One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 10


When this thought rang through his mind, he couldn’t help but feel like it was ridiculous. Even if he awakened into a demon, why would his personal tastes in food change to eating trees or gra.s.s? He shook out all thoughts of eating the tree out of his head.

On the other hand, Zhao Yan Qin was bouncing around with enthusiasm ever since she confirmed that he had inherited the Undead Tree. She quickly dragged Xu Liao by his arm and dashed straight into the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre.

The interior appeared to be quite modernized, contrary to the exterior. There were all sorts of digital appliances and equipments that were advanced. If we were to compare the interior with Google, Oracle, Amazon, the latter would be put to shame. Every function within the centre was mostly automated. Other than three to five employees managing the area, it looked pretty much empty. The employees were relaxing on the couch, chit-chatting. It wasn’t expected of the northern city organization to have such a high proficiency in workflow.

Zhao Yan Qin’s sweet voice rang over the service counter. The counter was made out of a similar black metallic texture found on the train, however it had intricate ornate lines tracing the edges of the counter. The employee smiled while his fingers tapped a few functions on the visual display in front of him. In a mere ten seconds, the employee produced a transparent card that looked like a piece of gla.s.s; it had a mosaic gold trim on the borders of the card, Xu Liao noticed several faint looking lines within it.

Zhao Yan Qin froze for a moment as she stared at the identification card in Xu Liao’s hands. She stomped her foot lightly and exclaimed: “I have awakened for more than ten years.. and worked so hard to get my Silver Card!! And you! You just awakened and got the Gold Card? The secondary level blood pulse had so much advantage?!”

Xu Liao noticed Zhao Yan Qin eyes turn green with envy. He took a few steps back and stared at the Gold card in his hands. “This .. this is the Gold Card? Didn’t you say I will definitely get the Newcomer Card?”

The employee behind the counter gave a light smile and explained: “The secondary level blood pulse is already impressive, coupled together with the Undead Tree blood pulse which is considered one of the most precious blood pulse within the secondary level, it is said that this combination is highly sought by many. However, the reason why he had received the Gold card wasn’t because he had awakened a secondary level blood pulse, instead, it was because his demonic powers were strong enough to fulfill the Gold Card requirements. If it weren’t for the Heavenly Monument to test his blood pulse and finding his blood pulse inheritance, he could even be eligible for a Platinum card.”

At that moment, when Zhao Yan Qin was about to open her mouth to reply, an idea flashed in her mind. She quickly cupped her mouth and nodded her head firmly, accepting the employee’s explanation.

Xu Liao flipped the identification card a few times in his hands, trying to a.n.a.lyze it. “Isn’t it just a demon identification card? What is the difference in grade?”

Zhao Yan Qin slapped Xu Liao’s head lightly. With some envy in her eyes, she explained: “The Gold card has additional benefits. Every card has limitations. The Gold card has lesser limitations when compared to the Silver Card.   As for these limitations, you will know them in the future. Other than for identification purposes, the Gold card is still a wonderful piece of technology. The transparent portion of the card can be used as a screen; all operations within the card can be done via touch screen functions. Any card lower than this, including my silver card, do not have this function.”

“I see, I see..” Xu Liao muttered and nodded obediently at everything Zhao Yan Qin said. However, in truth, he still could not fully comprehend what she said. He only understood that this card had intelligent features.  He even threw occasional questions about the Gold card to the employee. Suddenly, a young man burst out from one of rooms in a hurry. This was the same young man that Xu Liao and Zhao Yan Qin had seen while exiting the train cabin. The young man paused his steps for a moment before giving both of them a friendly smile.

Xu Liao smiled and waved. “Are you here for an errand too?”

The young man that looked like a high school student was slightly stunned, and he said with a light smile: “I’m not here to run errands, I work here.”

Xu Liao’s face  was full of amazement. He asked curiously: “Wow. You’re not older than us by much, yet you are working already? The benefits of being a demon seem really good. I wish I could be like you. To get a job here, coming to this relaxing workplace and won’t have to go to school. Do you come here to do nothing but use the internet, play video games then go home? What is your monthly income? Is it higher than the average income of the northern city?”

The faces of the employees working within the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre turned dark. Staring at Xu Liao while emitting a killing aura. However, Xu Liao was totally oblivious to them. The atmosphere grew tense. It did not have the relaxing feel like before.

However, the handsome young man just laughed. “If you want to work for us, you can! I can make the necessary arrangements for you. The Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre has always been lacking manpower. Who doesn’t like a relaxing work life? That’s why they avoided working in a government like this place.”

Xu Liao didn’t catch the young man’s words clearly as his face lit up in joy, and he casually said: “At such an age, you can start coming to work and even hire people to join. You guys must have a lot of authority…”

The employee that handed out Xu Liao’s identification card was dumbfounded but he could not hold his anger in any longer. He shouted loudly: “This ‘young man’ is our Commander! How dare you call him ‘at such an age’! He is already 16,700 years old! When he was born, humans were still monkeys!”

Xu Liao stared blank in shock. It sounded so ridiculous and his logical mind was screaming in resistance. But, when the other employees started to stand up slowly with serious expressions on their faces, he could only swallow his saliva and choose to believe it. Xu Liao felt like digging a hole and jumping in to hide his shame.

The handsome ‘young man’ who resembled a high school student simply stood there without erasing his smile from his face. He lifted up his palm towards the employee who was about to initiate his transformation, gesturing him to stop. He then said with a gentle voice: “My name is Xu Fu, Commander of the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre. Since you wanted to come to work, then I shall arrange a more relaxing job for you. There’s a job to safeguard the entrance portal to the human world, it is a very suitable job for you.”

Xu Liao’s mouth opened but no words could come out. Even Zhao Yan Qin started to be more vigilant.

Even this undaunted young demon girl, despite having nerves of steel, felt a little pressure. Her beautiful face shrunk back, and looked slightly pale. Xu Liao had no idea how strong was the employees of the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre and their Commander. However, Zhao Yan Qin was different, she had awakened for over ten years, of course she knew how strong Xu Fu was as a demon and how highly ranked he was in the Million Demon Clan even though she had never met him in person before.

The jurisdiction zone of the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre covered four provinces and two cities. Within the Million Demon Clan, there would be three palaces, six courtyards, seventeen a.s.sociations. Out of the six courtyards, he ranked first of the sixth courtyard. The Commander’s authority is higher than any of the human officials, comparable to the presidency of other larger countries.

With Commander Xu Fu as the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre head, not only is he respected within the ranks, his personal strength is absolutely tyrannical. Not only is he ranked top ten in the Million Demon Clan, he is also ranked top ten as the world’s strongest demons. His origin is mysterious. Almost n.o.body knew where he came from, and what his ident.i.ty was before. The official website of the Million Demon Clan only had vague information about him. Not even photos of him were recorded. However, there were plenty of rumours of his power, such that every demon should know him.

With a mere casual wave of his hand, every employee within the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre acted immediately. Soon enough, Xu Liao received a bronze key and details of the job were transmitted to his identification card.

Xu Liao hurriedly scanned through the information and realized that the area where the portal was located was already abandoned for a long time. It was no longer suitable for demons to live there. The job was to safeguard the gate and prevent any normal humans from entering by mistake. Even better, the entrance itself was located inside an area that had no human activities. It has been decades since the last human entered by mistake.

“This job seems relatively easy……” Xu Liao murmured to himself.