Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 88

After the makeup was done, the sky was about to light up.

Early morning and dusk were prime time for photographers which shouldn"t be missed. Su Yutan hurriedly pulled Qiao w.a.n.gchuan to start taking photos. Milo was responsible for holding the reflector.

Although Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was not a professional model, fortunately Su Yutan did not express a specific theme. He just needed to be himself, and she just needed to capture his qualities.

After a busy and intermittent day, hundreds of photos were taken.

In the evening, she was at Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s room and was choosing photos with him.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was amazed, “You actually shot me so handsomely! What if I fell in love with myself?”

Su Yutan was also basically satisfied with these photos, “I"ll post a few to my social circle and only show them to a few friends. Do you mind?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked at her with his chin in her arms and smiled, “These photos are your work, you can do whatever you want.”

Su Yutan picked a few photos which she was most satisfied with, sent it to her social circle, and set it to be visible only for Lu Xiaozhi, Avril and Chen Ruoshui.

Later, she thought that these photos were taken for Qiao w.a.n.gchuan and should be made visible to him, so Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was added to the group where these photos can be seen.

Lu Xiaozhi, Avril, and Chen Ruoshui have left comments under this group of photos.

Lu Xiaozhi only gave an unpredictable smile.

Avril sighed, “Good technique! These photos were taken so beautifully. In addition, I find Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looking so handsome.”

Chen Ruoshui"s response was the most exaggerated. She immediately made a video call and asked who this handsome guy was and what relationship he has with Su Yutan.

Su Yutan did not immediately answer her video call.

It wasn"t until she left Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s room that she called her back. She told her about her relationship with the handsome guy, which caused Chen Ruoshui to scream excitedly for a while.

Chen Ruoshui only knew that she had a daughter before, but did not know who the child"s father was or what he looked like.

“Tell me honestly, are you with the child"s father?” Chen Ruoshui asked her aggressively.

“No. He"s chasing me, but I haven"t promised him anything yet.”

“Do you think he"s handsome?” Chen Ruoshui bit her lips and asked nervously.

After hearing this question, Su Yutan knew that Shui Sister thought of Yue Yueming. She did not think Yue Yueming was handsome, which was one of the reasons she rejected Yue Yueming.

Su Yutan thought for a while, and smiled, “He is handsome. I especially like his eyes, it"s as deep as the sea, as if there are countless wisdom and secrets hidden within them. His lips are also very beautiful, so elegant, rosy, and very attractive.”

“The most important thing about him is his calm, elegant and restrained temperament which is very attractive to me…”

Chen Ruoshui quietly listened to her praising Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, and sighed, “Who you like is actually this guy. It seems that Yue Yueming had no chance at all.”

Su Yutan was silent and did not answer.

“Do you know why Yue Yueming treats you as his G.o.ddess?”

After a moment of silence, Chen Ruoshui asked suddenly.

“I"m also surprised. Why?”

Chen Ruoshui sighed, “He was abducted by two fugitives when he was a kid. A young policewoman who was off duty happened to see this and followed them. She calmly and intelligently dealt with the two fugitives for several hours, and saved him.”

“Since then, he has been particularly obsessed with the calm, resourceful and brave people in front of danger. The way you dealt with Zhou Feng that day perfectly matched his highest fantasy of a perfect woman, so you became his G.o.ddess.”

“And I was so scared that day… I almost burst into tears and naturally couldn"t arouse his interest.”

That was it! With a sigh, Su Yutan sighed and said, “Why don"t you tell him the word ‘G.o.ddess" is used for someone you admire. He must fall in love with someone who is worthy of him.”

Chen Ruoshui snorted, “Okay! I"ll tell him that!”

After ending the call with Chen Ruoshui, Su Yutan looked at the brilliant stars in a daze.

It seems that everyone had their own story, each with their own sadness, helplessness, and regret.

Su Yutan attended the dance party of the White Coral Hotel, and her dance partner was naturally Qiao w.a.n.gchuan.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan bought a set of jewellery for her, as a thanks for her efforts in taking his photos.

Su Yutan resolutely refused to accept the jewellery, saying: “You helped me solve Cui Linlin"s troubles last time. I haven"t thanked you yet! These photos are nothing.”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s expression was a little dark, and he didn"t force her any more.

Returning to Xinhai City from the Pearl Islands, Su Yutan took Qiao w.a.n.gchuan to Jiang Miaomiao"s “Anna"s Music Bar”.

Jiang Miaomiao was Joanna"s diehard fan.

Her “Anna"s Music Bar”, named after Joanna, was considered an unofficial Joanna Fan Bar.

In this bar, Joanna"s fans often gathered and one could often hear Joanna"s songs.

After Su Yutan talked about this bar, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan wanted to visit it.

Su Yutan called Jiang Miaomiao and asked her to book a table for her.

Jiang Miaomiao greeted them personally at the door and took them to a table in front of the stage. The atmosphere of the bar could be experienced at this table but it was also a relatively independent s.p.a.ce.

Su Yutan asked Jiang Miaomiao, “Can you sing "Pray" again? That day, you sang very well.”

Jiang Miaomiao happily agreed.

After a while, Jiang Miaomiao stood on the stage wearing a very formal and grand dress.

When the band played the prelude to "Pray", she spoke on the microphone, “Two months ago, I stood here alone, singing Anna"s "Prayers" into the empty lobby.”

“At that time, I hoped that an upright and clever knight would fall from the sky and help me solve my troubles.”

“When I finished singing this song, there really was an upright and clever female knight who appeared in front of me. It didn"t take long for her to help me solve the troubles as I hoped. Here at this time, I want to thank her solemnly!”

Jiang Miaomiao bowed deeply towards Su Yutan.

Su Yutan was a little embarra.s.sed. Subconsciously, she didn"t want to be noticed, so she looked around with the people in the bar and looked like "I don"t know who she was thanking."

After bowing, Jiang Miaomiao said, “Now, I believe this song is magical. Tonight, I will sing this song with sincerity again and pray for my favorite Anna. Wherever she is, I just want her to be safe and happy… “

After speaking, she closed her eyes and sang "Pray" in an extremely devout state, just like Su Yutan first saw her.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan laughed a little at Su Yutan"s pretense.

But when he heard Jiang Miaomiao"s next words and heard her singing, his tears flowed down his face.

[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (´ェ`)っ旦~]

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