Please Be More Serious

Chapter 15

Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Emails, Letters and Blogs.

 Huizhu rang off and Zhengqing opened Yin Ting’s email.There were many attachments. He was dumbfounded. He had worked for many years and never has he received a report with this many attachments.Yin Ting wrote, ‘Zhengqing ge, here are all my careful collection of love cheats, love letter examples, moving love stories, most romantic travel destinations, romantic restaurants, romantic strategies and so on. It should help you understand love more (Zuben: How?), and help you level up in love.No need for thanks. We are allies! GOOD LUCK!This girl and her ‘has no love,’ ally!This email was annoying. He had been so curious for so long, and this was it?! At this point he wanted to call Yingjie and tell him not to bother calling her.Should he forward Jingjie this ready-made email?Hmm…maybe not. Zhengqing felt uncomfortable, he was in no position to advise people. He felt uncomfortable because this was Yin Ting’s sincerity.He read the mail again. She was like a child, really like a child. Her lack of success in pursuing those many guys must be because they think she is childish. When he saw her again, he would tell her. A mature and charming woman; that is the kind of woman men like. Collecting love cheats was the wrong direction.Zhengqing decided his a.n.a.lysis was correct, and as an ally, he should tell her, but as a graceful gentleman, he didn’t want to fight with a girl. Then he remembered his own G.o.ds; he had lots of work to do.As he got into his work, his secretary knocked on his door, he had a letter.Someone sent a letter.He did not know anyone in this day and age who would send letters. Was Yin Ting being naughty?When he got the letter from his secretary, he looked it over. The writing was immature yet very correct. The return address was the orphanage.Zhengqing quickly opened the envelope; it was a thank you letter.Dear Zhengqing-shushu, it read, Zhengqing began to smile, thank you for your kind donation to the mountain orphanage. Thank you for driving us back to our orphanage. We will make sure uncle’s kindness reaches the rural orphanage. Please be rest a.s.sured, shushu.The letter was signed by; Shi Liang, Han Xiadong and Liu Qin.Three names with different handwritings, they must have each signed it.Such a simple letter, Zhengqing thought as he read it over and over again. He was reluctant to put it away. It was not the first time he was ever thanked, nor was it the first time he had ever helped others, but he could not describe the happiness he felt.His secretary came called him to remind him of the meeting. He gently folded the letter and sighed; he had planned to deal with some work before the meeting, now he could not.He felt that Yin Ting was responsible for this, as he grabbed his laptop and left for the conference room. Huizhu went to the conference room before she met Cui Yingwei. She had arrived a little late, to keep her from meeting Yingwei. Wu Fei sent a text to tell her that he has spoken to Yingwei that morning on the advice of the lawyer. He had told Cui Yingwei that if there were any problems found in the projects that had issues were solely blamed on him, he will start legal proceedings.Huizhu thought that Wu Fei handled the situation very well. She did not regret helping him but she knew that it was going to get her burned. (Zuben: Taking steps to protect yourself as well would have been good, but hey…)The meeting proved her hypothesis. Wu Fei was smart and strong, and Yingwei knew who was behind h

im. So he was looking at her, she knew his intentions. Wu Fei signed the doc.u.ments so he was centre-stage with the auditors.Cui Yingwei’s original plan that no one knew of the situation from the beginning was best, but if someone traced; all the doc.u.ments have Wu Fei’s signature, therefore was his responsibility. Wu Fei was his junior, and he had a gentle personality, so he won’t fight back, therefore, they can make him resign with the blame on his head. No one would ever know.In the end, the problems with the contract was attributed to negligence which cause loss to the company rather than fraud and bribery. Cui Yingwei was unable to shirk this responsibility.When they came across each other, he sneered at her and said mockingly, ‘You’re so great,’‘Thanks,’ she sneered back.In the afternoon, Yingwei took the headquarter auditors out. He did not include Huizhu.Huizhu was also prepared, and was calm about it. The atmosphere in the company wasn’t good. We Fei was being low key and they could not talk. Certainly, Yingwei could not speak to him either.In her office, Huizhu lit a cigarette. She did not know what the immediate future would bring. She had made an enemy of her superior. She blew out the smoke as she recalled Yingwei’s sneer.Yingwei would certainly convince the representatives, she guessed. He will win Wu Fei to his side and would eventually begin plans to make Wu Fei his right hand man. There were so many points to consider, but Wu Fei would not be blamed and put under investigation, would not need to be dismissed. His work history would not have this mark.Huizhu wanted to chat with Zhengqing, even though she had spoken to him a few hours ago, she wanted to know his opinion. Although she did not regret it, she really needed someone to tell her she had done well.The phone rang but was immediately cut off. She received a short text: In a meeting, will call you back.Huizhu sighed; this is where a busy man is not good. When you need his time, he was busy. She suddenly felt ridiculous; she was a woman if she didn’t have work she could always get married. The thought made her scoff.She hasn’t worked this hard all her life to give it up getting married.Near six, Zhengqing called her back to ask her what was up. She said nothing (Zuben: ¬.¬), she had forgotten what she wanted to ask him, so it must not be important. So he said politely,‘Alright, if you remember or need anything call me. I will hang up first, lots to do.’Huizhu stared at her cellphone after he hung up. She was okay, but she had been in her office all day in a daze. She suddenly wondered does she and Zhengqing really fit? When she needed him, he was in a meeting. When she was trying to be strong, he said he was busy. (Zuben: If you want something, request it)Huizhu was sad.Yingwei, his secretary and the auditors pa.s.sed Huizhu’s office. He did not call Huizhu to come along. The boss has left, so the rest of the office began to leave as well. Huizhu remained in her office not moving. Wu Fei came to her office and asked,‘Zoe-jie, can I ask you out for a meal?’Zoe turned to him and replied quietly, ‘I have something on tonight,’She picked up her things and walked out. (Zuben: Was she waiting for him?)Zhengqing was working overtime. He asked his secretary to order some food for him. There were a lot of doc.u.ments before him. He has a habit of always finishing the work he had to do. Although, it would not be the end of the world if he left it till tomorrow, it just made him uncomfortable.Now that he was done, he settled back to eat his food.As he ate he went on his microblog, some popular news was shared between others, and the biggest sharer turned out to be Tingting Yuli 413.This ID was too eye-catching.It was Yin Ting. (Zuben: We already know it is Yin Ting!)Her latest blog post was on her bother Yin Shen cooking dinner. There was a selfie with her holding a plate laughing. She wrote under the picture: Today my brother cooked. It is a rare occasion. This is his cooking, I wanted to show it off. It is so delicious, I cried in the toilet. I got diarrhoea. It ended with an emoticon with its tongue out.Zhengqing found it funny, and wrote a comment. She should not know it was him, he had no personal photos on his blog. So he felt a sense of security writing a comment.A little while after, there was a sound that a private message had arrived. Zhengqing clicked on the message, it was from Yin Ting.Zhengqing nearly choked on his food. His ID was a string of numbers; his mother’s birthday. He did not think that she would recognise him.At the same time, he got a notification of a new follower. Her message said; It is me!His phone rang, it was Yin Ting.‘I am so sorry, I had to talk to you or I would seem rude.’ She said‘What happened?’‘I looked at your blog, it was all economic commentary, career experience, industry a.n.a.lysis, and such like. It is all too deep for me and terribly boring. I don’t understand it. I am concerned about you though. I was too hasty, can I un-follow you? You don’t mind do you?’He did not mind! Miss ‘you have made a mistake’, how rude!‘We usually have no intersection, you don’t have to see what I write.’‘Can’t you write about your love life, or gossip or something…?’Zhengqing was silently annoyed so he said, ‘You can un-follow me,’