One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 49 – Galaxy Starburst

Chapter 49 – Galaxy Starburst


Acquiring a battle beast can be convenient for most cases as it allowed the host to quickly train the respective Xian martial art. However, once the host loses the battle beast, the host will be unable to use the Xian martial art to its fullest potential. At most, the host will only remember the movements but not be able to execute it as efficiently.

For example, if Xu Liao somehow loses the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon, he will be unable to use the Seven Stars Praying Mantis Boxing. Relying on the feeling of using the skill based on his previous memories he might be able to manage to execute the first few stances. But as for the high level skills such as the high frequency blade wave, he will totally be unable to use it.

Never in this world he thought that the mysterious golden metallic thread would forcefully s.n.a.t.c.h the control over the Xian martial art > from the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug.

After executing the new Unbreakable Alloy, the exterior of the golden skeleton formed a thin veil that emitted a faint golden light. From his experiences as cosplaying as a Dark Warrior before, he easily manipulated this veil of golden light to form a cloak that he personally named – Gemini Golden Cloak.

(ED: Think of Elsa’s cloak when she summoned it lol)

As Xu Liao admired his ‘creation’, he suddenly clenched his fist and punched out towards a hill behind the bamboo house. The Tyrant’s Prestige was indeed very powerful. The air around the bamboo house trembled and turned dark. Particles in the air shook and vibrated as it glowed bright when the profound force pa.s.sed through.  It looked as if the galaxy and the Milky Way itself descended upon the hill, smashing it into smithereens.

Xu Liao achieved something that he couldn’t do before. What he lacked were offensive skills, and now he obtained his most powerful skill. So of course he was extremely elated! He pranced around like a little lamb before suddenly coming to a halt.

“Fantasy Emperor’s Fist!!!” Xu Liao suddenly shouted out loud and pumped his fist upwards to the air.

Then he suddenly paused again and put on a serious looking face. “Hmm.. doesn’t sound about right…. How about Magicial Punch?”

“No no.. “ Xu Liao shook his head. “That won’t do.”

Xu Liao’s eyes then suddenly lit up. “Ah. I know! Galaxy Starburst!!” He shouted at the top of his voice once again as he punched upwards.

Once he was satisfied with himself, naturally he stopped using the powers of the Unbreakable Alloy and tried to examine the rest of the other parts of the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug. But he didn’t find anything significant so he decided to put it aside.

Next on his list was the Flame Snake, but Xu Liao didn’t even try to a.s.similate it at all. With his experience, he now knew that there are certain compatibility requirements for a.s.similating. Both demonic Qi clashed with fire types. Therefore even if he a.s.similated this battle beast, he couldn’t use it at all.

Then he turned his attention to the Hive and easily a.s.similated it with the dark demonic energy. The black beetles within the Hive were all related to each other, so he didn’t have to a.s.similate the black beetles one by one.

Within the dark demonic core, a huge piece of land stretched from end to end. The golden thatches were growing in bunches, obviously thriving from the environment. The countless of black beetles that he had a.s.similated formed several black clouds in the sky, covering the view of the Hive that was in the middle of the black clouds.

He didn’t know if these black beetles were intentionally or naturally attracted to the remains of the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug, but they approached it as if they found something delicious as they started devouring it.

Xu Liao didn’t stop them because in his opinion, the remains of the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug had already served its purpose.

*kacha kacha*

The sound of the black beetles grinding as it devoured the remains of the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug was almost deafening. Within a few breaths of time, all the remains were devoured clean.

While the black beetles were devouring the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug, Xu Liao noticed a discrepancy in the flow of the countercurrent. Then just at that moment, a monotone voice rang in his mind:

“Received the remains of another battle beast.”

“It can be used to upgrade the Hive’s Level.”

“Do you want to upgrade?”

Xu Liao was slightly startled. But of course he wouldn’t deny an upgrade. The very moment he transferred his agreement to the battle beast, it started to tremble and infate. From it’s original shape as a hive, it morphed into something looking quite similar to the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug. Not only that, it actually grew something the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug didn’t have, seven pairs of golden transparent wings.

The evolved Hive shook slightly and suddenly sprayed almost a thousand new born black beetles.

Through the virtual control panel, Xu Liao soon found out that not only did the Hive produce additional beetles, but all these beetles had an improvement in their advanced AI program. The control, commanding and spreading of information within the black beetles all had improved tremendously. Furthermore, it even transferred the data from the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug into its own artificial intelligence library.

The Hive and the black beetles were a.s.similated by the Stars Devouring Formula and were reconstructed with the nourishment from the dark demonic energy. Previously, the black beetles functioned the same way as it was controlled by Sun Bo Fang. But after the upgrade, not only did the black beetles absorb the knowledge of the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug; it also inherited the special nature of the dark demonic energy!

Now the black beetles could pa.s.s through any matter! This ability far surpa.s.sed Sun Bo Fang’s control because it raised its survivability by several notches. It was almost immune of most attacks from other creatures.

Xu Liao was doubly excited and spent a few hours to familiar himself with the new upgrade. It was only until when the sky turned dark did Xu Liao finally leave the bamboo house and make his way towards Zhao Yan Qin’s house.

However, even after everything, he still didn’t forget his most important objective: to rescue his mother from the golden bug’s poisoning.

He went to Zhao Yan Qin for help regarding the golden bug. He knew that he had no idea how to get rid of this poisonous bug by himself. Previously, when Sun Bo Fang was still alive, he thought of borrowing the powers of the Ghost Vine, but under various kinds of circ.u.mstances, he decided that it was too risky. Now that Sun Bo Fang is dead, he can properly seek for help without worry.

Zhao Yan Qin’s parents had already closed the shop for the day. But upon Xu Liao’s arrival, her parents still made a few steamed buns for him. Xu Liao felt a little embarra.s.sed because he was causing them inconvenience at this time yet they still made buns for him.

After explaining to Zhao Yan Qin what happened, she put her smooth, silky hands onto her chest as she breathed out in relief. “So .. finally Sun Bo Fang left. Now that it is like this, leave this matter to me!”

Xu Liao nodded happily. “Yes! Let’s go find Grandma Huai!”

However, to his surprise, Zhao Yan Qin shook her head cutely and laughed. “Haha! Why do we need to find Grandma Huai? My mother is a demonic queen! Grandma Huai is a talisman of the Void World. So she wouldn’t be able to leave Huai Demon Street.”

Xu Liao’s eyes widened in shock as he realized that he knew almost nothing about this little demoness.

Zhao Yan Qin skipped towards her mother and made several cute gestures while explaining the situation. Very soon, her mother cleaned her hands and walked back towards Xu Liao with a smiling Zhao Yan Qin behind her.

She gave a warm smile and said: “Since you are her cla.s.smate, then this little matter I should help. Let’s go. The golden bug, when stuck within the body for too long it will damage the human’s life essence and flesh. There are also plenty of after effects that are irreversible. We’d better quickly remove it.”

Xu Liao felt happy, yet somehow a little perturbed as well. He led both of them out of the Huai Demon Street towards his house. Along the way, he didn’t know what to say so he chose to keep silent. When they finally reached the bottom of his house, he suddenly remembered that he didn’t know how to explain this matter to his mother. He can’t possibly tell his mother about the truth about Zhao Yan Qin and her mother..

Since young, Xu Liao isn’t considered to be a witty youngster. The more fl.u.s.tered he became, the more he couldn’t think straight. The previous time he managed squirm out of trouble because of the photos was mainly due to the fact that Yu Qiang Wei covered for him and he had somewhat planned his speech for those kind of situations.

However, it was not until when they had reached the door of his house when he thought of this troublesome situation. A youthful boy bringing a female cla.s.smate and her parent home at this hour? What kind of situation was this? Whatever it was it couldn’t be good.

Xu Liao scratched his head and made an awkward face as he turned his gaze towards Zhao Yan Qin. He suddenly had a weird feeling in his stomach. It was as if this was a blind date and both of their parents were going to meet.