Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 58

The next day was Sunday. Avril didn"t get up until noon and her mood was much better.

Su Yutan called Chen Ruoshui and asked her to come to her home.

Chen Ruoshui was so surprised that she immediately hurried to come in glee.

As soon as she entered the door, she pulled Su Yutan and hugged Su Yutan tightly. She refused to let go for five minutes.

“A"tan! A"tan! It"s great if you"re fine!” She said happily.

When she heard Su Yutan"s recount about what happened, she gritted her teeth and desperately held out the sofa cushion to exhale. “This Cui Linlin is really a devil! I curse her for life to never come out from prison again! “

When Chen Ruoshui learned that the case was under the responsibility of Yue Yueming, she apparently froze for a moment, and there was some unshakable gloom in her expression.

But she asked and said nothing, just as if she didn"t know Yue Yueming.

Su Yutan sighed in her heart.

She decided to wait for Yue Yueming to finish the case and tell him clearly.

Just as Sister Shui only introduced them to her, she also created a chance for Sister Shui to enter.

As for whether Sister Shui would take advantage of this, it would depend on whether Yue Yueming would accept her or not. It was their own business.

On Monday, Su Yutan reported back to her unit and applied to resume her work.

Tang En asked her angrily, “Aren"t you recovering? Don"t force it!”

Now, Su Yutan was able to tell the truth. “I took a sick leave, not for recuperation at the hospital, but at the request of the police to cooperate with them to investigate a major case.”

She rescued Arnold and was hated by Cui Linlin. Cui Linlin ordered her from a trafficker to take revenge. She told Tang En everything in detail.

“Sorry, I deceived you in this matter.” Su Yutan apologized sincerely. “In the next two days, the police would send an official letter to explain this. It won"t be long before the media will also report the whole story.”

Tang En was so surprised that his eyes were about to explode.

“My gosh! You encountered such a dangerous thing, we didn"t even know it at all!” The overwhelming shock made his voice a little sharp.

Su Yutan said, “Because the police sent an undercover agent to investigate the case, they asked me to keep it strictly confidential and confiscated all of my smart devices. The team leader naturally would not know.”

The look on Tang En"s face was very complicated. Filled with guilt, admiration, and fear.

He said, “In the past, we also had social workers who were deliberately retaliated against. But no one has ever experienced such extreme revenge. Fortunately, you have good luck and have not really fallen into the hands of the human traffickers.”

In this regard, Su Yutan fully agreed, “Yes! Thanks to the undercover agent of the police, I knew about it a little in advance and I could escape from it."

If she hadn"t heard the news in advance, she wouldn"t have taken precautions, then it would become miserable.

“This was too hard for you.”

Tang En said worriedly, “You must have been so scared. Do you want to take a rest? You really don"t have to worry about work. There are many staff members here!”

Su Yutan smiled and shook her head, “I"m completely fine, I can resume work at any time.”

Tang En no longer persuaded her, stood up and said to Su Yutan, “Wait for me. I"ll see the section chief to report this.”

Su Yutan also stood up, “Then I"ll wait in the conference room and just drink a gla.s.s of water.”

The team leader is not there. If she stays alone in the team leader"s office, she will not feel well.

Tang En nodded, “OK.”

Su Yutan exited Tang En"s office and returned to the outside conference room.

The conference room was cleaned daily by a cleaning robot. Although the usage rate was low, it was quite clean.

She took the cup out of her locker, poured herself a gla.s.s of clear water, drank two sips, and sat on a seat by the window waiting for the news.

About half an hour later, Tang En returned.

He conveyed the condolences of the chief to Su Yutan, and said, “The chief has already reported to the director, and he hopes that the leader will approve and reimburse you the wages of these months, and those colleagues who work for you.”

Su Yutan said with a smile, “Isn"t this too troublesome?”

Tang En smiled, “This should be done. After all, you had encountered such an incident because of your work. You needed to take a long vacation to cooperate with the police to investigate.”

“Thank you.”

Tang En praised her with a few more words, and then said, “When you were on vacation, a new girl joined the group named Cindy. You should have heard of it?”


“Cindy has taken over your previous follow-up work. For more than a month, she has been familiar with the small clients. Our rule is: once the follow-up social worker is determined, it will not be changed. You know about it, right? “

Su Yutan nodded, “I understand.”

Changing social workers at will was not conducive to communicating with the child and his family. It would be hard to find problems.

This rule, she knew about it when preparing for the transfer examination.

“Cindy has taken over the job and so those cases will not be returned to you. With the consent of the leader, we have arranged a special position for you.”

“What position?” Su Yutan was a little hesitant.

Tang En replied, “The position specialized in project investigation called the Project Investigator.”

Su Yutan was a little surprised, “Project Investigator?”

Tang En nodded, “The main task of a social worker is daily follow-up. In a project investigation task, colleagues have previously taken turns to check over each other"s jobs."

“But after Cui Linlin"s case, we think that you are meticulous, keen, and cautious. You are a good candidate for this job. I want you to take on more tasks in this area. So I have created this position for you."

“So from today on, you will have a project task to investigate. If you do not have a project task, you will rest and your salary will be paid as usual.”

“If more than one project task occurs at the same time and if you are too busy, or you need treatment and recuperation, your colleagues will still take turns in accordance with the previous method, which will not overload you.”

After hearing this news, Su Yutan"s heart had mixed feelings about her new designation.

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