Please Be More Serious

Chapter 16

Chapter 16
  Chapter 16: Tomfoolery.

 ‘Oh!’ she saidWhat was it now? Was she going to unfollow or not?‘Oh…’ she said again.What did that mean?‘It seems that there is a shielding function that I have never used.’Zhengqing was mollified. He was being shielded by his follower. What was the difference? If she had said nothing and un-followed him, he would have only felt awkward, but she called to ask him made him very irritable.‘Actually, I don’t need to do anything. You don’t update often and I don’t need to read, like or share when you do.’ She said finally. Zhengqing had nothing to say in reply. This angel, he thought, your logic is too lofty for us mortals to understand.‘I will leave you to it then, bye.’ She said and rang off. The mortal Zhengqing stared at his phone for quite a while until he recovered. He finished the rest of his food, and threw the box away. Was she deleted him or blocking him, which one?!Before he left his office, he went online to the blogging site again to look at Tingting Yuli’s blog. He decided that Yin Ting blocked him probably.For the next few days, Zhengqing was busy so he did not think about the situation. He realised he had not heard from Huizhu. He thought to give her a call but he still had a lot of work to do (Zuben: Work is never done), so he forgot to call her.Yingjie called him everyday to ask him about Yufei. Yufei came to his office everyday to ask him not to talk to Yingjie.Honestly, he didn’t want to have anything to do with their relationship. Could these two adults not understand?He went online and read an economic a.n.a.lyst"s article, found it interesting and shared it on his blog with is work colleagues.He went off to the break room to get some water and returned to his office. When he refreshed the page, he saw that Tingting Yuli 413 had commented. She wrote only one word: Sofa!!!!! And a dancing emoticon.Zhengqing was shocked. It was the first time he had ever encountered the “s.n.a.t.c.h the sofa game”.  Well, it showed that she had not actually blocked him.Zhengqing did not want to pay attention to her, but he found himself smiling as he imagined her raising her hands high and shouting “Sofa!” She was such a little girl. He pulled another folder and began working again.There was a notification ping and his hands itched to see.It was Tingting Yuli 413, this time she wrote: Hey, no one?! The sofa is mine!!! With the dancing emoticon again.He was speechless. He felt like he should call this girl and ask her: h.e.l.lo, did you dream of me?He certainly would not. He closed the blog and went through his work with single mindedness. In the afternoon, he got a call from Yingjie again, ‘Yufei doesn’t pay attention to me, I really need your help.’Zhengqing frowned, he really could not help. He was busy. Was it friendship to intervene in the relationships of others? He didn’t feel it was appropriate.‘Xiaoting has promised to help. The both of you spoke to Yufei recently. I want to listen to your opinions.’ Yingjie said very humbly. Zhengqing’s heart softened. Besides, Yufei was wandering about in a soulless state, and it was affecting her work. She might as well not be there at all. It might be better to get this sorted out a bit faster.‘Very well,’After agreeing to meet Yingjie, he remembered the Yin Ting had sent him a PM on his blog. He hadn’t read it. On his blog, Yin Ting continued to occupy the comments section, and the

re was a reply to her: Hey, you are very interesting. I have followed you, ah. Let’s have a private chat,’She replied: ‘No private chats. Thank you.’That was a good att.i.tude. A girl should not just private chat with anyone. Who knew what the person had in mind.But the person did not get discouraged: I read your blog, it’s very interesting. I also like travelling. Let’s chat.’Zhengqing was annoyed; why was it on his blog that this person was hara.s.sing another. He checked the man’s profile, he didn’t know him.Tingting Yuli 413 replied: I am not being polite. I have blocked you.Zhengqing laughed. A decisive move! Did she really block the offending fellow? He also blocked the profile.Friday rolled in and Zhengqing was early to work as usual. Many of his colleagues have to arrived yet. He turned on his computer and suddenly had the urge to post something. There were new industry policies published the night before that would be good. So he posted that. He waited a while for comments, but nothing happened. So he went to the break room to make himself coffee.When he returned, he saw he had three comments! It was so early in the morning; there should not have been so quick a response.Tingting Yuli 413: Sofa!!!! (Zuben: Even understanding it now makes it dafter)Zhengqing laughed.Tingting Yuli 413: The sofa is mine!!!!!Tingting Yuli 413: Look out the window!!!!!He was confused, what was out the window? Was there an angel flying? He looked out his windows, and saw nothing but sky, so he asked: What is out there?Half a day pa.s.sed and there was no reply. He was so curious he wanted to call her.He checked his blog again when he had a break, she had finally replied: The big beautiful sky! (Zuben: Shocking)Zhengqing thumped his head on his desk. This girl, was she teasing him? With five exclamation marks, she sent him to the window.She sent a message: Do you know why the clouds come in many colours?Zhengqing was still looking at his blog, when his secretary came to call him,‘Qiu Zong. Everyone has arrived for the nine o’ clock meeting.’Zhengqing remembered there was a nine o’clock meeting every Friday! He looked at the clock, it really was time. He nodded, ‘I’ll be there shortly,’He replied: Because the cloud has water droplets and ice crystals that change with atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and wind. You need to read to understand specifics.He looked at the time. He should not be too late for the meeting.After a little wait, she replied: Wrong! It is because the sky is filled with all kinds of dreams. The sky can accommodate all kinds.He knew it. He knew she was going to give him a silly answer.With his curiosity satisfied, he picked up his laptop and went to the conference room. Everyone was waiting for him. He felt a little guilty because he was never late.He sat and opened his laptop. He pulled up the meeting notes and opened his blog.‘Begin,’The sales manager’s clear voice began to read out the sales reports. He noted there was a message on his blog.Tingting Yuli 413: Do you know why the sky is blue?She wasn’t finished?Zhengqing looked at his colleagues. No one noticed what he was doing, so he typed: In a meeting.She replied: Oh.Then she was gone.Zhengqing went back to listening to the meeting.Zhengqing was happy; several of their goals have been met. Everyone was satisfied. There was a relaxed atmosphere in the conference room as they finished.After the meeting, people remained chatting to each other as they tidied up. Someone pointed out the window at a cloud saying how long and strange it looked. Another person commented on how blue the sky was.As Zhengqing made his way out, he pretended he wasn’t listening on the conversations. He suddenly flushed and his heart sunk as he remembered that his conversation with Yin Ting on the blog was a public forum, and some of his colleagues followed his blog, so they may have seen his silliness.But the topic must only be a coincidence, he told himself at an attempt at comfort. He was a vice-president, he should be dignified.When he returned to his office, his secretary handed him a doc.u.ment to sign because it needed to be sent off immediately. It took a bit of time to read through and sign. He answered a phone call from Yong Kai’s partners, then finally had time to go on his blog.His face was green with dismay.His blog had never been so lively.There were comments under the serious content he posted that morning.Most of them were with TingTing Yuli 413 chatting with other IDs that were his work colleagues.Most people were asking her “Why the sky was blue”Yin Ting had answered: Because the day is happy!That joke was not funny, Zhengqing thought. But a bunch of people replied with many ha ha ha has.Some people replied: today’s sky is very blue.s.h.i.t! That sounded very familiar!

 Zhengqing wondered if he would have to block Miss Yin Ting.