One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 35 – Emperor Court Training Area

OSI Chapter 35 – Emperor Court Training Area


Sun Bo Fang was dressed in a pink shirt, with a dashing suit that masked his initial demeanour, appearing as if he was a European fashionista. With a simple yet overbearing smile, he crossed his arms behind Xu Liao, acting just like a cat that played with a mouse.

Xu Liao froze in panic once he heard that dreadful voice he hadn’t heard in a while. Without waiting for Xu Liao to respond, Sun Bo Fang continued with a bored tone: “I found out that our relationship hadn’t been proceeding very smoothly, so I made a trip back to the Longevity Sect to collect a Golden Bug.”

After hearing that sentence, Xu Liao’s eyes narrowed as he thought to himself: “This Golden Bug must be another one of his absurdly strong demons. This time he purposely brought it here to go against me… This thing must be much stronger than the black beetles…!”

On the side, once Zhao Yan Qin heard him mention the ‘Golden Bug’, her expression fell and shouted at Sun Bo Fang.

“Who did you use the Golden Bug on?!”

“A woman. And the name of her son seemed to be … Xu Liao! Maybe the both of you know who she is?” Sun Bo Fang merely shrugged his shoulders and casually spoke.

Xu Liao then understood that the Golden Bug isn’t a battle tool, but rather it was a tool to control beings.  When Sun Bo Fang went back to the sect to retrieve the Golden Bug, it wasn’t to use it to battle head on against Xu Liao, but to inject some sort of venom in his mother to control her.

At the thought of this, Xu Liao gritted his teeth in anger and shouted at Sun Bo Fang.

“What do you want to do? Keep this Golden Bug now or I will kill you!!”

“You want to kill me? It isn’t as easy as you think! Besides, even if you manage to kill me, as the owner of this Golden Bug, after my death, it will cause your mother to experience a pain worse than death. I personally witnessed one person who perished under the venom of the Golden Bug. He was a disciple of the Longevity Sect that had betrayed us and as a result, was injected the Golden Bug venom. Seven days and seven nights he yelled and screamed in pain, clawing out chunks of his own flesh, trying to end his own life to cease the torment he faced every single second. Do you want to witness how someone under the influence of the venom for yourself?” Sun Bo Fang sneered.

Xu Liao could only grit his teeth in silence, unable to think of any solution.

Noticing Xu Liao’s helplessness, Sun Bo Fang laughed and smiled evilly: “That’s right! This is a public place! Shouting here is very rude. Why don’t we slowly discuss over a cup of coffee?”

He then sat down and gestured for the waitress as if nothing happened at all!

The nearby demons that had stopped to watch their ‘clash’ slowly dispersed once they noticed Sun Bo Fang and Xu Liao sat down for a ‘peaceful chat’.

Zhao Yan Qin seemed to be frightened of Sun Bo Fang. She sat close to Xu Liao and quietly grabbed his shirt.

“So? What exactly do you want to do?” Xu Liao spoke in a low voice, trying to suppress the urge to make a move on Sun Bo Fang.

“I had told you the last time that I want the Ghost vine. As long I receive the Ghost vine, I will treat your mother.” Sun Bo Fang replied casually.

Xu Liao laughed coldly.

“Words coming from a person like you? Naturally I wouldn’t believe it.”

Sun Bo Fang opened his arms and shrugged.

“I hadn’t been lying to you. Previously, I didn’t feel that you are even worth lying to, but right now I realize that there is no need to lie. Those that you shouldn’t know, you already know. That Void world is a training area that was collaborated by the Million Demon Clan and he Eighteen Xian Faction based on a human online game template. However, those that exist within the Void world are real! The demonic beasts, chests and all sorts of treasures within are all real!”

Beside Xu Liao, Zhao Yan Qin nodded and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

“What he said was true. The Emperor Court training area is full of danger. Once there was a huge scale battle and accidentally triggered a turbulence within Void world , causing deaths of many human cultivators and demons alike. The Million Demon Clan and the Eighteen Xian Faction did an investigation later and found that the training area was filled with dimensional cracks that linked to the Void world. No one was able to repair these cracks, therefore the entire area was left abandoned and eventually separated from the Huai Demon Street which initially belonged to as a whole.”

Xu Liao felt a little shocked as he finally got to know the origin of the Void world.

When Sun Bo Fang’s coffee arrived, he took a sip and then spoke casually: “So you have a decision to make now. Work with me? Or watch your mother die? Choose.”

Xu Liao went silent once again.

He knew that this question only had one answer!

Sun Bo Fang didn’t push Xu Liao for an immediate answer. Rather, he was very patient, slowly sipping his coffee as if he wasn’t in a rush at all.

Among the three, Zhao Yan Qin was the most worried. She didn’t know how to persuade Xu Liao. Of course she didn’t want him to have anything to do with Sun Bo Fang, but she couldn’t stop him now because his mother’s life is in the hands of Sun Bo Fang.

Unmoving like a statue, Xu Liao seemingly entered a weird mental realm. His body didn’t emit any signs of life.

Soon, after ten minutes, he slowly regained his vitality and spoke in a low voice: “..How does the Ghost Vine look like?”

Sun Bo Fang smiled warmly, not appearing to be shocked as if he knew Xu Liao’s decision from the start.

“The Ghost Vine looks like a ball that is made up of vines. But it is much larger than you think. It has a natural ability to link Yin and Yang and also tends to devour essence and blood of creatures. The likely place you might find it is a place full of bones, and with a gloomy atmosphere. Also…”

He continued to describe the looks of the Ghost Vine; the attributes, possible attacking style and other various notable actions, giving Xu Liao a verbal full course on the Ghost Vine.

The Ghost Vine itself is considered a demonic monster plant. If it has a spiritual consciousness, it can be considered to be a demon.

Monsters and demons both of a difference of spiritual consciousness, but just that this difference is a vast one.

Natural born demons are extremely rare. From the late Qing dynasty onwards, there wasn’t any method to cultivate from monster to demon. The Ghost Vine’s cultivation success will be extremely low.

With a straight expression, Xu Liao listened to everything patiently before finally speaking in a cold tone.

“It’s very dangerous inside. Although I’m not afraid of the Void world cracks, but I have no way to fight against those powerful demonic beasts, even if I enter once more, I don’t have much hope of finding the Ghost Vine.”

“The Void World originally was an advanced training area which raised numerous vicious demonic beasts. From the day it was abandoned till today, there is nothing to control their growth. Naturally it is more dangerous than before. Therefore, I will give you some equipment!” Sun Bo Fang casually laughed and waved his arm, revealing a string of beads.

“Put this on, at least you can survive under the attacks of most demonic beasts within the Void world.” Sun Bo Fang spoke and tossed the beads over to Xu Liao.

Once Xu Liao caught it, he examined it and found that it looked quite ordinary.

“This looks like a common string of beads?” Xu Liao replied, slightly puzzled.

“Common string of beads?! This is my Lightning Bodhi Beads! How can it be compared to those normal bracelets that humans carry!” Sun Bo Fang couldn’t maintain his usual casualness and glared angrily at Xu Liao.