One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 15

Xu Liao was stunned for a moment. He remembered that the neighbours above him was a family of three, and there was a high school sister a few years older than him. They hardly greeted one another, so he didn’t expect that now he would be able to sneak into the bedroom of this older sister.

He quickly tilted his head to a side, dodging her other foot. Just as he was about to descend back to his room, he gave a mischievous grin. He held out his right palm and blew some demonic air onto the delicate pair of feet.

Even though there was almost no trace of demonic energy in the air, it brought along a cold and frigid atmosphere. The moment the demonic air touched the delicate pair of feet, the older sister’s feet instinctively shot back into the blanket as she screamed and woke up immediately. Her eyes widened and her pupils shrunk when she spotted Xu Liao’s head floating in between the floor of her room.

Without even being able to catch her breath, the older sister screamed again and fainted onto the bed.

Xu Liao had a slightly crooked smile on his face as he scratched his head, feeling a little guilty and apologetic. He regretted pulling such a frightening prank on someone. The result of his prank was different from what he expected as he didn’t consider that she would be so afraid. After thinking for a while, he realized that as a head on the ground , blowing cold air onto someone’s feet, if the person was slightly more timid, he or she might even pee on the spot.

Xu Liao shyly descended back into his room, using both hands to push onto the ceiling. Unable to contain his excitement, he circled around his room for a few rounds.  Then he slapped his palm with his fist and straightened his body. He decided to strike the iron while it is still hot, and immediately resume his cultivation in the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill!

The twelve meridians are in correspondence with each other, like the Sanyang Hand and Sanyin Hand, also the Sanyang Foot and Sanyin Foot.

The Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill is an exquisite Yin Yang cultivation technique. Once you have mastered the Bladder Meridian of the twelve meridians, naturally, the next meridian you have to master would be the Spleen Meridian, in order to have a balance of Yin and Yang.

However, there are forbidden techniques, and they do not rely on the balance of Yin and Yang; instead, they would train in one to the extreme. For instance, some people would only cultivate the Sanyang Meridian, and totally neglect the Sanying Meridian. This cultivation method would be naturally deadly to one’s body if not done correctly.

The Spleen Meridian starts from the tip of the big toe, flowing through the inner foot and right through the Ying Bai point, Tai Dou, Tai Bai, Gong Sun, Nei Qiu point, to the inner heel and up the lower thigh. Flowing all the way to the back of tibia, acrros the San Yin Jiao, Lou Gu, Di Ji, Yin Ling Quan point moving upwards to the edge between the knee and the inner thigh, then through the Hai Men, Kei Men and Chong Men point, connecting into the abdomen, the spleen and the stomach organs, ending at the root of the tongue.

The golden metallic thread travelled all the way down, connecting to the bladder meridian. Then it flowed between the Sanyang Foot Meridian and the Sanyin Foot Meridian, as if it was as one. It became stronger, however, the colour seem to have dimmed.

The dark energy within his belly finally lost the control over the power of the two meridians as it shrunk itself to a corner. However, inside the dark energy there was a faint glimmer, and within it there were countless of golden stars.

Xu Liao didn’t know if this change was good or bad, since it was his first time cultivating, he didn’t dare to push the limits. After opening both meridians, he concentrated in shifting the golden metallic thread between the Bladder and Spleen Meridian.

For every successful loop within the Bladder and Spleen, Xu Liao could feel his own meridians enlarging and stabilizing. He could sense the vast benefits he had obtained through cultivating. While in cultivation, time pa.s.sed quickly, and without realizing, five hours had pa.s.sed. Xu Liao didn’t stop cultivating until the moment his mother knocked on his door, asking him to get out of bed.

Xu Liao was slightly puzzled due to the lapse in time, he did not know when his mother came home, but it seemed like she was in a good mood. The next morning, she whipped up a sunny side up and smiled happily as she watched him eat and leave for school.

Nothing strange happened on the way to Huai Demon Street. Xu Liao met Zhao Yan Qin once again as promised, however she was back to her plain girl-next-door appearance.

Although Xu Liao felt it was slightly weird, but meeting this little demoness gave him a sense of kinship. Furthermore, she was the only ‘acquaintance’ that knew of his awakened demon pulse.  Both of them headed to school together, and separated once the school was in sight. However, Xu Liao didn’t realize that there was someone trailing him.

After Xu Liao stepped through the school gate, Gao Wen Hu kept his phone and proudly whispered to himself: “Too bad. A brat like you is not even suitable to be my rival. Qu Lei doesn’t even like you. Even though I have photographic evidence, there’s not much value in defaming you. But.. once I meet the beautiful young lady in that light purple dress, I will use these photos to defame you and reveal your true colours!”

Today, when Xu Liao stepped into the cla.s.sroom, he immediately saw Qu Lei. However, he did not have any chance to start any conversation with her because of his club activities.

In order to lose weight, Xu Liao joined the school’s basketball team in his second year of junior high school. Due to his physical stature, he had always been in charge or cleaning the sports hall, tidying various gym equipments, and giving guidance to newcomers but was not given a chance to even be a subst.i.tute of the basketball team. He had not represented the school team in any compet.i.tions, and that included friendly matches.

Xu Liao didn’t care much about it, since his main objective was to lose weight. For every practice, he would be all smiles, and s.n.a.t.c.hing all the from the other players. Thus, his popularity in the basketball team was pretty decent.

Xu Liao had taken leave for the first lesson of the day because of the basketball club. However, there wasn’t anything to do the entire morning.

The reason why everyone was being called over by the basketball coach was because something major happened.

The next semester was an urgent period of time for the junior high school students because they had to prepare for the examinations. Many students who are involved in club activities would choose to quit, and the school’s basketball team isn’t any exception. The four strongest main players were in their third year, and had just submitted their resignation. This left the coach with a big headache. In two month’s time there was the National League and the arrangements were all in disarray. He had no choice but to recruit new players as soon as possible.

Last semester, the school’s basketball team had performed extremely well. Not only were the compet.i.tions held within the region won, they had trumped over the province compet.i.tion and acquired one out of two positions to join the National League.

If the basketball team were to rank in the top three at least, the coach would indubitably receive a pay raise, and might even transfer to a higher unit. Thus, the coach paid a lot of attention to this situation.

Unfortunately, apart from the second year point guard, Hou Tao, the other four main players had quit. The remaining subst.i.tutes could not derive a decent plan to salvage the situation.

As for Xu Liao, he wasn’t even good enough to play as a subst.i.tute, hence, the coach didn’t even give him a thought. Xu Liao simply smiled and looked at his teammates being switched back and forth upon the coach’s commands.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea came to mind. Xu Liao’s face lit up and cheekily thought to himself: “Maybe …”