Petite Mother Of Four Big Shots

Chapter 3 : Chapter 3: I Am Your Mother… Part 2

Edited by: Hariett98

Chapter 3 : Chapter 3: I Am Your Mother… Part 2

Her son was really handsome.

Looking at it closely, his eyebrows just looked like hers. Particularly his nose, which was exactly the same as her nose.

By the looks of the events that were currently happening, it seemed that the world"s timeline in the book had drastically changed. And as a result, several periods of time had been coincided into a single timeline. Which was also the reason why the mother was much younger than her own son.

There was a clean paper cup on the table that was just taken out by Gu Yizhou right now. Looking at it, Gu Yuanyuan was feeling really thirsty. And, she"s not only thirsty but, she was also hungry.

Ever since she transmigrated, she didn"t know how long she was in a coma, and when she woke up earlier, she had not eaten anything. She was in a hurry to escape before, that"s why she had no idea whether she was feeling hungry or not.

Gu Yuanyuan"s stomach kept growling in hunger. She did not know whether she was hungry because of the sudden rise of her Delicate Value, or if she was just hungry because, the more she thinks things, the hungrier she gets. The feeling which she somewhat couldn"t stand.

She felt that her body was starting to weaken as the minutes pa.s.sed by, and she couldn"t go on like this. She must do something. She had to find some food to supplement her energy.

As she looked around the office, she noticed that on the table, there was half a roll of uneaten biscuits inside a small container box.

However, it didn"t seem so good to eat it without permission, especially now that the host was not around.

But… the owner of this was her own son.

Gu Yuanyuan bit her finger as she was fighting against her urges and needs inside her heart. Eventually, she was starting to sweat bullets. Her body was clearly telling her that she should eat first, for she could not afford to starve and faint right here.

So, she decided to open the pack which she saw that was filled with uneaten Oreos.

Gu Yuanyuan took a bite of it, and she frowned afterward as a thought slipped into her mind. She felt that the cookie tasted different from what she had always imagined. But, she was too hungry to think, so she didn"t ponder much about it.

After she ate three pieces of cookies, and three of water, the feeling of weakness on her body had gradually dissipated.

Rather than continue eating, Gu Yuanyuan refrained from doing so and just sealed the rest of the cookies inside the pack. She was about to put it back when she heard the uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g of the doork.n.o.b. As it turned out, Gu Yizhou had returned.

Gu Yuanyuan"s actions froze right away at the arrival of her son.

Heavens! She was caught red-handed on stealing food.

"This was… uhm…" Gu Yuanyuan was a little bit embarra.s.sed as she didn"t know how to explain. "I was so hungry and, I saw this on your desk. And I…"

Gu Yizhou locked the door and glanced at the pack of biscuits. Knitting his brows, he then, asked: “Did you ate it?”

Gu Yuanyuan guiltily nodded at his question. Gu Yizhou knitted his brows even more. "The biscuits are already expired. I forgot to throw it away. You…"

With her eyes turned wide, Gu Yuanyuan was stunned at the unexpected information. "It"s no wonder that the taste was kind of different." 

She was worried about the fact that she had eaten the expired cookies. With her delicate body, will it be alright?

The girl"s round eyes were genuinely cute. But, with such a lovely expression, in his early childhood memories, it was a great resemblance to his beloved mother"s face…

Dr. Gu"s stared as his gaze appeared to be a little strange. When he spoke, his voice softened a little bit. "It was only a few days pa.s.sed the expiration date so, it should be all right."

Gu Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she touched her stomach, and thank goodness, it did not react badly due to what she had eaten. She was all fine.

"There"s a fresh bread inside the drawer. Open it then, you can eat it."

"Well, I will not hold back then." 

To be continue…
Next update on Wednesday