Nova Roma

Chapter 246

On the Pacific coast of the defense wall of Troy, the soldiers and sailors were working to destroy the hundreds of improvised canoes that were approaching the coast, to do that they use shrapnel with the cannons and Ballistas.

Because the wood to make large s.h.i.+ps in the Pacific is not ready yet there are only some caravels that are responsible for defending the south wall against any threat.

The problem is that before them there are a lot of small canoes or pieces of wood with what they are trying to reach the coast.

One of the sailors who was shooting with his crossbow looked at one of his companions "How long do we have to endure this great attempt to invade these natives."

His companion who was using a ballista with which he destroyed one of the canoes that had children and women, who began to drown "These d.a.m.n garbage have no end, I wish we had all the strength of the Atlantic marina.

With it, we don"t need to be suffering from those canoes or floating pieces of wood. "

The captain approached them while holding his forehead that was bleeding "Boys we will have to resist for a while longer, a Nahual messenger just informed us that on the ground the cavalry is hunting the savages that are pa.s.sing our blockade.

The governor"s reinforcements will take an hour to arrive and the capital is already sending the Alpha legion for our support. "

The captain clenched his fist "With a demon as it hurts, be careful with their heads they are using stones and spears to attack us."

After this, the captain prepared to continue his check-up on his soldiers when a spear pierced his neck, the killer was a young man of about 13 years did not have time to celebrate his death because one of the guns fired shrapnel where he and his companions were.

Shrapnel destroyed their bodies leaving them dismembered as their bodies fell into the water where sharks began to devour them.

Because of the large amount of blood in the water, thousands of sharks gathered and began hunting, anyone who fell into the water or had a limb in the water was doomed.

Some pieces of wood that the natives were using to get to the coast did not allow them to have their feet up so they were in constant contact with the sea.

Gradually the natives who tried to reach the coast were pulled into the sea by sharks, who dismembered them underwater.

The water was full of human remains and pieces of wood, which prevented them from continuing with canoes without mentioning that the blood encouraged sharks to collide with improvised canoes or rafts and caused the occupants to fall into the sea.

Where they could only be a few seconds before they were taken to the bottom where they would be turned into shark food.

Little by little they began to give up in their attack to be able to move to the other side, the lucky few who succeeded and did not die, were with cavalry that came to kill them.

The sailors took breaks when the situation was under control, it wasn"t until dawn that the Alpha Legion and the Equorum Insulae cavalry appeared on the coast.

Admiral Falacro used one of his Caravel"s lifeboats to reach the coast, along the way the scent of blood and gunpowder stung his nose.

From time to time he could see in the water the human remains of the poor b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who died without being able to defend themselves against sharks, the only similar scene he could see was when he was a young man and he partic.i.p.ated in the battle against Marco Antonio where Octavio"s s.h.i.+ps they destroyed the Egyptian and rebel navy.

Only at that time, there were no sharks like those that were feeding all night, some sailors had nightmares and even he all this due to the cries that the natives made while they were slowly devoured by the sharks.

When he reached the coast he could see some soldiers wearing full leather suits, protective, and mouth covers while cleaning the coast of human remains.

The leg Leonel was in charge of receiving Admiral Falacro in a small fort located near the coast, on the way he could see some crosses that had some of the natives who had managed to pa.s.s with their crimes in his chest.

The crimes ranged from cannibalism to rape, Falacro could only shake his head, if he had had more s.h.i.+ps he could have stopped the natives with his stupid canoes and makes.h.i.+ft rafts.

In the fort, he went inside until he reached the meeting room where General Leonel was torturing one of the natives who seemed not to speak.

"Very good s.h.i.+t, you know what you did. You cut off a girl"s head. It was if a baby and you killed her."

The dirty native opened his mouth and tried to bite Leonel who punched him in one of his eyes causing the native"s eyeball to be destroyed.

Leonel cleansed his hand and turned to see Falacro "You know these garbage are quite resistant or are too stupid, they have the strength to kill girls or rape women very easily.

But they have no intelligence to be able to start any conversation with us, they would be the perfect soldiers but being idiots they do not serve our cause.

The only thing they serve is to be living tests for our weapons. "

After this Leonel took out his saber and made a diagonal cut in the head of the native who dropped half of the subject"s skull, with his saber checked the cerebral cortex that was exposed.

"I see normal the cerebral cortex but we will have to wait for the autopsy of the inquisition to know if we face humans or something humanoid, whatever we have a big problem at hand that we have to solve.

Do not you think Admiral Falacro ... "