One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 50 – My Husband

OSI Chapter 50 – My Husband

Yay! 50 Chapters



As if she didn’t notice the conflicted Xu Liao by her side, Zhao Yan Qin’s mother merely murmured a few words that Xu Liao couldn’t hear clearly and raised her hands in the air. Within a few breaths, something that resembled a slip flew into her hands as she made a grabbing notion. Surprisingly, the slip actually flew out from Xu Liao’s room window!

Despite not being able to hear what she chanted, Xu Liao’s vision naturally could make out what flew out of the window clearly. The slip was slightly transparent and shimmering with gold as it reflected the light from the nearby street lamps. He could also spot a group of weird-looking bugs within this slip.

Zhao Yan Qin’s mother smiled as she waved her sleeve and collected the group of bugs with ease. “I’ll keep this Golden bug. It is already very late so it wouldn’t be convenient for me to visit. I shall make a move first. Qin Qin just go ahead if you want to play in Xu Liao’s house, but remember to come home soon!”

Xu Liao’s mouth gaped as he saw Zhao Yan Qin’s mother gracefully walking away as if she had complete confidence in leaving her daughter in another male’s house at this time. Xu Liao’s mind was in total disarray. Other than the fact that she removed the Golden Bug as easily as a washing machine removing simple stains, she actually left her daughter behind even without waiting for a reply!

“Urg.. since it was so easy.. why was I so worried for….?” Xu Liao held his head as he spoke. “Why didn’t she mention that her mother is a demonic queen in the first place?!”

“furthermore… her mother actually left Zhao Yan Qin here! What does it mean to leave her daughter here for me to bring her home?? It is already so late… and if I bring a female cla.s.smate home…! Ahh.. my head hurts.. all the misunderstandings…” Xu Liao started to sweat profusely as he tried to think of a suitable reason on why he brought a girl home at this time.

Xu Liao was in a total dilemma. He couldn’t possibly send Zhao Yan Qin back now after what her mother did for him, yet this situation would certainly cause several troublesome events later on. However he could think of nothing so he decided to give up and sighed as he invited Zhao Yan Qin up to his house.

To his surprise, there wasn’t a single hint of hesitation from Zhao Yan Qin as she cheerfully accepted his invitation. On the contrary, it was actually Xu Liao that was hesitating as he led her through the front door. This situation was very awkward for Xu Liao because he never invited any female cla.s.smates home before. Qu Lei and him naturally weren’t close, so for her to visit his house was totally out of the question. Even just merely speaking to her is considered to be a fresh and exciting milestone in his life.

As expected, Xu Liao’s mother was at home. Her eyes went wide when she spotted her son bringing home an otherworldly beauty. She gave a few side glances towards Xu Liao indicating her suspicion before warmly greeting Zhao Yan Qin and welcoming her into the house.

Xu Liao ignored all of his mother’s frequent glances and quickly dragged Zhao Yan Qin into his room and closed the door.

All this while Xu Liao was fl.u.s.tering around, Zhao Yan Qin was totally the opposite. She spun around Xu Liao’s room and then landed on his bed before casually kicking off her shoes to the side. Not a single strand of shyness could be seen in her actions. She actually treated his room like it was her own! Then she casually grabbed a novel on the nearby shelf and started indulging in it.

Xu Liao just stood at a side watching Zhao Yan Qin casually taking over his room. His face turned even more awkward as the silence dragged on. Finally as if he couldn’t take it any longer, he tried to strike up a conversation with her.

“Uh… do you intend to continue to live in the human society in the future?”

Zhao Yan Qin put down the novel and looked towards Xu Liao and smiled. “This will have to depend on my future husband!”

Xu Liao was slightly startled by her reply. “Your husband?”

Xu Liao then thought for a while before understanding that her reply was slightly old-fashioned. He felt a little confused as he continued: “Don’t girls nowadays seek for independence? Since you’ll definitely have the ability to live the life you desire, why do you have to restrict yourself to your future husband?”

By this time, Zhao Yan Qin had already picked up the novel again. She was rather absorbed into the novel >. It was one of the many online novels which Xu Liao liked.

As if she was attracted to the details within the story, she gave a few chuckles before turning the page.

“Naturally I am not a human. Only humans can have such luxury. Living alone, working hard only by myself, facing strong foes by myself.. Every single day, I think to myself that this could the last day of my life. Every second of my life is living in fear… I had enough of such a life!” Zhao Yan Qin spoke without looking up.

Even as she spoke these emotional words, her eyes didn’t even leave the pages of the novel. On the other hand, it reminded Xu Liao of his currently painful life.

When Xu Liao was about to solemnly nod in agreement he suddenly felt that something wasn’t right.

“Shouldn’t these kinds of words only be spoken by those old demons who had lived for more than a hundred? You too awakened your blood pulse recently and… you still have your family and parents!” Xu Liao spoke with a puzzled look.

Zhao Yan Qin then raised her head. Her eyes formed a crescent shape as she stared at Xu Liao while trying to keep a straight face. She then stuck out her small tongue cutely.

“Obviously I’m just messing with you!”

Xu Liao was speechless. With this kind of reply, he couldn’t bear to continue with his original topic. Now he had another dilemma: to think of another topic to talk about. Never in his life had he used his brain so much as he did today. He thought long and hard before finally forcing another question out.

“Uh.. so which senior high school are you intending to apply?”

Zhao Yan Qin cheekily laughed and replied almost instantaneously.

“Same as your dream lover! The Northern Affiliated High School!”

That was it. He was stuck speechless once again. Xu Liao was already at his wits end so he really didn’t know how to continue the conversation at this point.

It was obvious that Zhao Yan Qin was trying to stifle her laughter. Her eyes formed two crescents once again and inadvertently said: “You have to work hard too! As long you can bring out school’s basketball team to the top ten in the National League, then we can be in the same school!”

Xu Liao couldn’t help but flush with embarra.s.sment. The fact that he liked Qu Lei is almost known to everyone, but to himself he felt that it is still a secret. So when someone in front of him blatantly mentions about it, he would still feel embarra.s.sed.

Xu Liao looked downwards and asked softly: “How do you know about this?”

“Yu Qiang Wei approached me to discuss about the relationship between you and me. Probably she just wanted to clarify if we are really half siblings. She’s really pa.s.sionate about basketball so I told her everything.” Zhao Yan Qin replied with a laugh.

The head of the student committee Yu Qiang Wei is considered to be a beautiful and intelligent girl. Although she said that she trusted Xu Liao, she would still try to seek out the other side of the story to clarify the truth. Indeed she isn’t easy to lie to, but comparing her and Zhao Yan Qin is comparable to a little white rabbit to a little fox.

Xu Liao gave a resigned look and shook his head. But after that moment, both of them started talking more and finally broke the awkward atmosphere. They started chatting about school before moving on to gossips within the demonic world.

Surprisingly, Zhao Yan Qin only spoke a few sentences. Most of the time she took the role of the happy smiling girl who listened to Xu Liao chatting non-stop. It can be said that Xu Liao eloquence was bad, but in front of Zhao Yan Qin, he himself didn’t know why he could chat non-stop.  It didn’t take him very long to adapt to being alone with a girl.

Soon, three hours pa.s.sed. Xu Liao’s mother couldn’t take it any longer and came knocking at the door.

“Xu Liao! It’s already very late! Do you want to send your cla.s.smate home?!”

Zhao Yan Qin cheekily smiled and answered: “Thank you aunty! But my house isn’t far away so I can go back on my own.”

Xu Liao’s mother then pushed open the door and spoke in a solemn tone. “It is better for Xu Liao to send you back! After all you are a girl and I won’t feel easy if you went home alone.”

“En..” Zhao Yan Qin didn’t disagree further as she smiled and nodded her head cutely.

Because of this, Xu Liao’s mother developed a favourable impression on this very pretty and obedient girl. But she still felt that having a girlfriend at this age will affect Xu Liao studies. So after Xu Liao sent Zhao Yan Qin home, she decided to have a long chat with him….

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason.

TL: Oh yes 50 chapters! This is the same girl that appeared in Chapter 8 as our mental imagery of Zhao Yan Qin. Many of you clicked into her facebook out of curiosity so we figured yall might be interested in visiting her again