One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 36 – Looting Monster Drops

Chapter 36 – Looting Monster Drops


“These Lightning Bodhi Beads are worth thousands of credits. Each bead is blessed by elemental masters of lightning for over thirty times. Every single bead is enough to destroy a low level demonic beast. Those demonic beasts you fought in the past won’t even stand a chance against one of these beads.”

Xu Liao fiddled with the string of beads in his hands as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that these were powerful equipment. It looked exactly like those beads sold on the roadsides for a few hundred RMB.

“So you meant that a normal string of beads under the blessing of lightning for over three thousand times by someone could make the equipment worth over a thousand times its original cost? This sure is easy money making!” Xu Liao made a serious face while pondering over various money making strategies.

Sun Bo Fang rolled his eyes and snorted as he was lazy to argue with him.

“Yea, as if!”

Xu Liao then continued: “So how do I use these Lightning Bodhi Beads?”

Sun Bo Fang had a rather foul mood when Xu Liao didn’t appear to have appreciated the true worth of the beads as he spoke in an agitated tone: “Fuse it with your demonic Qi and it will trigger the lightning curse from inside. Throw it out the moment you fuse the bead with your demonic Qi and it will explode upon contact. Even if there is no contact, it will automatically detonate five seconds later.”

“Wow. This thing sure has some cool technological features! So I won’t have to worry like those old war movies where people will just lob the grenade back at me!” Xu Liao’s eyes widened as he expressed his amazement.

Sun Bo Fang however, had no mood to entertain Xu Liao’s nonsense. He then asked: “When will you return to the Void world?”

As Xu Liao kept the Lightning Bodhi Beads, he replied curtly: “Now.”

Whether Sun Bo Fang was speaking the truth Xu Liao had no way to find out, but in order to quickly release his mother from Sun Bo Fang’s grasp, he had to find the Ghost Vine as soon as possible.

Sun Bo Fang’s eyes lit up as he laughed: “Wonderful!”

Xu Liao then turned towards Zhao Yan Qin and speaking in a low voice: “Head on home first. Try not to tell anyone else about this.”

Zhao Yan Qin gave a quick nod. Initially, she wanted to remind Xu Liao about Sun Bo Fang. But with the person in question right in front of them, naturally she didn’t say anything so she kept quiet.

Sun Bo Fang graciously paid the bills and the three of them left the cafe.

Though Zhao Yan Qin still had many things to say to Xu Liao, but in the end she could only look as both of them entered the bamboo house. She gritted her teeth and said softly to herself: “I will find Grandma Huai. Only she can help this situation.”

Xu Liao didn’t reveal his portal door, he only stared quietly at Sun Bo Fang as he summoned the black hole once again. It didn’t take long for the summoning to be complete; Xu Liao couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable at the sight of the black hole.

Originally by nature, Xu Liao was only an ordinary junior high school student until recently. Without any sort of ambition and adventurous spirit, it can be said that he doesn’t desire to be a martial artist at all.

When he entered the Emperor Court, he had received a lot of benefits, but at the same time he faced similar dangers. If not for Sun Bo Fang’s threat, maybe he wouldn’t even step into the Void world so soon.

“I will open the entrance every one hour and wait for you for twenty four hours. If you don’t return within twenty four hours, the venom within your mother’s body will react… and the consequences … I will let you decide.” Sun Bo Fang said casually.

After being able to vibrate his demonic Qi, not only he was able to form into demonic Qi ripples, he could even transform into a demon and cultivate the Star Devouring Formula. His ability improved at a tremendous pace. In the Void world, he devoured a huge amount of dull golden thatches and caused his Demonic Force Value to soar a few thousand points. Additionally, he also acquired the shadowless whip technique. Thus, Xu Liao was rather confident with his current self.

If not for the underhanded methods that Sun Bo Fang employed, he would definitely attempt to kill this guy.

While Sun Bo Fang was about usher Xu Liao into the black hole, he suddenly remembered something important.

“Wait. How did you get out from there?”

Xu Liao just closed his eyes and shrugged.

“There were many cracks. From our conversation before, they should be the dimensional cracks. I was chased by a huge group of demonic trees and accidentally fell into a crack. That’s how I got out.”

Never in h.e.l.l would Xu Liao tell Sun Bo Fang the truth. With the portal door in hand, there may come a time when Xu Liao needed it in an emergency.

Sun Bo Fang seemed to believe Xu Liao as he laughed.

“You merely got lucky because you have the Undead Tree blood pulse so you could escape successfully. But this method is very dangerous. Maybe the next time it wouldn’t send you out here but instead enter a dimensional turbulence. When that happens you can forget about ever returning here!”

Xu Liao remained calm and did not react to the warning. Without saying a word, he activated the Heavenly Demon Purgatory and dived into the black hole.

After ten minutes, Xu Liao finally landed on the ground. However, this time his luck was terrible!

“What!? Seriously..?”

There were more than ten demonic beasts clashing at the entrance of the Void world. On one side, there were beasts with huge fangs, and the beasts with huge fangs attacked a demonic beast that had a similar shape with an ape which was covered with layers of fiery red fur.

Xu Liao had not seen this demonic beast before, but when he saw that the red fur ape was still standing strong when it was being outnumbered by the beasts with huge fangs, it can be guessed how powerful this ape was.

The unfamiliar presence of Xu Liao suddenly attracted all of the demonic beasts’ attention. Without hesitation, they started to surround Xu Liao, picking a fight with him.

Despite having a high Demonic Force Value and various other abilities, he was still green when it comes to dealing with so many demonic beasts at once. He could only dodge and try to distance himself while thinking of a strategy.

Xu Liao had some experience with the beast with huge fangs, and was rather confident to deal with them. However, this red fur ape seemed much stronger than the usual bunch. Its speed was on par or maybe even faster than Xu Liao! While he was dodging, he had been blocked by the red fur ape for a few times. As if giving a warning, the red fur ape swung its huge arms casually and forced Xu Liao back into the battle.

For a few more times, Xu Liao had tried to escape but was again blocked by the red fur ape. Irritated by its actions, Xu Liao could take it no more. He raised his arms and materialized the dark golden lance.


Taking up a stance, his right foot to the front and left feet to the back, he tossed the lance with all his might at the red fur ape.

Although the red fur ape was faster than Xu Liao, but since it was occupied with the beasts with huge fangs, by the time it felt the imminent danger, it was too late. A dark light flashed through the red fur ape’s chest and heart, piercing through the other side of the body.

Without waiting to see what happened to the red fur ape, Xu Liao immediately used the chance to escape, and within a short period of time, he escaped the encirclement.

It was only at these kind of crucial situations when the result of Sun Bo Fang’s h.e.l.lish training could be seen. At a set distance between Xu Liao and the demonic beasts, he then twisted his body around and activated the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon. A five meter tall demonic shadow appeared on his back, swinging both scythes to form an ‘X’.


Huge blade waves screeched through the air and tore towards the direction of the demonic beasts.

After achieving the vibration of demonic Qi, he could cause the blade waves to vibrate at 100kHertz; it was this that made his blade waves function like a high frequency electromagnetic sword. Slicing through anything like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter, and even destroying the molecular bonds in matter!