One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 9


At the foot of the Heavenly Monument, Xu Liao felt giddy with excitement. He exclaimed: “Is such a wonderful thing even possible?!”

Zhao Yan Qin cupped one hand over her mouth and giggled as she lightly shoved Xu Liao towards the Heavenly Monument. “This is one of the many benefits of joining the Million Demon Clan. However, the newly registered demons that are able claim inheritance from their blood pulse numbered less than three in total a year. So don’t raise your hopes too high, because the higher it is, the larger the disappointment. “

Xu Liao nodded and casually asked: “Did you obtain any blood pulse inheritance?”

Zhao Yan Qin just laughed and wagged her index finger playfully. “This is the biggest secret of every demon. Unless you are very close with me, otherwise, why would I tell you?”

Xu Liao forced a smile, realizing that he had said something insensitive. He looked towards the Heavenly Monument and walked near it, following Zhao Yan Qin’s instructions; he pressed both palms onto the monument and silently guided the demonic energy within his body into the Heavenly Monument. As soon as his energy collided with the monument, he felt something churning in his stomach, emitting strands of demonic energy into the Heavenly Monument. Once the demonic energy fused with the Heavenly Monument, he saw a large white cloud enveloping his entire body. Thousands upon thousands of roars could be heard within the white cloud, made by all sorts of terrifying creatures and demons as they started to reawaken from their slumber.

Xu Liao couldn’t sense any connection between any of these demons. The demonic energy continued to sweep past the white cloud, as if it knew that none of these demons are worthy of it. Without hesitation, it started to soar deeper into the Heavenly Monument.

In that instant, the demonic energy pierced through eight white clouds and continued trailing towards the last white cloud without a hint of slowing down.

Xu Liao started to realize that these white clouds were actually seals and he was on the verge of breaching the ninth seal.  The higher the seal was located, the stronger the demonic powers of the demons within. He discovered that the fact that his demonic energy could reach the ninth seal proved how strong his blood pulse was.

However, just as Xu Liao thought he could find a worthy demon within the ninth seal, his demonic energy actually pierced through and shot past it!

Xu Liao stood aghast. He was absolutely speechless at how overwhelming his demonic energy was.

The next moment, Xu Liao felt his body was light as if he was floating. A blinding light flashed, and the Yun Xi Palace, together with the Heavenly Monument disappeared. Instead, a majestic temple towering over thirty three floors appeared in front of Xu Liao.

The temple gates swung open, and countless of generals and soldiers poured out from the heavenly temple like a huge wave. There were thousands of ancient weapons, myriads of magical spells shooting around in all four directions, and that wasn’t even all, there were arrays of profound skills and elemental barrages clashing with each other outside the gate.

An endless amount of demons, under the command of a seven head G.o.dly demon were attacking the heavenly temple.

With each pa.s.sing second, countless of demons, generals and soldiers perished. The blood of the demons and the heavenly temple’s soldiers were so thick that it eventually formed an ominous dark cloud that emitted a yellow fog which enveloped the entire battlefield. Flashes of green coloured lightning crashed into the ground, killing anything in its wake.

The seven head G.o.dly demon clad in a mighty full plated golden armor suddenly let out a howl that could sever spirits. Its body bulged and its power grew into unfathomable levels. He struck his two quarterstaffs on each hand together; merging the two into one as divine lightning crashed upon the two poles as if the creation of the weapon defied the heavens. The demon suddenly swung his staff in an arc, smashing anything it comes into contact with into blood mists. The battlefield fell silent for a moment, countless of generals and soldiers perished under that single attack.

The purpose of the a.s.sault was not to eliminate the army. Instead, it was targeted at the giant tree that was providing the spiritual energy to the heavenly temple.  The giant tree grew for thirty tree days, with infinite branches and leaves shooting into every floor of the temple.

All of a sudden, an immeasurable amount of mighty attacks from the heavenly temple targeted the G.o.dly demon. However, the G.o.dly demon’s armor deflected every single attack as if it was nothing.


One swing from the G.o.dly demon decimated the entire defense line of the heavenly temple, and shattered right into the giant tree. The whole thirty three floors collapsed into half of its height, the fragmented broken debris from the heavenly temple flew everywhere.

The G.o.dly demon clad in the mysterious golden armor used up its entire energy pool with that swing. However, it wasn’t just because of the attack that drained his energy completely; his attack had also deflected countless of magical attacks and weapons. The G.o.dly demon spurted out blood from its veins and was unable to use any more energy to sustain his transformation. He shrunk rapidly, spurting even more blood, forming a blood rain. At that moment, appearing out a nowhere, another G.o.dly demon clad in a black armor armed with two crescent shaped warglaives jumped in front of the golden G.o.dly demon.  He gave a snort. With a flick of his hand, he summoned thousands of dark thunderbolts to parry the attacks from the heavenly temple’s army.

When the dark thunderbolts clashed with the magical spells and weapons, the magical spells and weapons immediately disintegrated without resistance.

Xu Liao felt his body burning up. Amidst the chaos, a drop of golden demon blood splashed onto him. Suddenly, he realized he could move his limbs. He twisted his body slightly and pushed his eight strands of dark aura as thick as pythons out of his body, absorbing the essence from the giant tree and growing larger in the process.

Until this moment, Xu Liao did not have any self consciousness. Ever since the drop of blood from the golden demon splashed onto his body, he began to regain his self consciousness. He realized that he was a little bud that grew on the giant tree, but after regaining control of his body, he began to separate himself from the tree. It was as if he was an odd plant with countless of branches and leaves, he had roots but was not stuck in the soil. Some of the leaves grew out shoots, each blooming with thousands of ten-coloured flowers. Each of the flowers had circles of dark aura and was bloodthirsty.

When the ten-coloured flower vines finally emerged, Xu Liao felt an extraordinary feeling overcome him. But just as he could experience it a little longer, the entire thirty three floored temple vanished. The b.l.o.o.d.y scene of death dissipated without a trace. The very next moment, Xu Liao found himself free falling towards the ground.

As he was falling through the ninth seal, he spotted a strange root; it emitted an aura as strong as dragons. The sight of the giant tree where the root was growing was blurry. Drawn in by its power, Xu Liao couldn’t help but use both of his hands to grab at the tree. He managed to grab a branch with leaves, but could not stabilize his body. His hand slipped and he fell straight through the nine seals.

A moment later, Xu Liao found himself in the same position from when he started, with two hands pressing on the Heavenly Monument.

He felt that everything he experienced was real, but he could not wrap his head around any of it. It was as if it was a dream or an illusion.

Xu Liao closed his eyes and concentrated. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open in surprise. He realized that the demonic energy in his body grew larger in size and there was a growth between his eyebrows. The growth kept wriggling and started to devour the demonic energy within Xu Liao’s body. It continued to grow larger, without a fear of anything.

Just when Xu Liao was still lost in a daze, unable to figure out what is happening, Zhao Yan Qin screamed in excitement. “It’s the Undead Tree!! I knew it would be the Undead Tree! What you have just awakened was the Undead Tree Blood Pulse. This is one of the hundred and thirty eight secondary blood pulse!”

Xu Liao felt as if something was still off, but he kept it to himself. He didn’t mention the b.l.o.o.d.y scene that he witnessed, and neither was he intending to discuss with anyone. He firmly believed that what he saw was something that could get him killed if word of it spreads.

Oblivious to his thoughts, Zhao Yan Qin was still bouncing excitedly. She pulled on Xu Liao and pointed up to the giant tree on the Heavenly Monument that was glowing.

Although this giant tree left a huge impression on Xu Liao, but when he plucked a branch from the time as he was falling through the ninth seal, he didn’t feel like he had any sort of affinity with the giant tree. Instead, he had an immense desire to peel off the bark of the tree and consume it…