Parallel World Pharmacy

Chapter 84

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"Please, wait a moment. Mélodie-sama, may I see your hand?"
"Ah… what for? I"m a bit ashamed to show you"
Mélodie hid her fingers from Falma.
"Why are you ashamed?"
"It"s because I have the hands of a craftsman. They"ve grown a lot of calluses from handling tools"
Because Mélodie felt bashful, she nervously held out both hands in front of Falma.
"Have they increased recently?"
"I wonder if it"s because the continuing orders with quick deadlines"
It didn"t seem like Mélodie understood the cause. However, Falma still smiled.
"No, that"s not it. Although there are some calluses, about half of these are warts. Did you this part?"
A part of the wart was flat.
"Yes, I wasn"t feeling well so I sc.r.a.ped it with a knife…"
Falma informed Mélodie why that was a problem.
"It may have caused them to increase"

"Verruca vulgaris"

Falma used his divine eye to confirm the disease - "verruca", more commonly known as "warts". Falma took Mélodie"s hand and brought it near his face to inspect the blood vessels under the warts.
"These warts were caused by viruses"
Falma explains the concept of viruses to Mélodie. Warts usually form in places where the skin is injured so Mélodie, as a craftsman, must have hurt her hands a lot.

"Currently, there are no drugs which can cure this virus"
The human papillomavirus (HPV) has infected deep into the skin of Mélodie"s palm.
"No way… it won"t heal? It"ll be very embarra.s.sing if this increases"
"However, there may be drugs which can treat this… please give me a moment"
It was impossible to judge the effectiveness of liquid nitrogen as a treatment using Falma"s divine eye, so he checked some other drugs instead.

"Salicylic acid"
There"s a way to soften the stratum corneum of the wart, but it"s not always effective. In this case, it doesn"t seem like it will work for Mélodie.

At the same time, Lotte had just returned to the pharmacy from her errand and saw Falma unexpectedly grabbing Mélodie"s hand and bringing it close to his face. She was startled and quickly hid in the pharmacy"s shadows.
"Ehh?! Just now… could that have been… a ki-"
Based on appearances, that"s what it looked like. A kiss on the palm rather than the back of the hand from a man to a woman surely meant it was a proposal. "Falma and Mélodie had that sort of relationship…?", thought Lotte, confused. "Come to think of it, Falma went to Mélodie"s mansion several times while he was treating her."
"Falma must have slowly became more intimate with Mélodie during that time… I didn"t realize it at all"
It was unusual for Falma to touch a woman"s body, unless it was for a medical examination. Besides, Mélodie"s hand wasn"t diseased. Falma rarely even touched Lotte, that"s how intimate this situation was.
If you think about it, Falma and Mélodie are both n.o.bles, and Mélodie is also an archduke. As such, despite the age difference she was still the best partner for Falma.
"So that"s how it is…"
To Falma, Lotte was just a servant. As she thought that, she felt a wave of misery and looked down at her hands. They were smooth despite Lotte"s work in the kitchen due to the lotion that Falma makes for her. Lotte didn"t think she could ask for anything more than this…

"I wonder if I"ll have to leave the de Medicis family"s mansion if I get married… maybe I"ll only get to see Falmsama at the pharmacy"
Haaaa…. A sigh escaped Lotte"s lips as she considered her bleak future. She began to absentmindedly play with the nearby snow.

Meanwhile, Falma had finished examining Mélodie"s hand. He was completely ignorant of what had just happened, and instead began to explain the treatment process.
"There"s no way around it. We"ll freeze the warts using liquid nitrogen. After that, you can return to your mansion for some tea"
There"s no cure for verruca vulgaris, so the typical treatment is to use liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin until it becomes necrotic. Then, the infected area can be shaved off little by little. It"s normal to not use any anesthesia when treating with liquid nitrogen. However, there may be a sharp pain, so it was important that Mélodie didn"t accidentally activate her flames.
Mélodie is a flame arts user, so if she accidentally evaporates the liquid nitrogen, then the treatment can"t continue.
Mélodie looked puzzled.
"What would you prefer? A way that may hurt more, but takes less treatments, or a way that may hurt less, but takes more treatments?"
"I"m in pain, so it"s better if it doesn"t hurt"
Mélodie was scared.

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