Please Be More Serious

Chapter 58

Chapter 58
Chapter 58 Suitable

Guohao gave a smile that did not reach his eyes, ‘You should think about your answer more, although I do not care about what you say, but to be kind to you, I want you to be at ease and not create uneccessary stress for yourself.’Zhengqing gave a smile that mirrored Guohao’s, ‘I finally understand why people have said Uncle is a strong business man, a brother who people still come to for advice. Thank you Uncle, but I do not feel pressured. You are against us being together, I have nothing to bargain with, what pressure do I have? If you had said you were happy to hand your daughter over to me, then I would have felt pressured because I would have tried to live up to your expectations, but now there is little need. You have left no room for us.  Therefore, I will calmly and respectfully tell you, I will not give up Xiaoting. I will not break up with her.’Guohao narrowed his eyes at Zhengqing, but did not show his anger, ‘So do you think the problems I have highlighted do not exist.’‘They do.’ Zhengqing admitted, ‘When you spoke, you almost convinced me that Xiaoting and I would not work. You are right, Xiaoting and I are completely different, but I have always known this and so had Xiaoting, but we are in love. There will be problems, but we would focus on solving this hypothetical trauma. Why should we hurt ourselves because a situation that is only a possibility? If we all shrink away and run at the sight of danger or hurt, then what hope do we have in life?’‘But if you know you will come to harm when you jump into fire, why jump?’ Guohao asked.He was silent for a moment, then asked, ‘Why are you so sure we would jump?’‘You’re going to keep dating her, aren’t you? The longer you get along, the longer you love, the more complex this relationship gets, the more stress you will put on your psyche. And before you know it, you’re standing between the knives and the fire. One way you will bleed the other way you burn. You haven’t reached that point, isn’t it the best time to withdraw? You will meet a more suitable woman for you, and Xiaoting will meet a man the suits her. Why don’t you give yourselves a chance?’(Zuben: While as you know I have always felt their approach to their relationship was naïve, Daddykins is also talking in the same extremes as he accused the couple of doing)Zhengqing did not attempt to reply.‘Zhengqing, you’re a successful man. You need a woman who would be willing to wait for you at home, a woman who would look after your family while to run your business. You are not able to give up your achievements for a woman, and you have a more successful future ahead of you. Xiaoting should not have to give up her life for a man. As her father, I can only think of her.’Zhengqing chose to reply, ‘I know you are good to her, and she loves you very much. That is why I am still here. Though you say what you think is the truth, but your truth has preconceptions. You preconception is that Yin Ting and I have our own status quo and our relationship will destroy it, and we will suffer and break each others hearts.’ (Zuben: All very melodramatic)‘But you feel this premise is irrevocable, and our relationship will end in the demise you a.s.sume.’‘Wouldn’t it?’ Guohao asked.‘Who can say? Many channels do not mean a large volume of sales. Few channels do not represent inevitable loss. It may be more costly to sell than destroy. Products and pathways are really important determinants in the success of a business, but marketing is also key. You and I have been talking for almost…’he paused to look at his watch, ‘an hour and half. I have confirmed that I like Xiaoting and decided to date her to the best of my ability. I know we aren’t compati

ble on paper. I also thought about it when I realised I liked her. I asked myself “Is this right?”, my instinct said “Yes, it’s her.” ‘‘For me to have taken a step towards her there was a process. It wasn’t something I decided on a spur of the moment, it wasn’t an impulse. If I had changed my mind or was shaken by a one and half hour conversation, would I not be betraying my trust in my instincts?’Guohao leaned back in his chair and did not reply.Zhengqing continued ‘Therefore, I cannot give up on Xiaoting because of your a.s.sumptions. It is not fair to me, or to Xiaoting. When I decided to pursue her, I did with marriage as the goal. I want to marry, I don’t want to play love games. Xiaoting was not the type of woman I initially set out to marry. Before I met Xiaoting, I had no concept of love, only cold cut evaluations.’‘Xiaoting is my first love. I am really lucky to have met someone like her. I am lucky that the woman I want to marry is someone I love, and she loves me too. We are trying our hardest to adapt to each other. But in your opinion, that effort will lead to grief. But I think that, after getting through this hard process, we can find the best way to live and take care of each other’s needs.’‘That is easy to say.’ Guohao said.‘Yes, but so is breaking up based on just a few words. It’s all easy to say, one would break up now and there will be a period of heartbreak. It’s easy to say that I will find someone more suitable for me and the next man that Xiaoting meets would be more suitable. It’s also easy to say.’‘So, what is your point?’ Guohao said with his eyebrows raised.‘But I will not bid her goodbye because of your advice. You say as time goes by the emotions will become complicated with responsibilities, stress and so on. On the other hand, if there is no sense of responsibility, no pressure, can feelings last a long tine? A relationship is responsibility based on love. An employee who does not have a sense of belonging to the company but just wants to get paid will not last long.’‘Also, if you break up easily,’ he continued, ‘letting these feelings go and jumping to the next paragraph, the next one would not necessarily be better. It would be impossible for a long time because, you have pinned your hopes on an unknown future and not cherished what you had at the time.’‘If I can treat the feelings of the person I am with with nonchalance and disrespect, I would treat the next person the same. So I do not believe the solution which you put forward is necessarily good. Naturally, you do not care about me, but is this how you want Xiaoting to be treated?’But Guohao counter-attacked (Zuben ¬.¬), ‘You say my solution is not good, then what is your solution?  Do not tell me you have love, I do not want to repeat my truth. You know what I have said is justified.’Zhengqing regarded his comment silently for a minute or so, then said, ‘The problems you mention do exist, Xiaoting and I have a lot of adjusting to each other to do…’ he did not know where to go from there. How was a life without grievance possible? But in the end, whether they work out or not depends on their love for each other. Zhengqing shook his head, the older man had made up his mind, there was no way to convinve him otherwise. He will become an obstacle between himself and Yin Ting. But Yin Ting loved her father, without her father’s support and blessings, how would she be happy?‘I cannot think of anyway to convinve you right now. But it doesn’t matter to you, does it?’‘No it does not. I have lived a long time and I have watched people in this world,’Zhengqing said nothing. Yin Guohao believed things would happen as he predicted.‘I will not break up with Xiaoting,’ he said finally, ‘it would be irresponsible and will be against my wishes. But I thank you for reminding me of the problems that could arise between Yin Ting and I may be bigger than what we feel. I will think it over, and deal with it harmoniously. I hope that one day we can get your approval and blessings.’Guohao shook his head, ‘You are talking like a business man, how can I be confident?’‘Whatever I do or say today, will not fill Uncle with confidence.’ Zhengqing replied blandlyTension filled the s.p.a.ce as the two men stared at each other. Guohao’s expression was sharp and imposing, but Zhengqing did not back down. (Zuben: Staring contest! Very shounen manga)After what felt like a long while, Guohao nodded and asked, ‘So I can’t persuade you?’‘No.’‘Then I will have to persuade Xiaoting.’‘That is to be expected. I should thank Uncle for his respect.’ Zhengqing said with a smile.Guohao returned his smile, ‘I may be a stubborn old man, but I am not unreasonable. I said I appreciate you, and that is the truth.’Zhengqing smiled.‘But I think you are unsuitable for Xiaoting. I will resolutely object to you being together.’Zhengqing wanted to laugh, but held back and said, ‘I hope I will be able to prove Uncle wrong.’‘Will you sacrifice yourself or her?’Zhengqing did not reply; it was not a matter of sacrifice. He would not be the man Guohao expected him to be. And he would not sacrifice Xiaoting, he didn’t want her to become another person. But if no one sacrifices, how did one accommodate? (Zuben: Compromise?)The psychological effect of Guohao’s a.n.a.lysis was really a headache.‘Are you going to speak to Yin Ting tonight?’‘Yes, I will speak to her when I get home.’‘Then I should tell you, I will call her and explain what has happened and my stance on the matter.’ He said calmly.‘I can’t stop you.’‘If Yin Ting gets emotional, do not be hard on her.’‘I am her father; I know how to treat my own daughter.’‘Because you are her father, I don’t think you can remain as cool as you are in a showdown with a stranger.’Guohao did not say anything, but called for the cheque.The two walked to the exit. They waited as Guohao’s driver when to bring his car around. They stood in silence deep in thought. When Guohao’s car came up, the older man turned to Zhengqing, ‘You do not understand, this is a checkmate with no solution. I do not think it would be easy for you to accept such a thing over a conversation that lasted an hour and a half. But when you think more about it, you will understand.’‘I understand,’ he replied lightly, ‘I just don’t agree with your conclusion. I do not believe this a stalemate.’Guohao moved forward and opened his car door, before he entered, ‘And if Xiaoting agrees with me and wants to break up?’Zhengqing’s expression grew serious, ‘I will tell her that I do not agree.’Guohao gave him a final look, then got in his car and drove away.Zhengqing walked to his car, he got in, took a deep breath and called Yin Ting.