Nova Roma

Chapter 46

Marco organized the new slaves to carry out the construction of the fortified port city of Cozumel, although Flavio does not like slavery very much but it is better than simply starting a genocide of natives, the conquest of a place is always full of blood all empires and great nations stand on the skeletons of thousands.

The Carib children were handed over to the caretakers who took care of them so that they could grow up without any kind of trauma, as the older children were taken to a prison fortress near Origin Civitatem where they will be reformed to become Roman citizens.

Priests and priestesses also came for the proliferation of the sacred scriptures among the natives, they would make the Caribs understand that their G.o.ds did not seek their good because they were forced to fight and consume human flesh.

The biologist elf Taneri was a.n.a.lyzing the coconut palm tree, discovered that the plant liked warm climates and saline soils, when it was in its shoot period it was very important to cover the sun to avoid damage, all this registered in a book while with the help of the slaves he began to take care of coconut palm shoots

With the help of the framework they prohibited consuming coconut because each coconut was a new palm tree that could help the empire in the future, mainly in the northwest region of Mexico where the arid land was very abundant, the palm tree could offer shade and a fruit with water, they took some Plants to Origin Civitatem and others distributed them by the Yucatan peninsula for its sowing.

As the weeks went by, hundreds of merchants and new Mayan and Roman settlers settled in the fortress and surroundings, being a relatively large island, it was perfect for animal breeding. Horses of Hispania were brought by the ancestors of the Andalusian horses and sheep of Hispania. of the Merino sheep all of them able to resist the humid and hot environment of the Caribbean.

As Cozumel was the capital of the province of Americae Centralis and logistic center for the future conquest of the province, Flavio needed a very responsible governor for the place, therefore, he chose Marco as governor, sent a letter so that he could return and celebrate his triumph over the Caribs.

Marco was extremely happy for the election of the emperor, he took some slaves who were the most rebellious and Bacairi who was in a cage as a zoo animal, he also brought with him some of the macabre material that the Caribs made with human skin, he also carried the tools they used and some normal crafts that they made of clay.

In the boat trip Marco was happy since his name would be in the textbooks of the empire, one of the things that Flavio did was create books where every aspect of the empire is recorded from the typical life of a Roman in Origin Civitatem until conquests all this free information so that any citizen can see it when they want, Flavio does not want his descendants and future citizens are ignorant about their origins because history is what gives ident.i.ty to a nation.

When they arrived at Origin Civitatem they were received by the imperial orchestra led by Hazel who played for them "Donec Domum" (Preußens Gloria), while the population threw colored papers on their entourage, in the front was Marco along with some of his tribunes in the back some of his soldiers taking care of Bacairi and the trapped Caribs.

They traveled all over the city until they reached the first triumph arch created for the first victory, describing how the Caribs of Cozumel lived and their cruel acts of eating human flesh and using human skin like any other, the Romans were terrified by this fact, even the wildest Germanic tribes did not do such acts.

In the monument, Flavio gave a small speech where he commits himself with his people to bring civilization to all the Caribs and to prevent the act of eating human flesh from ever repeating itself.

While he gave his speech Emperor Flavius ​​one of the captives looked at him with hatred was the main shaman of his tribe believed in Amalivaca his creative deity, could not be happy while his people were enslaved by these white subjects, thanks to the blessing of his G.o.d He could understand what his leader was saying.

I could not believe that they judged them by eating human flesh their deity allowed them to consume the meat this prevented their tribes from suffering from overpopulation and the use of human skin is much better than occupying that of animals.

The shaman was increasingly angry and I ask his G.o.d Amalivaca power to be able to face this leader who judges the actions they have been doing for generations.

A light fell from the sky towards the shaman who felt a superhuman strength that he had never felt, he broke his chains and killed the soldier who had by his side ignoring the cries of the population he launched himself on Flavio intending to kill him.

Flavio looked at the light that illuminated the prisoner could know that it was a blessing of an unknown G.o.d was prepared to fight liberating his divinity when the prisoner killed the guard with a blow and pounced on him, concentrated his divine energy on his fist.

The clash between these two deities caused a small shock wave that launched the Praetorian guards and separated them both by a few meters.

Flavio looked with hatred at the shaman but at the same time, he had a smile on his face so he could finally prove his divine strength with someone.

The two ran to fight, the blows between them were so fast that they only left trails in their wake without mentioning that some parts of the street showed areas of destruction where the two pa.s.sed.

Flavio elusive one of the blows that the prisoner gave him and returned the punch with a force that made it fly flying over the arch, the shaman spat blood he knew he was dead but still wanted to fight to the end.

His eyes shone crimson as he left the monument and ran with his last strength to hurt Flavio but before he could do something, h.e.l.lena appeared with a sword running from the left side of the prisoner.

The shaman realized this but it was too late to dodge, he only felt that his vision fell while he saw his body before dying.

h.e.l.lena had decapitated him, the lifeless body of the prisoner rolled around the place until he reached the feet of Flavio who stopped him with one foot.

Citizens and soldiers seeing the end of the prisoner far from being afraid they shouted and cheered "Salve Flavio" "Salve h.e.l.lena" "Rome Invicta" after this the guards and the citizens sank paying great respect to the emperor and empress.

Flavius ​​seeing this scene shouted, occupying his divine energy "The enemies of the empire will surrender at our feet, it does not matter if they are G.o.ds or mortals, the empire will be built on his blood, Rome Invicta"

All the people of Origin Civitatem listened to their emperor and shouted in unison "Roma Invicta", in the textbooks this event was described as the beginning of a sacred war against those G.o.ds who were not willing to join the empire.


Ty for reading this chapter, just a few chapters more for end this volume and star the next volume "Divine War in America"