Nova Roma

Chapter 245

The commander of the wall a Centaur named Giles received reports about a large number of humans seen in the jungle.

"Quickly ask Governor Marcos for support and ask that the navy patrol the coast, if they are human, anything can happen.

Also, send a report to the imperial palace, maybe we are facing the beginning of a siege against us, first monsters that were becoming trees now human, what disaster times we live …. "

At that time a young faun entered the command "General we are under siege, our boys have begun to counteract the arrows they are using."

Giles took his helmet and put on his armor "Let everyone prepare for the attack will be a long night full of blood and hopefully, the reinforcements of Governor Marco do not take long."

The attackers were men, children, and women who used whatever they had on hand to attack the wall, to climb they used improvised stairs that clung to the wall.

But for the most part, they were useless because the edge of the sabers cut the wood like paper so they did not last their stairs, not to mention that even if they managed to climb the Roman sabers they cut their throats or heads.

Letting their lifeless bodies fall on their companions causing them various fractures or death due to the fall, the stone arrows flew over the wall and many of them were stopped by the birds.

While others only crashed into the steel armor without being able to harm them, but there were a few soldiers with bad luck who suffered some injuries from the stones that broke when they collided with the steel armor.

Others without as much luck as their partners suffered damage to the face or hands, the stone arrows despite not being very hard can cut the skin easily.

In Governor"s house, Marco was sleeping when a Nahual messenger arrived at the door and was greeted by the soldiers guarding the door.

One of the servants ran to Marco"s room who was sleeping with his wife "General a Nahual messenger has news of the wall, we are under attack and General Giles needs reinforcements."

Marcos woke up and quickly got out of bed naked to change quickly. "Bring me the commanders of the guard of the province we have to leave as quickly as possible.

We cannot risk what is built by having more confidence than usual. "

The servant nodded and ran to the Nahual messenger to give Governor Marco"s answer.

In just a few minutes Marcó was changed and ready for battle "How many troops can we use to reinforce the wall."

One of his commanders responded "We can use 10,000 soldiers to reinforce the areas that General Giles needs, there are very few soldiers but we can stop the attack until dawn.

The reinforcements of the capital may come to face this threat. "

Marco clenched his fist and drew his saber "Soldiers prepare their weapons since it will be a very b.l.o.o.d.y night."

The commanders shouted in unison "Roma Invicta" and began preparing their troops, for the road to the wall.

Because of the strategic importance it had, there was a direct road, which reduced the time for soldiers and the supplies they needed.

On the wall the soldiers were still killing the natives who tried to climb their walls, many of the soldiers were tired of killing an endless enemy.

The ammunition was consumed at a speed that frightened Giles, there were more than 10 tons of gunpowder in the powder magazine of the wall and in just 3 hours 8 tons had been consumed.

The Bolts of the crossbows were also running out just like the arrows, that showed a large number of dead, in some areas of the wall small mountains of dead had been created which could pose a danger as they served as platforms for the enemies.

Giles decided to use the oil to start burning the bodies and that the enemies will find it difficult to attack the walls, soldiers began to climb the wall loaded with some clay pots that had oil.

With the help of their companions they threw them to the ground and the bodies which were filled with a black substance, some of the attackers also filled with it and made their effort to remove the substance.

Unfortunately, the oil stuck in their bodies and could not be removed, after throwing the pots the torches began to fall from the wall and the fire began to burn alive and dead.

Due to the intensity of the flames, the attackers reduced their attack by allowing the soldiers to rest after fighting continuously for hours.

Guiles could breathe calmly, this fight had won her but the resources she spent were a very heavy but necessary loss.

For an hour the bodies continued burning until the fire began to emerge enemies that had their bodies smeared with water and mud ready to continue their attack.

When the soldiers saw him they filled them with Bolts and lead b.a.l.l.s from the muskets, some of the enemies were so lucky and they ended up on fire because they were filled with Oil that was on the ground.

The level of the fight increased due to the smoke that permeated the environment and the soldiers had difficulty seeing them, fortunately for situations of that style the protective were distributed among the soldiers next to wet rags so that they did not suffer from the smoke.

Something that surprised the soldiers on the walls was that the enemies still with fire in their bodies tried to climb the walls, but their stairs yielded by fire and fell like fireb.a.l.l.s to the ground where they had just burned.

Giles learned from a messenger that the matter was not better on the coast since the navy was facing hundreds of improvised canoes and the situation is too dangerous because the enemy can overcome the s.h.i.+ps of the Navy in the pacific...