One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 13

Xu Liao laughed silently at how pathetic those two demons were. They could speak with him aggressively because he was weak, however, when a greater power came, all they could do is to use the Storm Legion name. It doesn’t seem like what a demon would do, rather, it was like a corrupted human official with authority. Once the situation gets out of hand, they would immediately think of using the name of their backer.

Both of the demons started a verbal war with Grandma Huai. After some time, Grandma Huai roared at the two demons:” What are you still muttering about! Scram! We, the Million Demon Clan is the world’s top demon organization with powerful demons far beyond the Storm Legion’s. Even if you find trouble with me here, no matter how we dispute, I will always be right.”

Suddenly, the skies above the Huai Demon Street turned dark. The clouds swirled violently, forming a dark whirlpool. An ancient and ugly face of an old lady emerged from the whirlpool, emitting a profound aura. She gave an odd laugh as she grabbed the two demons and sent them flying.

Xu Liao was innately shocked. The two powerful demons that were acting aggressive previously, seemed so weak compared to Grandma Huai as she threw them as if they were like toys. The amount of demonic energy that Grandma Huai displayed was only a small portion, but it was already a hundred times stronger than the two demons. Indeed, it was the power of a thousand year old demon. The dark clouds returned back to normal after a while.

Xu Liao blinked a few times, trying to register what he had just saw. At that moment, a short and pet.i.te looking grandmother was looking at him with a gentle warmth in her eyes. This was the very same face that appeared in the whirlpool and tossed the two demons away.

“Young man! Do you feel confused? Did you think that what they said made sense?”

Xu Liao pondered for a while and looked up to the sky. Then he slowly shook his head and said: “I’m not looking forward to leading the life that they had mentioned. I’m also not interested in joining their Storm Legion. How my future will be, I am not very sure myself. But one thing is for certain, that is I do not want to kill or join any demonic legion.”

Grandma Huai laughed heartily and said: “Young man! What you said is right. You have not reached the stage to consider your future. Grandma Huai can give you three advices: Do not easily decide to stay in a certain place forever until you completely understood and experienced many things. Do not give up your desire for power regardless of reasons. I have seen too many demons who loved peace, or blinded by confusing reasons, give up their search for power. In the end they got overtaken by others who had been weaker than them, and even killed by them. My last advice is, every organisation has their ugly side, no matter how respected their leaders are.”

Xu Liao seemed to only understand half of what Grandma Huai explained. But he did not want to interrupt an elderly that was giving him advice. as he highly respected them. He could feel that this mysterious grandma was protecting him without any ulterior motive, and even saving him just now.

Grandma Huai had a gentle expression on her face. She looked at Xu Liao with tenderness in her eyes as her body slowly dissipated, only leaving behind a weird laughter.

After Grandma Huai disappeared, Xu Liao suddenly remembered something and shouted in his mind: ”Oh no! I will get nagged by Mother for reaching home so late today!”

Xu Liao grabbed his schoolbag and dashed towards his house. As he was pa.s.sing through Huai Demon Street, he had a slight feeling that someone was looking at him. He shrugged and continued running home with his fastest speed.

However, to his surprise, his mother wasn’t home.

His mother would usually be home at this time; Xu Liao felt a little worried and gave his mother a call. After several ringing tones, his call got through. His mother’s voice sounded rather tired. She said that she had to work overtime today and will be home soon and asked Xu Liao to settle his own dinner.

However, Xu Liao wasn’t hungry. Ever since he awakened, his desire for food lessened, with almost no urge to eat. Nevertheless, when he starts eating, he could estimate that he could eat a few more times than his original appet.i.te.

After finishing his school a.s.signments for the day, he started thinking about the incident that happened today. A few questions lingered in his mind. “This Undead Tree blood pulse that I have awakened.. why is it so special that the Storm Legion would invite me by force? They mentioned that the Million Demon Clan wanted me to become like Grandma Huai, a talisman for the demonic world, to create the nineteenth demonic living sector in the northern city. Is this information true? The Million Demon Clan didn’t seem to pay attention to me, since no one mentioned ths to me from the start.”

Xu Liao walked into his room and fell onto his bed, feeling exhausted. He pondered about the questions a while more before drifting to sleep.

… … … … … …

A gigantic pitch-dark staff rose to the skies, with a little hint of black gold mottled in thin lines, setting off an ancient historic feel to it.

If you look at it closely, the gigantic staff had no physical ma.s.s. But instead it was formed by unlimited amount of pitch-dark aura; the thin lines were bathed in a golden light formed out of runes. Hundreds of millions of these golden runes formed the outline of the gigantic pitch-dark staff.

The pitch-dark staff, as if a gigantic column, towered to the heavens. Although it wasn’t moving, it felt like it was a living object. It emitted an undying battle spirit aura, as if it could rend the heavens.

Countless years pa.s.sed, time seemed to have lost its meaning. The pitch-dark staff suddenly collapsed. The golden runes that formed the outer layer of the staff started to vanish layer by layer. Only after a while, the last remaining layer of the golden metallic line, as thin as a thread, did not dissipate and stood majestically, connecting to the heavens and earth!

It was as thin as silk, but it felt that it was strong enough to latch onto both heaven and earth. It emitted a profound aura that gave off a feeling of arrogance.

Xu Liao’s eyes snapped open in shock. He breathed heavily and could feel his whole body drenched in sweat.

Xu Liao sat up and concentrated on his thoughts. For the first time in his life, he saw his own body, skin, muscles, veins, internal organs, bones … and all of his other parts right in front of his eyes. It was even clearer than what he could view at the hospital. He was certain that not even the latest technologies used in the modern world would be able to view this much detail.

The golden metallic thread then took over Xu Liao’s consciousness and focused all of his concentration onto one spot.

At that spot, Xu Liao saw countless of golden runes floating around, slowly forming symbols in a line. Strangely, he felt as if the symbols were familiar to him and understood them while he was quite certain that this was his first time seeing these symbols.

Soon, the golden runes formed a readable formula. This set of formula is named — >