Peach Blossom Debt

Chapter 11

Li Siyuan who was by the bed coughed and said, "Third brother, nurse your healthwell. Your second brother and eldest brother will visit you again tomorrow." He turned and gave Li Sixian a glance.

Li Sixian quickly added, "Yes, yes, third brother was injured rather badly. He just had medicine at the main hall and now needs the rest. Dad, you should head back and rest as well." He turned around to face theservants, "Everyone withno business here, leave. The restof yououtside, guard the door properly, attend tothird young master when the medicine arrives."

Dongjun w.a.n.g"s eyes gave a side glance tothe bed, hesighed loudly but flicked hissleeves down and wentout the door. The restof the crowd scrambledoutof the room. Li Siyuan dawdled until finally pivoting back and walkingover tothe bed. He greeted Mu Ruoyan and said, "Our father is naturally stubborn, adding tothat third brother also made the elderly worry. Today his anger went up to his head, he treated the young lord withsuchunfairness, I hope you can understand."Only after that did he exited the room.

The door was closed. Theonly people leftinthe room were Tian Shu and Li Siming. I smiledobsequiously to Heng Wen, "I"ll getinLi Siming, release Tian Shu"s hands and you pull me back up again,okay? "

Heng Wen slightly raised his eyebrows, "What"s the hurry for? It wasn"t easy to grab that hand, no matter what you should holdon for a few more moments. Noone is around now, let"ssee what Tian Shu"s att.i.tude tothis third lord Li Siming."

This immortal lord canonly laughback. I looked at Mu Ruoyan who stood by the bed, his two brows made a little crease, his gaze at the back that faced up — Li Siming hadn"t stir even a bit. He bent down and gentlyopened Li Siming"s grip to recover hisown hand. He picked up a thin blanket at thesideof the bed and softly laid iton Li Siming"s body.

Heng Wen looked at me, all smiles, "Covering you witha blanket, the possibilities are endless."

Being looked at by him like that I coughed stifflyinembarra.s.sment. I laughedout, "Eveninheaven Tian Shu had always pitied the weak, as a mortal this tendency still hasn"t changed."

Shortly after, a maid knockedon the door and entered. She carried a calming decoction for the third young master,only to leave iton Mu Ruoyan"s hands very naturally, saying "we must trouble young lord Yan to feed the medicine to young master, thisservant will retire now" and then turning and left.

Mu Ruoyan stood there clasping a bowlof medicineinhis hands. I can"t help craning my neck. Just now when Tian Shu picked up the blanket and covered me, I felt a sliverof joy insideof me. Now that Li Siming is lyingon the bed between life and death, I wonder what method Tian Shu will use to feed him?

Behind me, Heng Wen asked in a cold voice: "Your neck"sso farout it"s like a bridge. Waiting for Tian Shu to feed you by mouth?

Ee? As far as I know Heng Wen Qingjun haven"t learnt mind-reading.

Heng Wen draggedout his words, "You must be dreaming." His hand shoved me, and I fell into Li Siming"s body again. "Be good and drink your medicine."

I had to lift up my eyelids and act like I wa.s.struggling to get up. Having possessed Li Siming, I immediately felt the wounds from getting beaten. I calledout "Ruoyan" without strength. I heard Mu Ruoyan"s cold voicesaying: "Medicine"s here, drink some first."

Well, this immortal lord came back precisely to drink medicine. However, before I do, I have to play my part for a bit. I sat myself up withdifficulty then said unsteadily, "Ruoyan…Ruoyan…. You"restill here…. My dad, he, he didn"t make it difficult for you, did he…"

Keeping silent, Mu Ruoyan carried the bowlover. I pushed my upper body to receive the bowl into my mouthand drank. After the bowl was empty, he heldout his hand totake it back, putting the bowlon the table. The dooropened and a maid promptly cameintotake away the bowl. Witha voice like a dying man"s, I instructed, "Young lord Mu was just sick, let him recoverinthe east side room. It"s like this until my injury is healed." The maid answered me witha "yes".

I was pulled back up tothe air by Heng Wen again. I left Li Siming lyingon the bed for several days, letting myself steal time to slackoff. I sleptinHeng Wen"s room at night and strolled around the manorinconcealment during the day, I also changed into another appearance to stroll around thestreets. Every day I will go inside Li Siming"s body several times to be awake for a bit, drink medicine, eat,or relieve myself.

Heng Wen was busy these few days though. Dongjun w.a.n.g placed the utmost importance tothissir counsellor Zhao, everyday he would ask him and his two sons tothestudy to discuss important matters together. Using different situationsinthe country to discussstrategies. I had leanedon Heng Wen and listenedina bit, but it was quite dull.ina true non-brotherly spirit I abandoned Heng Wen and went totown and listen to songs. Heng Wen took it pretty seriously, he didn"t let mesleepon his bed that night.

I had to stand at the headof his bed, smiling to pacify him, "Outside is so windy and the night is cold, does Heng Wen Qingjun have the heart to make your friend sleepon a tree withno covers? "

Heng Wen said witha grim face. "So many empty side roomsinthe Dongjun w.a.n.g"s manor, there"s no way you can"t findone to sleep in."

I shook my head, "Empty rooms are many, butonly few has bedding and a blanket."

"If that"sso, go be Li Siming, his room ha.s.sucha big bed. Tian Shuintheside room has a soft bed and thick blankets, you can also gothere."

My face fell withbitterness, "Sleeping as Li Siming my back will hurt, sleeping withTian Shu my head will hurt." I smiled widely and threw my arm around Heng Wen"sshoulders. "The whole world has millions and millionsof beds but your humbleservant shallonly want Qingjun"s couch."

Heng Wen scoffed, "Not afraid you"ll be punished up the execution platform for saying that."

Li Siming deserved to be this immortal lord"s vessel. He healed up rapidly, merely five days later the injury had scabbed and becomescattered bruises.

His recoveryinturn ended this immortal lord"s idle days. I will return to being Li Siming, sleepinginthat big bedinmy room, and getting Tian Shu moved back to my side again.

My true body wasout loafing about everywhere these days but I also droppedinto checkon Tian Shu several times. Everyday, he can"t eat more than a spoonful, he read several history scrolls, hesat by the most remote corner by the garden"s pond and small apricot tree missing Shan Shengling, and he playedoneor two roundsof go withhimself. So it was no surprise that he"d fall ill. Hespent eachday so insipidly, he"ll get sick whether he wants toor not.

After I moved Tian Shu backinmy room hestill coughed every night. Before a sound could leakout, he would close his mouthtight and stifle his coughing. The tremblesof that frail body"s made me empathy rise. I helped him up and patted his back to make him coughitout, then wentout toorder a potof hot tea brewed for Mu Ruoyan to drink, speaking sincerely, "When you have to cough, don"t suppress it, I don"t mind being woken up." Mu Ruoyan.o.bediently drank the tea before lying down. I letout a sighbefore lying down as well.

My brain was deepinhaze as I seemingly heard calls like thatof a fly"s: "Song Yao Yuanjun, Song Yao Yuanjun——"

Eachtime he came he"d have a new inhumane task for me to do.

As expected,on the roof, Ming Ge Xingjunopened withflattery, he asked me if my injuries from getting beaten had all healedor not.

My mouthheld a smile, "Bearing those beatings is what Xingjun had planned for me, you knew well when my injuries would heal completely. There"s no need to ask that."

Ming Ge Xingjun laughed hollowly, then dived straight tothe point. "Before midnight five days from now, Shan Shengling will arrive at Dongjun w.a.n.g"s residence to fight for Mu Ruoyan. He will take Li Siming"sswordinplaceof Mu Ruoyan and run away alone and wounded."

Oh? Didn"t this Li Siming love Mu Ruoyan? How can hestab him witha sword? If I must stab, I should bestabbing Shan Shengling.

Old man Ming Ge held his beard and said, "Yuanjun ah, common sense couldn"t be used to reason with human emotion. Eachone emotion is unique, there are those who disregard themselves fortheir love, there are alsothose who contended and got rejected, thusstarted to go mad withdesire."

Withthat, I understood. The purposeof this attack was drawout Nan Ming Dijun"s deep earthshaking feelings with my cruelty. Following that attack, the feelings between Tian Shu and Nan Ming will deepen while the hate Tian Shu has for me will grow.

Fine I"ll be vicious, I"ll be hateful.Inany case, I am not doing anything good here, I"ve never had hopesomething good will comeoutof it.

Jade Emperor is truly not bad to let me have the chance to stab Nan Ming Dijun. When we wereinheaven, I oncespoke harshwords, that I really wished I could stab Nan Ming Dijun, and that must had reached Jade Emperor"s ears. The Jade Emperor is very wise.

I listened to whatold Ming Ge has to say tothe end and I was about to go back tothe room cheerfully when I suddenly thoughtof something. "Tian Shu is coughing beside me every night and I can"t sleep peacefully. Can we treat his tuberculosis?"