Parallel World Pharmacy

Chapter 85

TN: I mistranslated Mélodie"s t.i.tle as Archduke when it"s actually Baroness. The previous parts have been updated. ごめんあさい

"Understood, today we"ll try a treatment that doesn"t hurt. Let"s start by applying the anesthetic"
Falma spread some ointment containing Lidocain onto Mélodie"s fingers.
"Let me know when your hand is numb so I know whether the anesthetic is effective. Alright, next person please"
Falma began to examine the steadily increasing number of patients while Mélodie waited in the counseling corner to avoid being a nuisance. Slowly, as Falma examined patient after patient, the sensation in Mélodie"s fingertips disappeared. She once again admired how reliable and talented Falma was, despite only being a child.

"I think the anesthetic worked"
Mélodie showed Falma her hands
Falma left for the compounding room
"Liquid nitrogen"
Liquid nitrogen at -196 °C was materialized into a low-temperature-resistant container and a cotton swab was dipped into the fluid. This caused the tip of the swab to freeze and maintain a super-low temperature.

"Well then, let"s freeze it"
Falma returned to the store and applied liquid nitrogen on the warts on Mélodie"s hand using the swab. While prolonged exposure to liquid nitrogen is usually very painful, short bursts don"t hurt as much. Furthermore, Mélodie is anesthetized, so she felt almost no pain at all.
"Is it over already?"
"Yes, it"s fine for now, but please come back in 5 days so we can freeze the virus before it starts growing again. We"ll remove it immediately"
With that, the treatment was completed. Falma also gave Mélodie some Job"s Tears tea, which is very effective against warts caused by papillomavirus. Falma had grown a lot of it in Ma.r.s.eille, and as such the pharmacy had a lot in stock.
"Thank you very much, I"m so relieved"
Mélodie expressed her grat.i.tude and paid Falma
"I hope you get well soon"

When Ellen returned from treating her patients, she found Lotte sitting on the stairs in front of the pharmacy.
"Lotte-chan, what happened here?"
In front of the pharmacy were numerous snowmen which Lotte had absentmindedly built with the snow that had fallen onto the ground. They were so beautiful, they seemed like they would come to life.
However, as a result Lotte"s hands had turned red and swollen.

"Oh my, you built all this with your bare hands even though your guardian deity isn"t the water G.o.d… what happened?"
"I got immersed in building the snowmen, and now my hands really hurt"
Lotte sadly sniffled
"That much is obvious. At this rate you"ll get frostbite. Well… there"s no other choice. I"ll apply some of the de Medicis" cream, so it should heal in about a week"
Ellen tried to go inside to get the medicine, but Lotte tugged on her coat.

"Aaaa! Don"t go inside, Ellen-sama!"
"Oh, why"s that?"
"That"s- Mélodie-sama is inside right now… with Falmsama…"
"So he"s treating her, right? What"s wrong with that?"
Lotte was fl.u.s.tered
"Falmsama is proposing right now… so I don"t think we should interrupt them"
"Ehhh? Proposing?"
Ellen"s voice cracked out of shock at hearing those words
"Falmkun"s proposing… so there was someone he liked after all! He"s normally so quiet"
Ellen still thought of Falma as a child, but at 12 years old it wasn"t unreasonable to be thinking about marriage. Ellen"s father, the Count, had started introducing her to love stories little by little, so it was also at the back of her mind.
"Falmkun, you"re growing up"

At that moment, Mélodie exited the pharmacy with her butler. She looked very happy and cheerfully bid farewell to Ellen and Lotte with a "goodbye, thanks for taking care of me". Then she entered her carriage and departed for her mansion.

"What do you think?"
Ellen whispered to Lotte
"She seemed happy, but I think that"s natural. Aaaa, did Mélodie-sama accept Falmsama"s proposal? Falmsama is such a gentleman, even Mélodie-sama…"
It sounded as though Lotte"s very soul had escaped her. Suddenly, and with terrible timing, Falma spoke up from behind the two.
"Thanks for running the errand, Lotte. Were you late? Ah, Ellen"s here too"
"It was no big deal. I think some kids came to play in front of the pharmacy… which is why there are so many snowmen"
Lotte was startled by Falma"s question and came up with an excuse

"Lotte-chan built so many snowmen that she"ll going to get frostbite"
"Ehhh… let me see"
Falma was surprised and reached out for Lotte"s hands. The warmth of Falma"s hands that were nonchalantly extended caused Lotte"s heart to race.
"Falmsama, you can"t! You already have Mélodie-sama"
Lotte quickly pushed away Falma"s hands so as to not hurt Mélodie"s feelings.
"That"s right, Falmkun. You shouldn"t be so promiscuous"
Ellen agreed with Lotte
"What are you saying?"

When Falma heard the story, he laughed in embarra.s.sment. It was a funny story.
"I was just examining Mélodie"s hand, since there were warts"
"Really? Is that really true?!"
Lotte trusted Falma, and her voice rose in delight.
"What did you think it was?"
"Nothing in particular!"

That day, Lotte was in such a good mood that she served more luxurious snacks that they could eat.