Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 60

This was an important way to discover some hidden injury cases. If the child has been injured for more than a certain degree, he or she will definitely show it in the mental diagnosis. Tracing back the cause from the results, there was an opportunity to discover these injuries and rescue the child victims.

Belle did not get a medical check-up after the due date. The department had reminded her guardian by phone and email according to the procedure, but they received no response.

Next, it was time for social workers to step in and conduct a manual investigation.

Su Yutan looked through Jiang Belle"s materials through “Best Eye”.

Jiang Belle"s parents were divorced, that was fine.

The point was when her parents got divorced, it was too ugly.

Her father, Yao Zhijie, accused his wife of infidelity in court and provided video evidence of his wife and her other partner rolling in the sheets.

Her mother, Jiang Miaomiao, claimed innocence. She is saying that Yao Zhi was the first to be the adulterer, and intentionally framed her to acquire more property. She only rolled the sheets with someone else because she was hypnotized.

In the end, Yao Zhijie"s evidence was strong. He won the divorce lawsuit.

Jiang Miaomiao"s allegations against her husband lacked evidence. She was judged as the wrong party and suffered a lot in sharing the property.

Fortunately, Jiang Miaomiao had a “Parent"s Qualification Certificate” while Yao Zhijie did not have one. When she competed for child custody, she won.

The court took into consideration the children"s quality of life in the future and did not let Jiang Miaomiao suffer with less money. She got partial deposits in her family, two properties, and a music bar that she ran before her marriage.

Su Yutan called Jiang Miaomiao on her phone. No one answered the phone, not even artificial intelligence.

This situation displayed the possibility of either Jiang Miaomiao turned off the smart device or she changed her contact information.

She checked the whereabouts of Jiang Miaomiao through Best and went directly to the bar operated by her to find her.

Jiang Miaomiao"s bar was called “Anna"s Music Bar”.

After stopping the flying saucer nearby, she walked outside the bar, opened Best Eyes, opened the door and walked in.

It was daytime and the bar had not opened yet. The whole lobby was empty with nothing but music.

Deep into the lobby, there was a small stage.

There were some music instruments around the stage, but no one was playing them. Obviously, the sound of the music was not being performed live.

In the center of the stage, there was a woman holding a microphone in her hand, her eyes closed, and her body twisted slightly with the rhythm of the music. It seemed as if she was preparing to sing.

Su Yutan saw the woman and recognized her at a glance—Jiang Miaomiao, the guardian of Jiang Belle.

After a prelude, Jiang Miaomiao raised the microphone and sang a song with great enthusiasm.

Put a river lamp on the water,

Put your hands together in your heart,

I closed my eyes and prayed sincerely.

May the spring breeze ten miles away, the loneliness of the dead;

May the peach blossoms live up to their vows.

May the beautiful morning light meet the twin smiles.

May the stars and the moonshine down and write down this love poem.

Twist a column of fragrance to the Buddha,

Put your hands together in your heart,

I closed my eyes and prayed sincerely.

May the baby smile as brightly as the sun;

May childhood be fun and vaster than Xinghe.

May the young man feel good and take root in Happy Paradise.

May my dreams come true when I grow up.

In the deep, is there a G.o.d that hears my prayers?

If I ask too much, then I just ask, there is a lingering spirit between the heart.

On earth, is anyone laughing at my greed?

If I ask too much, then I only ask that people can love each other forever.

Su Yutan did not interrupt Jiang Miaomiao.

She slowly walked to the middle of the lobby, listening to Jiang Miaomiao singing across a short distance.

The lights on the stage were very dim but Jiang Miaomiao had a different charm when she sang. It seemed that her whole body was shining.

Su Yutan did not understand the music, but the more she listened to it, the more she felt Jiang Miaomiao not only sang, but also had a very pious feeling as if she was singing for herself.

Suddenly, she was moved by the song.

“What song is she singing?” She asked Mia.

“It"s Joanna"s masterpiece, Pray.”

Su Yutan had never heard of the singer Joanna; however, there were countless unknown singers. She didn"t pay attention to music, which was not normal.

“Help me buy a copy of this song, I want to hear the original singer.” She said to Mia.

When Jiang Miaomiao finished singing the song, Su Yutan applauded sincerely.

Jiang Miaomiao opened her eyes, looked at her, and smiled charmingly. “We are not open yet dear guest. Please come again at night!”

Su Yutan introduced herself directly: “My name is Su Yutan. I am a social worker at the Minor Protection Department of the Xinhai Social Affairs Bureau, and I am here to find you.”

“Social worker? I"m sorry I was disrespectful,” Jiang Miaomiao plugged the microphone back into the rack and walked towards her, "Miss Su came to me because of Belle"s medical examination?”

Su Yutan looked at her calmly. “Yes! Your daughter did not have a medical examination on the due date. So I followed the procedure and came to find the reason.”

Jiang Miaomiao frowned and said with a smile, “This is a long story. Come to my office for a talk”

She made a “please” gesture to Su Yutan.

Su Yutan followed her. "Best Eye" then recorded and uploaded her work videos simultaneously.

Jiang Miaomiao"s office is in the attic above the stage.

The office was not big, the walls were full of posters, the tables and cabinets were full of electronic photo frames, hand-made items, and signboards.

The same girl was on the poster, the photo frame, and the stand. The girl was dressed in vibrant colors, some were on stage and some were very professional fashion photos.

Seeing Su Yutan looking at the posters and photo frames, Jiang Miaomiao said, “This is my favorite singer Joanna. These things are not easy to collect, and they are being deliberately destroyed by my daughter at home. So I simply placed them in the office.”

Su Yutan nodded and did not continue with the topic of Joanna. She went straight to the topic: “Why didn"t Belle have a physical examination on time?”

Jiang Miaomiao"s charming face showed a bitter smile. “Because this child is acting rebellious against me. I mentioned it to her a few times and I have already contacted a doctor, but she still refuses to go.”
[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (*´ェ`*)っ旦~]
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