One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 34- Demon Alignment

OSI Chapter 34- Demon Alignment


Actually, it wasn’t that Xu Liao didn’t want to use his perfect human form, but he was very worried about attracting unwanted attention as the people that were close to him would probably recognize him. Thus, he could only activate the Heavenly Demon Purgatory to make himself look slightly fatter. So it was still acceptable for people to call him “fatty”.

Yu Qiang Wei stared blankly the young man in front of her for a while before snapping out of the daze. She then blushed bright red and turned around in a hurry before running away.

Xu Liao let out a sigh of relief. In his heart, he was glad that his lie wasn’t exposed. Not delaying for too long, he decided to find Zhao Yan Qin to tally their statements.

As for Gao Wen Hu? Xu Liao had decided to give him a good lesson. If not, how could he accept this loss?

After school, Xu Liao and Zhao Yan Qin met up at a nearby coffee house on the Huai Demon Street. Zhao Yan Qin was dressed in a light purple blouse paired with tight-fitting jeans which outlined her curves splendidly. A short waist jacket was draped on her shoulders as she stirred her coffee while laughing saucily.

Xu Liao couldn’t help but purse his lips in anger slightly.

“What’s so funny about this?”

Zhao Yan Qin immediately stopped laughing and put on a stern expression.

“I will not pose as your younger sister!”

Xu Liao slumped back onto the chair and scratched his head in distress.

“Then what do I do? I’d already told Yu Qiang Wei about it .. and there isn’t any other better excuses!”

Zhao Yan Qin curved her lips coquettishly.

“…But neither will I deny it! So you can continue to lie if you wish.”

Xu Liao let out a sigh of relief. He felt as if he was on a rollercoaster by the way Zhao Yan Qin played with him. Zhao Yan Qin stole a glance at Xu Liao’s expression and couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Hahaha! If you want me to call you big brother, it isn’t that simple! Using this as an excuse to lie to a girl! You are a terrible man!” She rolled her eyes naughtily and giggled.

While he didn’t expect that negotiating with Zhao Yan Qin would go without a hitch, he didn’t expect her to misunderstand the situation like this! He quickly explained further that he didn’t have any ulterior motives, but Zhao Yan Qin stubbornly refused to believe what he said and the conversation lasted on for a long time. At last, Xu Liao realized that no matter what he said, he could not get through her head. This made him suddenly feel like he had splitting headache.

Quietly admitting defeat, he decided to shut his mouth as he downed his mocca in a single breath. Then he ordered another cup of mango smoothie along with some pastries.

Zhao Yan Qin leaned on the table with her elbow supporting her head. She laughed cheekily like a little fox when she saw him go silent.

“Why did you order so many? Although the pastries in this shop are tasty, but they are very expensive too!”

Despite not being very rich financially, he wasn’t used to having a girl treat him all the time, hence, when he was with Zhao Yan Qin, he would be inclined to pay. Zhao Yan Qin on the other hand, was a smart and understanding girl, so naturally she wouldn’t make Xu Liao spend too much money, so she only ordered a cup of coffee.

Xu Liao put his hands on his hips as he adopted a proud pose and spoke.

“Recently I’ve made a fortune! So treating you is no biggie. But to make things clear, this is not a bribe or anything!”

Zhao Yan Qin’s expression fell slightly and asked in a low voice: “Did you get the money from Sun Bo Fang?”

Before even letting Xu Liao answer, with a slight panic in her voice, she added: “That man is very dangerous! I’ve seen you and him closely together recently, but I’d always wanted to remind you to stay as far away as possible from him!”

Xu Liao had a somewhat puzzled expression.

“I’d been wondering for some time, why does everyone in Huai Demon Street seemed to be familiar with him?” Xu Liao asked curiously.

Zhao Yan Qin’s eyes went wide. “Didn’t Sun Bo Fang tell you about it? He grew up in Huai Demon Street since birth!”

Shock could be seen in Xu Liao’s eyes, then he narrowed his brows before asking: “Why? Isn’t he the disciple of the Longevity Sect? How is it possible that he is a resident of the Huai Demon Street since he isn’t a demon?”

“Who told you that a demon couldn’t be a disciple of the Longevity Sect!?” Zhao Yan Qin’s round eyes stared at Xu Liao in disbelief.

After taking a few deep breaths, Xu Liao pulled himself together and pondered for a while. Indeed, Zhao Yan Qin did not mention this before, but since she said that the Eighteen Xian Faction and the demons were enemies, he naturally concluded that the cultivators in the Eighteen Xian Faction were purely humans.


“… So.. demons can also align themselves with the Eighteen Xian Faction? Aren’t they the Sect for human cultivators that are meant to go against the demons?”

Zhao Yan Qin let out a cute sigh and said: “Didn’t I tell you before in the beginning that most of the humans have demonic genes in them? Human cultivators know that the humans originated from ancient demons! The Eighteen Xian Faction and Yin Zong Liu Faction hopes that all of their disciples are pure bred humans, but they can only face the hard facts without a choice.”

It was as if Xu Liao just found a revelation in his life. He exclaimed: “Demons can actually align with the Eighteen Xian Faction!!”

Zhao Yan Qin however just shook her head and sighed.

“Just how deep are you in a well? The Eighteen Xian Faction and our Million Demon Clan have various conditions in the contract. Some of those contracts are to train newly born demons. If you have the heart to improve or learn more skills, you can take part in their training The lessons are fully paid by the Million Demon Clan – you don’t even have to pay a single penny!”

Xu Liao’s eyes widened further.

“There are training!”

Zhao Yan Qin simply nodded her head, paying no heed to Xu Liao’s speechlessness. As Xu Liao was in a daze, he remembered something important and continued to ask: “So why did you say that Sun Bo Fang is dangerous?”

Zhao Yan Qin’s pretty face turned dull and sternly lectured him.

“In the past, Huai Demon Street had a few murder cases related to him, but there were no evidences to prove that it was him. Even Grandma Huai couldn’t do much about him.”

Since he was faced in a similar situation where he himself was nearly killed by Sun Bo Fang, he also witnessed personally how Sun Bo Fang devoured the Storm Legion demons without a trace, he naturally believed what Zhao Yan Qin said.

“Hmph, I didn’t expect that this guy was already this vicious since young. How exactly did get into the Longevity Sect?”

“He joined the Longevity Sect’s training and performed extraordinarily. Thus, he got selected into the Sect. Then he left Huai Demon Street for over ten years and suddenly came back. What did you do when you were with him?”

Xu Liao turned silent for a moment, then said in a low voice: “…I didn’t get the money from Sun Bo Fang. They were from the …Void World. That was where I picked up some credits.” He hesitated but still decided to speak the truth.

At the mention of the Void world, Zhao Yan Qin’s eyes stared hard at Xu Liao with fright.

“Why did you enter that place?! Oh.. I know, Sun Bo Fang forced you right? Because you’d awakened the Undead Tree Blood pulse, he was unafraid of the time slit. How could he do that! The Undead Tree Blood pulse can pa.s.s through three worlds, ignoring all the forbidden spells, but that only applied to old demons that were already matured! You’d just awakened and did not receive any blood pulse inheritance, entering that place is just suicide!”

At the end of her sentence, Zhao Yan Qin had already almost jumped out from her seat in panic. This action made Xu Liao rather touched. Then he tried to console the little demoness by saying: “Aren’t I standing before you here right now? Sun Bo Fang had already left, there won’t be anyone forcing me into the Void world anymore!”

When Xu Liao finished his sentence, a familiar yet hateful voice rang beside his ear…

“Who said I had left?”