Peach Blossom Debt

Chapter 12

Ming Ge Xingjun appeared abit reluctant. "Jade Emperor had orderedthatnoheavenly immortals is allowed tomeddle with thefate with their powers……."

"If there is away in thehuman world totreat it, can hebe treated? When I heardthatnoise it really hurts my head."

Ming Ge stroked his beard and considered it for amoment. I added in, "Jade Emperor alsosaid, in this life Tian Shu and Nan Ming are punished tosuffer love trials. His tuberculosis is not considered part of alove trial, it won"t be abig hindrance whether it"s treated or not."

Ming Ge eventually let out abreath, "Alright then, but Yuanjun must never use his G.o.dly powers."

I quietly spoke, "Look at my present situation, even if I want to, it"s not soeasy touse my power is it."

Ming Ge chuckled, "You"ve suffered these days, Yuanjun." Theold man could dome this favour and allow me this thing. He alsoaskedthatI give his greetings toHeng Wen Qingjun.

He rode thewind tohead back but hewasbarely up before heflew down again, hecalled out from behind me whowasabout tophase back intotheroom.

"Song YaoYuanjun, wait asecond!" While panting, hesearched around and took out asmall bronze baguatoken from hissleeves, then handed it over into my palm.

"This object is called theseal of Lishen. It"s atreasure of theSupreme Old Lord and specially prepared for Yuanjun. Theincarnation of Tian Shu and Yuanjun are both living here, and now Heng Wen Qingjun is here aswell, afraid there"d be wild demons from themountain making trouble. This object can let out Yuanjun"s true body, just in case anything happened. However, it can only be used thrice each month. Yuanjun must use it carefully."

I pocketed thetoken. "Can only be used three times, it"s toofew."

Ming Ge wasvery displeased of me being picky. He nagged me and explained again how touse thetoken, and after he had said allthat he needed to,herode on awhiff of winds and returned totheheavens.

Mu Ruoyan wasalready asleep when I went back inside Li Siming"s body. In themidst of night, his breathing sounded fragile and not very deep. It would be difficult for anyone togrow up without getting hurt or sick, but togrow up with silk and satin piled up on him yet ailing tothis point wasalsonot soeasy. Just how did hehad lived through all those twenty years?

I haven"t closed my eyes for long, hewoke me up with his coughing again. I supported him intoacomfortable position and got up from thebed tolook for thepot on thetable. It wa.s.still atad warm. I poured him acup and let him drink. After that, heslept more peacefully. I pulled his blanket up and tucked it tight next tohis pillow, and finally slept until daybreak.

Thefollowing day, Dongjun w.a.n.g wasnot in themanor, so I could easily gotoHeng Wenthatmorning. I couldn"t find him in his room, I had tosearch all around theplace until finally catching sight of theman. He wa.s.sitting within an octagonal pavilion in thegarden, it looked like there wa.s.something squirming tohisside. When I got closer, I foundthat.i.t wasJinning squat on thestone bench next toHeng Wen. He stuck close toHeng Wen, wriggling left and right. It puzzled me when I didn"t see him break intoHan courtyard recently, sohewasactually pestering Heng Wen. Jinshu wa.s.sitting quietly on Heng Wen"s other side, but one of his hands wasbrave enough topull on Heng Wen"ssleeves.

As I approached, I heard Jinning saying toHeng Wen: "Sir Zhao, I have something I don"t understand near theend of thebook, can I ask you about it?" Heng Wen wa.s.still holding ontoabook scroll, hemust have been reading when thelittle brat came and disturbed him. I moved forward, before I could take my third step and before Heng Wen could answer, Jinning added with agrin, "Mister, I just learnt amartial art technique, doyou want togive it atry?"

Heng Wen laughed, "You even know some martial arts? How impressive. Let mister look at your moves."

Jinshu"s face spelled nothing but his anxiety. He pulled on Heng Wen"ssleeves, while Jinning put his hand on Heng Wen"sshoulder. "Mister, I learned this move from little uncle, it"s called giving breath. Mfh—"

Just ashis face moved forward, I took abig stride. Jinning wasonly half achives" leaf away from thetip of Heng Wen"s nose when thelittle rascal waspulled away and set on theground. I growled, "Little uncle ha.s.some business with Sir Zhao, goplay elsewhere."

I"ve known Heng Wen Qingjun for thousands of years. Even I haven"t gotten my share of the fat meat and yet this little tyke had nearly s.n.a.t.c.hed ataste.

Jinning ran off wailing. Jinshu reluctantly let goof Heng Wen and pattered out of thepavilion after Jinning with alowered head. I heaved asigh of relief, "Thank goodness."

Heng Wen put down his book and looked tome, "Thechild wants toplay, why be soserious."

I grinned widely. It looks like Heng Wen wasin avery good mood today, hehad asmile on asheasked what matter I have. "There"s nothing, really," I said, and I shared what Ming Ge had told me last night with him.

"Ming Ge Xingjun wasalwaysslacking like this, hewritessimply, his words are not very clear and could have several interpretations. We can only hope hewrote amore detailed story this time sothat small complications won"t crop up."

This brought tomind my old injury, soI immediately followed, "Exactly, whoknows what he"d written in thebook. Whoknows if it would change toNan Ming stabbing me in thelast seconds? That"d be far toounfair tome."

Heng Wen said with ahalf smile, "When your blood dofall totheground, Tian Shu"s heart might just start tolean towards you. Tian Shu had always pitied theweak, you said soseveral days ago."

Heng Wen grasped my shoulders, "Just kidding. Don"t worry, comethattime, how can hehurt you with me here?"

I said wryly, "I"m not afraid he"ll hurt me, just afraid thedate Ming Ge set would arrive earlier. He said about five days but there"s noguarantee it won"t be this very night."

In theend, I lay on thebed with my eyes wide open wide like acopper bellthatnight, for fearthatsomething would happen. Keeping watch until midnight, not another sound except for Tian Shu"s coughs could be heard. I wasunable tokeep it up and directly went tosleep.

Thenext twodays were spent asking far and wide on how totreat Tian Shu"s illness while thenights were spent with me being on tenterhooks, scaredthatShan Shengling couldn"t follow theschedule,thathe"d come early tokill me. These twodays whittled down my vital energy. On theflip side, it waseasier toattend toMu Ruoyan and give him something todrink since I didn"t dare toclose my eyes at night. I would bring tonic tohim and took care of him day after day. Thenightly coughing significantly lessened, Mu Ruoyan"s hand alsohad abit more warmth. One night, after I gave him water todrink and took him tothebed, helaid on his pillow and murmured asoft "thank you". Inexplicably, this old immortal shed bitter tears.

Dark clouds covered up themoon on thethird night after Ming Ge"s notice, cool windssurged up. I could hear some unusual movements within thetiny rustling outside thewindow.

Was I right about Old Ming Ge, wa.s.shan Shengling ahead of schedule?

I took out thecopper baguafrom my bosom and held it in my hands, silently read theseal script, and in an instant my true body waspulled out intotheair. I silently slipped out.

Outside, astrong stench wafted with thewind, afaintly discernible shadow moved in thecourtyard. A figure appeared tofloat among theflowers. Now and then, they let out an enchanting laughter asif an icy wind howling, it sounded like awoman"s voice.

Seems like I"ve guessed wrong. That old Ming Ge had an unlucky mouth.

By thesmell of this foul musky odour, it should be afox demon.

Thevixen washeading towards Heng Wen"s quarters, in fact. Some little furball whohadn"t even cultivated for athousand years dared tothrow itself intoan immortal"s domain. This immortal lord doesn"t feel like using my power tochase after thespirit, I simply teleported toHeng Wen"s door and waited for it todeliver itself tome.

Thefemale fox, a.s.soon asitsaw this immortal lord, itsmiled sweetly, "Aiyou, somany immortals in thehouse."

According totherules of heaven such small demons cannot be killed upon sight, we must first reason with them.

Thus I bellowed, "Evil spirit, I can seethatyou have interest towards theDao, I cannot bear tobeat you back toyour true form. If you could only leave thedemonic path and cultivate righteous path, you may become an immortal after several trials and gain entry toheaven."

Thevixen said, "Aiya, old daoists are naggy enough, didn"t expect ayoung small immortal such asyou would be sonaggy too. Thisservant merely wants tospend anight with theimmortal lord in there, and benefit from his immortal essence. Oh well, looks like I"m not thefirst here. This one shan"t waste words with you. I will come back."

With a twist around its waist, it disappeared southwards in ablack aura. My hand raised and I snapped my fingers. A miserable cry sounded from within theblack aura. This wasalready giving it some consideration, whether or not itcan keep abreath of life depended on its luck.

There wasaheavy evil presence in Heng Wen"s room. I wasabout break in when I suddenly thought of Tian Shu whoI had left in my room. Being thereincarnation of aStar G.o.d, hewould surely attract some evil being"s interest. Heng Wen"s powers were far above mine and since there wasn.o.big movements inside theroom, I a.s.sumedthathewasfine. I spoke intothenarrow opening of his doors, "Heng Wen, handle it yourself for now, I"ll check Tian Shu then come back again tohelp you out."

I warped back totheroom in Han courtyard at once. Mu Ruoyan wasdeep asleep on thebed. Thankfully, nothing had happened yet. I drew up aspirit barrier and covered him with it well. Finally I went back toHeng Wen"s place.

Thepotent smell grew thicker in the air. That demonic presence on Heng Wen"s room waseven stronger, yet theinside remain without big movements. My guesses were far from good, I subdued my presence and hurried inside.

In theflickering warm light, Heng Wen wa.s.standing and there was another figureembracing him, murmuring, "Ever since I saw you, lord, I have longed for you day and night. I can"t be without you. I knowthatademon like me with an immortal will not meet agood end. I"m here not expecting tokeep my life. I only wish…." Lightly, itstongue licked Heng Wen"s ear, "Only wishthatyou may indulge me for anight. My lord, doyou know thesort of fun thingsthatcan bring you thebest kind of feeling……"

I actually haven"t made my move even after I heardthatmuch.

Because this immortal lord wa.s.struck dumb for amoment.

Long silver hair aswhite a.s.snow, apair of seductive slanting eyes. It was a fox spirit coloured entirely in white.

Thefox"s white robes opened wide around thetorso, exposing thesmooth pectorals there. It wasaterrible sight.

What made it even more terrible was…thefox spirit wasamale one.