Nova Roma

Chapter 47

After the attempt, Marco apologized to his emperor for endangering him by bringing such a threat to the capital of the empire "Forgive me your majesty was not my intention ..."

He wanted to continue but Flavio interrupted him "Marco, this was not planned by anything or anyone it was only a matter of time before the G.o.ds will help their people, this only means that we have to have a harder hand, despite having their bodies blessed by G.o.d they are still human therefore there are ways to kill them, we will create a special organization to hunt them, they will be called The Inquisition "

Marco was surprised by the words of his emperor, he knew that this new organization would be of vital importance to avoid casualties related to divine blessings.

"Marco very well, I need you to go to Cozumel, it is important to maintain order, I will inform you how it is possible to detect those compatible with the divine blessings, meanwhile take care of the island and prepare for any contingency"

Marco bowed his head before his emperor and retired from the room had a lot of work to do in Cozumel.

After the departure of Marco from the hall, Flavio rubbed his temples had to make a meeting with the G.o.ds Zeus, Anubis, and mother Tonantzin, we must make countermeasures against this new threat while thinking a lightning bolt fell very close to the imperial palace "This rain upset

He got up from his chair and went to look for his wife who found him playing with his little ones, they started to walk in spite of having only 9 months this was a bit happy. Flavio approached and hugged his two little ones. mom will go to see the grandparents, stay with Lilith "

The two little ones nodded and flew with Lilith who had come in to take care of them, meanwhile Flavio took his wife by the waist and left to take the carriage.

h.e.l.lena accompanied her husband by leaning her head on his shoulder, they got into the carriage that took them to the big temple, on the way Flavio was worried that h.e.l.lena noticed that she did not hesitate to hug Flavio on the back "Everything will be fine sweety, I am I"m sure we"ll find a way to stop these guys before they try to harm the empire. "

Flavio took h.e.l.lena"s hand turned his face and kissed him "Thank you love"

On the outskirts of the great temple, h.e.l.lena and Flavio entered it was time to plan the next course of action with the future inquisition

In the temple of Zeus time stopped, unlike other times the temple magically changed revealing a large table where sat Zeus, Anubis, Mother Tonantzin and two more divine beings, one was Huitzilopochtli and the other Ares.

"I see that you are Flavio that talk so much in the Olympus is a pleasure to meet my nephew and uncle at the same time" Ares said while watching Flavio

"And you must be h.e.l.lena my aunt/niece, you are not bad at all thinking that you are descended from Anubis who is a jackal"

Flavio said nothing but h.e.l.lena looked at Ares as if she were garbage

"Gentlemen, we are going to prepare to defend ourselves from these attacks or we will fight for things without sense" Huitzilopochtli said crossing his arms while he saw h.e.l.lena and Ares.

The two stopped seeing each other and calmed their desire to kill each other, for Ares could not believe that his nephew had married a woman descended from those decadent G.o.ds of Egypt while for h.e.l.lena could not allow him to insult the grandfather.

When they took seats, the meeting began

Flavio began to speak "As you know I was attacked in the triumph of one of my trusted generals by a shaman captured from the Caribs, somehow he could contact his G.o.d so that he could give him a blessing, there is some way to prevent them from interfering with other G.o.ds in the empire? "

Ares looked at Flavio "There are many but the one that works best is to build defensive pillars, these contain divine enchantments that create an area that invalidates any clear external blessing that is only valid for divine power borrowed, it can not stop a G.o.d but I doubt that someone dares to attack 3 pantheons combined "

Huitzilopochtli looked at Flavio while making strange pictograms in the air that floated releasing red energy that was visible

"I do not know much about the spells they say but if we can add these stamps to their defensive pillars we can have an advantage for our troops while they are in our area they will receive a small amount of divine energy with which they will have advantages to attack and defend"

Anubis also spoke "The monuments are important but it is more its security if you can place figures of animals these can function as guardians protecting anyone trying to destroy the pillars for that it is enough to write down some inscriptions to occupy the elemental energy of the environment to work"

Zeus and the Tonantzin mother nodded as they looked at each other. "Well that solves the expansion of the empire abroad but the nucleus is more important, we are going to create protection occupying as a canvas this sacred set of temples for that I need to be allowed use his divine energy Flavio and h.e.l.lena "

The two accepted and began to release their divine energy, all the G.o.ds were surprised when they saw that the energy of Flavio and h.e.l.lena combined perfectly joining reaching a balance that even for the G.o.ds is almost impossible to do.

Despite being surprised Zeus, Anubis and mother Tonantzin did the same, Origin Civitatem clouds were opened leaving a sky completely free of rain and a giant golden light illuminated the entire city as if it were a liquid that runs street by street and house by house all the places where the energy pa.s.sed were impregnated with hundreds of stamps.

This protection extended 200 km to the round, after finis.h.i.+ng the ritual they all stopped releasing their energy.

"This force field can defend even from G.o.ds, they are 200 km free of any threat, use it wisely and teach your descendants to take care of it because it is the defensive nucleus against creatures or G.o.ds" Zeus said a little tired

Tonantzin mother equally tired looked at Flavio "We have complied, from here it is up to you and your people defend the empire"

Anubis was releasing smoke from his mouth "My daughter I have put the knowledge of your ancestors for the construction of guardians I hope you can help"

Ares and Huitzilopochtli saw their parents tired and like Anubis, they gave knowledge to Flavio.

Zeus spoke "That"s all we can do at this moment for you, remember to visit us and when you can visit your father"s temple maybe I can explain many things I think you would like to see your grandchildren"

After this the G.o.ds disappeared, leaving Flavio and h.e.l.lena at the entrance to the Temple of Zeus ...