One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 42 – Enjoying Life

OSI Chapter 42 – Enjoying Life



As many pictures flashed on the screen, Xu Liao’s gaze fixed on a certain image as he questioned rhetorically.

“…So this is the golden spear gra.s.s?”

Upon realizing Xu Liao’s interest, Duan Tian Lang further elaborated on the golden spear gra.s.s.

“Yes! This is the golden spear gra.s.s. The tips are very solid and sharp. It mainly boosts conductivity between spiritual power and demonic Qi. As long as one refines it further, it will definitely be a great weapon. Although it might not be suitable for large scale battles, but it is very suitable for training physique. If only we could grow them in bulk, the economic benefits would be crazy! Just imagine the profits!”

“…Are you sure you’re not hired under any transnational biological company?”

“Yes. There is an organization under the Storm Legion called Nodas. Not only does it own a few famous biology research and development companies, they are actually ranked top ten in the sports equipment category!”

Xu Liao couldn’t help but open and close his mouth in shock. He was speechless as he suddenly found that everything he a.s.sumed the Storm Legion to be was false. The Storm Legion… actually wanted the four Xian Species not because they wanted to use it for battle, cultivation, or develop biological weapons. All these militarist methods could actually be decent for business development.

Xu Liao was overwhelmed in shock due to his own a.s.sumption. Finally, he took in a few deep breaths before speaking: “The Storm Legion… isn’t a military organization…?” Xu Liao tilted his head as he acted as if he was puzzled to hide revealing his embarra.s.sing a.s.sumption. “So it is actually a mega multinational company! But why do the recruitment personnel they send out seemed to be only full of muscles? Always thinking about battle?”

Duan Tian Lang laughed loudly at Xu Liao’s question.
“Although in this world there is a saying that the strong will dominate over the weak, but times are changing. I can’t speak for the, but while the majority prefers the old fashioned method of cultivating though endless battles, there many of which who are now trying to enjoy life as much as possible instead of pursuing immortality. Especially those powerful demons and humans – they are most willing to hide themselves within the Void World to set up a country that suits their own desire or dreams. As for the weaker ones, and for those uneducated ones that do not understand the real world, they always think that conquering the world through brute strength is the best method to prove to the world.”

“So those two demons… although they looked fierce and evil, they were both actually weak? It was no wonder they admitted defeat in front of Grandma Huai and easily lost their lives to Sun Bo Fang as easily as killing ants. To think that I actually thought they were huge figures from the Storm Legion…” Xu Liao shook his head in embarra.s.sment as he put his palm on his face.

Duan Tian Lang roared with laughter as he slapped his thighs while tears started to form at the tips of his eyes. He actually tried to hold back his laughter out of courtesy, but in the end it was useless.

“Hahahaha! Even if it was me I will definitely not dare to challenge Grandma Huai. We don’t even need to mention about two small demons whose total power not even reaching three hundred years. Even if it was a powerful demon with over ten thousand years of power, defeating Void World talisman Grandma Huai isn’t an easy task.” Duan Tian Lang tried his best to stifle his laughter and answer seriously.

Xu Liao shook his head, refusing to continue the topic and he went straight to ask: “If I help the Storm Legion, what will I get in return?”

As if Duan Tian Lang predicted this would happen, he casually whipped up a contract, with detailed conditions as he explained one thing at a time to Xu Liao confidently. All his actions seemed to have certain elegance, it was so smooth as if he had already done this over ten thousand times.

The various conditions set up by the Storm Legion were very generous. For example, if he managed to secure the first golden spear gra.s.s, once the Storm Legion successfully nurtures it and develops it into a new chain of ‘training equipment’, then every year, one percent of profit will go to Xu Liao. From the predicted income stated in the contract using a detailed market a.n.a.lysis, this market is predicted to rise to billions of USD. It will sell enormously well to the demonic world in the entire globe. If it goes as expected every year, Xu Liao will receiving millions of USD as a shareholder.

For the other remaining Xian species, the rewards were also similar. Other than being a shareholder, there were also other contracts that included a one-time buy out price that offered a payout that could make anyone pant.

Xu Liao browsed through the contract for a while and felt slightly dejected. The option that he had been looking for wasn’t in the list. He then looked up and faced Duan Tian Lang before speaking with a low voice. “Other than cash payments, I just want to ask, can the Storm Legion send someone over to kill Sun Bo Fang?”

In contrary to his expectations, Duan Tian Lang shook his head and spoke with regret.

“China is the main territory of the Million Demon Clan. The Storm Legion can only send out small fries.. or a middle man like me to do stuff. If they send out their elites, it would provoke the Million Demon Clan’s supremacy – which means that it will probably result in a war that will incur heavy losses to both sides. So if they are willing to someone over, it will be judged based on the gains and losses, and that would require the discussion with the higher-ups.”

A hint of disappointment flashed across Xu Liao’s eyes. He thought he could borrow some forces from the Storm legion to get rid of Sun Bo Fang. Although he already made some plans to kill Sun Bo Fang, but after all, the odds weren’t in his favour. If he could borrow external help to reach his target easier, he would rather do that than risk his life.

Xu Liao let out a few sighs. He certainly cannot expect his life to be that easy. At that moment he suddenly thought of the last words of advice that Grandma Huai gave to him.

“Any organization has their ugly side, no matter how respected their leaders are.” His eyes darkened in thought. “So when any organization grows large.. not even the demons are able to evade this kind of bureaucracy?”

The Million Demon Clan had an agreement with the human cultivators to not interfere with the affairs of mortals. Only if the benefits far outweigh the losses, then would the Storm Legion take action.

Sun Bo Fang obviously was very familiar with the unspoken rules, so he could swim freely like a fish without a care of anyone binding him. He can do whatever what he wants and whatever what he likes.

There was a sudden change in atmosphere after Duan Tian Lang introduced the attractive conditions to Xu Liao who became silent. Duan Tian Lang was unable to tell if he made a mistake or the conditions just weren’t good enough for him. This made him slightly shocked, and just as he was about to try harder to persuade Xu Liao to sign the contract, Xu Liao suddenly broke the silence.

“… Do you know how or where I can hire a demonic king-cla.s.s powerful demon?”

Duan Tian Lang almost spilt the cup of tea in front of him in shock. He hurriedly spoke: “Are you mad?! Why would any demonic king-cla.s.s demon accept a contract from a normal demon? These powerful demons are basically swimming in cash. They definitely do not need your money!”

Xu Liao felt something inside him break. His last hope was smashed to smithereens. With this, his mood dropped to the ground and no longer interested to continue talking about business with Duan Tian Lang even though he was certain he could complete any one mission within ten minutes.

The golden spear were the exact same dull golden thatches that were devoured into his demonic core. This kind of gra.s.s were basically everywhere in the Emperor Court – it can’t even be cla.s.sified as uncommon.

As Xu Liao felt like he didn’t want to chat any longer, he stood up and bowed slightly and gave an excuse to leave: “Duan Tian Lang, I have something on, talk to you next time!”

Xu Liao then turned around and left promptly.

Duan Tian Lang raised his hand, intending to try and persuade him to stay, but hesitated at the last moment and missed the chance to call out to Xu Liao. He then gritted his teeth and hastily made his way down the hotel.

At the entrance of the PanGu Hotel, when Xu Liao managed to flag a taxi and was about to enter, a brand new Mercedes-Benz suddenly drove up to him and stopped in front of the taxi. When the door of the Mercedes-Benz swung open, Xu Liao saw that it was Duan Tian Lang.

“Come! Let me give you a ride.”

Xu Liao didn’t reject, and since he actually didn’t know where to go now, he just randomly selected a place and Duan Tian Lang didn’t ask further.

Unsurprisingly, at this time, the road was jammed pack with cars. The jam stretched all the way to the horizon, unable to even tell where was the end.

Duan Tian lang was on the driver seat. He twisted around and asked with a smile: “There are drinks in the car. Do you want me to get one for you?”

Xu Liao wanted to just open the door of the car and leave, but when he realized that he was on the expressway, and would need to walk a few kilometres to reach a pedestrian pathway, he slumped onto the seat dejectedly.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason.