all idle thoughts, he waited for the opportune moment.
Waiting for what resided beyond this fog, Waiting for the giant shadow to appear.


The air shook.
The man moved.
The man reached his hand out, grabbing the katana that was sheathed in the black saya on his back.
Grasping onto the hilt, he let loose the blade.
The katana’s edge was so beautifully crafted that it could send chills down your spine. You would not think that it was real.


──Yes, It was not real.
That katana, the wetlands, the tall gra.s.s, and even the unpleasant atmosphere── They were all a fabrication of the mind, taking commands from a program. It was all fake.
The man stood in a virtual world, he was in the VRMMO「Dragon’s Krone」. He was just one of it’s players.


『Record it!』


In the corner of his eye, a pop-up window was displaying a message.


『OOOH, Time to get excited!』


More and more messages kept rapidly flooding in. Quickly glancing at them, the man then s.h.i.+fted his view to a different window.
Menu, Broadcast──
Being displayed in a new window, with a slight time-lag, was a reflection of what the man saw at this very moment.


「…… Alright, this should be OK to stream」


As the man whispered to himself, he looked in the corner of the window to see a number that was wildly multiplying.
That counter displayed the number of Listeners. It easily flew past the five digit count, and showed no signs of stopping.
That, was the amount of players that shared the same view as the man…… In other words, that number represented the number of other players where were watching the man’s「Broadcast」.


「Okay then, Let’s get things started」


As if signaled by the man’s voice, the Listeners watching his broadcast were pa.s.sionately sending in their comments.


『Eh, perhaps, are you going to fight with only that much Health?』


Reflected on the broadcast screen was what looked to be the man’s Health Gauge. It was almost depleted, blinking a dangerous red color.
That red color, in short, meant that the man was already in a perilous situation.


「Of course」


In response to that comment, the man made no notion that he planned on healing.
The man instantaneously activated several Skills.
Converting damage into additional attack power, the「Samurai」Cla.s.s Skill: 【Invincible War Technique】; The near-death skill that gives status boosts:【Perseverance】──
With a surge, red flashes surrounded the man, and from it came a power that enhanced his body to the utmost limits.


『Good Luck!』


A bustling message window.
Then, the mist swayed. The air trembled.
That was proof that the「Enemy」 had appeared.


「……O Foolish Little One」


From beyond the mist, came a low and ghastly voice that shook the earth.
And, two bright red eyes shone through──
With the trembling of air, the mist parted away, and stood there was a tremendous Dragon with jet-black wings.


「However, I shall praise you for making it thus fa-」
「Ah, Skip」


Interrupting the dragon’s words with his own, as if time itself had stopped, the dragon’s movements were frozen stiff.


『Skipping the Event Scene』


An inorganic digital voice replied back.
And just as this voice spoke, the sound of the dragon’s roar pierced his ears and blew away the surrounding mist.
An exclusive skill for those of Dark Element,【Kindred’s Roar】──
Over a few seconds, it was a fearsome skill that could cause surrounding players to lose consciousness. But it won’t work on I who has the Skill【Hearing Isolation】.
With a tiny smirk on his face, the man kicked off the ground with his left leg.
With a bang, the mud around his feet shot up into the sky.
It happened in a single instant, but the man’s figure was already nowhere to be seen.




The image being displayed to the audience changed to an aerial view where it captured both the dragon and the man.
Followed by a ring of light, the man stood before the gigantic dragon’s feet.
The man cut through the dragon’s boulder-like foot.
As blood flew into the air, the dragon began it’s counterattack.
Flapping it’s wings towards the sky, the dragon swung around and, using its giant tail like a whip, it aimed for the man.
The incredible shockwave produced made the air tremble, but once again the man disappeared.


『UOOHHH!! It’s amazing no matter how many times I see it!』
『WHAT THE h.e.l.l IS GOING ON!!』


Endless messages of praise came streaming through the pop-up window like a waterfall.


「Make sure not to blink!」


As if toying with it, the man ran past the dragon’s left foot and appeared below it’s belly; he ran to the other side by slipping underneath it. The katana sliced through the soft underbelly, and again a whirl of blood spewed forth.
Such an intense attack violently shook the dragon’s torso, It’s balance crumbled.
But, that was the time for it to strike the man with it’s next attack.
Before the man’s eyes, he could see flickering flames escaping from the corners of the dragon’s mouth.
In the next instant, a h.e.l.l-flame engulfed the wetlands, evaporating all of the surrounding moisture── An instantaneous release of【Dragon Breath】 left the soil in ruins.
A blaze of hot air spread out. The tall gra.s.s was turned to charcoal.
As if boasting, the dragon let out a loud triumphant roar towards the heavens.


『You can’t be serious!!』
『Is it…… over?』


Thinking that there was no chance of survival, unrest began spreading amongst the Listeners.




In the broadcast footage was a white shadow.
The man hung onto the dragon’s back.
Piercing his katana between the black dragon’s scales, he avoided the h.e.l.l-fire without a scratch of damage.


「I’m not done yet!」


Trying to shake the man off it’s back, the dragon went into a wild frenzy as it twisted it’s body. But again, that light came forth.
Effortlessly weaving between the dragon’s talons and fangs, splatters of blood and the ring of light danced in the air.
It was like a giant black shadow struggling against a tiny white spirit.




The camera chased after the man at blistering speeds.
Winding to the right, Dodging to the left── The dragon continued to rampage while high in the sky, but it could not separate itself from that light.




The man wore a grin on his face as he cried out.
Sprinting atop the scales, the man evaded the dragon’s attacks as he aimed for that one place. The place that controlled this giant’s body; It’s head.
Then, faster than it could react, reflected in the dragon’s red eyes was the man; his armor formed a white wall before the dragon.
The man took his beloved katana in hand, and fluidly sealed it back in it’s saya. Then, all of a sudden, a ferocious fang shot out of it.
A technique that sacrifices defense for offense, the「Samurai」 Cla.s.s skill:【Battōjutsu】──
Along with a glittering effect, materializing above the dragon’s head was a number; a damage counter that was in the six figures.


『HE DID IT!!!』


Sounding the end of the battle, the dragon’s death cry echoed out. The enormous dragon feebly fell over and perished.
What was said to be the one of the strongest boss monsters in the VRMMO game「Dragon’s Krone」: The Supreme Dragon Drake. This was the moment when the “Popular Livestreamer” 「Aran」soloed it.