Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting

Chapter 17

The process of welding which makes use of the great heat produced by oxygen combining with aluminum is known as the Thermit process and was perfected by Dr. Hans Goldschmidt. The process, which is controlled by the Goldschmidt Thermit Company, makes use of a mixture of finely powdered aluminum with an oxide of iron called by the trade name, Thermit.

The reaction is started with a special ignition powder, such as barium superoxide and aluminum, and the oxygen from the iron oxide combining with the aluminum, producing a ma.s.s of superheated steel at about 5000 degrees Fahrenheit. After the reaction, which takes from. 30 seconds to a minute, the molten metal is drawn from the crucible on to the surfaces to be joined. Its extreme heat fuses the metal and a perfect joint is the result.

This process is suited for welding iron or steel parts of comparatively large size.

_Preparation._--The parts to be joined are thoroughly cleaned on the surfaces and for several inches back from the joint, after which they are supported in place. The surfaces between which the metal will flow are separated from 1/4 to 1 inch, depending on the size of the parts, but cutting or drilling part of the metal away. After this separation is made for allowing the entrance of new metal, the effects of contraction of the molten steel are cared for by preheating adjacent parts or by forcing the ends apart with wedges and jacks. The amount of this last separation must be determined by the shape and proportions of the parts in the same way as would be done for any other cla.s.s of welding which heats the parts to a melting point.

Yellow wax, which has been warmed until plastic, is then placed around the joint to form a collar, the wax completely filling the s.p.a.ce between the ends and being provided with vent holes by imbedding a piece of stout cord, which is pulled out after the wax cools.

A retaining mould (Figure 55) made from sheet steel or fire brick is then placed around the parts. This mould is then filled with a mixture of one part fire clay, one part ground fire brick and one part fire sand. These materials are well mixed and moistened with enough water so that they will pack. This mixture is then placed in the mould, filling the s.p.a.ce between the walls and the wax, and is packed hard with a rammer so that the material forms a wall several inches thick between any point of the mould and the wax. The mixture must be placed in the mould in small quant.i.ties and packed tight as the filling progresses.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 55.--Thermit Mould Construction]

Three or more openings are provided through this moulding material by the insertion of wood or pipe forms. One of these openings will lead from the lowest point of the wax pattern and is used for the introduction of the preheating flame. Another opening leads from the top of the mould into this preheating gate, opening into the preheating gate at a point about one inch from the wax pattern. Openings, called risers, are then provided from each of the high points of the wax pattern to the top of the mould, these risers ending at the top in a shallow basin. The molten metal comes up into these risers and cares for contraction of the casting, as well as avoiding defects in the collar of the weld. After the moulding material is well packed, these gate patterns are tapped lightly and withdrawn, except in the case of the metal pipes which are placed at points at which it would be impossible to withdraw a pattern.

_Preheating._--The ends to be welded are brought to a bright red heat by introducing the flame from a torch through the preheating gate. The torch must use either gasoline or kerosene, and not crude oil, as the crude oil deposits too much carbon on the parts. Preheating of other adjacent parts to care for contraction is done at this time by an additional torch burner.

The heating flame is started gently at first and gradually increased. The wax will melt and may be allowed to run out of the preheating gate by removing the flame at intervals for a few seconds. The heat is continued until the mould is thoroughly dried and the parts to be joined are brought to the red heat required. This leaves a mould just the shape of the wax pattern.

The heating gate should then be plugged with a sand core, iron plug or piece of fitted fire brick, and backed up with several shovels full of the moulding mixture, well packed.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 56.--Thermit Crucible Plug.

_A_, Hard burn magnesia stone; _B_, Magnesia thimble; _C_, Refractory sand; _D_, Metal disc; _E_, Asbestos washer; _F_, Tapping pin]

_Thermit Metal._--The reaction takes place in a special crucible lined with magnesia tar, which is baked at a red heat until the tar is driven off and the magnesia left. This lining should last from twelve to fifteen reactions. This magnesia lining ends at the bottom of the crucible in a ring of magnesia stone and this ring carries a magnesia thimble through which the molten steel pa.s.ses on its way to the mould. It will usually be necessary to renew this thimble after each reaction. This lower opening is closed before filling the crucible with thermit by means of a small disc or iron carrying a stem, which is called a tapping pin (Figure 56). This pin, _F_, is placed in the thimble with the stem extending down through the opening and exposing about two inches. The top of this pin is covered with an asbestos, washer, _E_, then with another iron disc. _D_, and finally with a layer of refractory sand. The crucible is tapped by knocking the stem of the pin upwards with a spade or piece of flat iron about four feet long.

The charge of thermit is added by placing a few handfuls over the refractory sand and then pouring in the balance required. The amount of thermit required is calculated from the wax used. The wax is weighed before and after filling _the entire s.p.a.ce that the thermit will occupy_.

This does not mean only the wax collar, but the s.p.a.ce of the mould with all gates filled with wax. The number of pounds of wax required for this filling multiplied by 25 will give the number of pounds of thermit to be used. To this quant.i.ty of thermit should be added I per cent of pure manganese, 1 per cent nickel thermit and 15 per cent of steel punchings.

It is necessary, when more than 10 pounds of thermit will be used, to mix steel punchings not exceeding 3/8 inch diameter by 1/8 inch thick with the powder in order to sufficiently r.e.t.a.r.d the intensity of the reaction.

Half a teaspoonful of ignition powder is placed on top of the thermit charge and ignited with a storm match or piece of red hot iron. The cover should be immediately closed on the top of the crucible and the operator should get away to a safe distance because of the metal that may be thrown out of the crucible.

After allowing about 30 seconds to a minute for the reaction to take place and the slag to rise to the top of the crucible, the tapping pin is struck from below and the molten metal allowed to run into the mould. The mould should be allowed to remain in place as long as possible, preferably over night, so as to anneal the steel in the weld, but in no case should it be disturbed for several hours after pouring. After removing the mould, drill through the metal left in the riser and gates and knock these sections off.

No part of the collar should be removed unless absolutely necessary.



Until recently the methods used for removing carbon deposits from gas engine cylinders were very impractical and unsatisfactory. The job meant dismantling the motor, tearing out all parts, and sc.r.a.ping the pistons and cylinder walls by hand.

The work was never done thoroughly. It required hours of time to do it, and then there was always the danger of injuring the inside of the cylinders.

These methods have been to a large extent superseded by the use of oxygen under pressure. The various devices that are being manufactured are known as carbon removers, decarbonizers, etc., and large numbers of them are in use in the automobile and gasoline traction motor industry.

_Outfit._--The oxygen carbon cleaner consists of a high pressure oxygen cylinder with automatic reducing valve, usually constructed on the diaphragm principle, thus a.s.suring positive regulation of pressure. This valve is fitted with a pressure gauge, rubber hose, decarbonizing torch with shut off and flexible tube for insertion into the chamber from which the carbon is to be removed.

There should also be an asbestos swab for swabbing out the inside of the cylinder or other chamber with kerosene previous to starting the operation.

The action consists in simply burning the carbon to a fine dust in the presence of the stream of oxygen, this dust being then blown out.

_Operation._--The following are instructions for operating the cleaner:--

(1) Close valve in gasoline supply line and start the motor, letting it run until the gasoline is exhausted.

(2) If the cylinders be T or L head, remove either the inlet or the exhaust valve cap, or a spark plug if the cap is tight. If the cylinders have overhead valves, remove a spark plug. If any spark plug is then remaining in the cylinder it should be removed and an old one or an iron pipe plug subst.i.tuted.

(3) Raise the piston of the cylinder first to be cleaned to the top of the compression stroke and continue this from cylinder to cylinder as the work progresses.

(4) In motors where carbon has been burned hard, the cylinder interior should then be swabbed with kerosene before proceeding. Work the swab, saturated with kerosene, around the inside of the cylinder until all the carbon has been moistened with the oil. This same swab may be used to ignite the gas in the cylinder in place of using a match or taper.

(5) Make all connections to the oxygen cylinder.

(6) Insert the torch nozzle in the cylinder, open the torch valve gradually and regulate to about two lbs. pressure. Manipulate the nozzle inside the cylinder and light a match or other flame at the opening so that the carbon starts to burn. Cover the various points within the cylinder and when there is no further burning the carbon has been removed. The regulating and oxygen tank valves are operated in exactly the same way as for welding as previously explained.

It should be carefully noted that when the piston is up, ready to start the operation, both valves must be closed. There will be a considerable display of sparks while this operation is taking place, but they will not set fire to the grease and oil. Care should be used to see that no gasoline is about.