Please Be More Serious

Chapter 59 Daddy"s Girl

Sping Splendor via Pintrest h.e.l.lo all.
Hope you"ve not been kept waiting too long.
It"s February the month of Lurve *puergh*.
Love yourselves and all that two penny jargon.೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨

Chapter 59 Daddy"s Girl

Yin Ting’s phone rang a long timebefore she picked up. Her voice was cheerful and energetic as she said, ‘Pleasebe more serious, are you finished with work?’

‘Yes,’ he replied, he found himselfchocked with unshed tears. He had to clear his throat twice.

‘Have you just finishedentertaining your clients?’ Yin Ting asked, ‘Did you drink? If you drank, get ataxi.’

‘I didn’t drink,’ he replied. Hesuddenly felt like he wasn’t ready to tell her, he hadn’t calmed down. Hisheart was still beating fast, his thoughts were chaotic. He did not even knowhow he would tell her.

‘It’s alright if you did not drink,did you just finish or are you home already?’

‘Just finished. I’m in the parkinglot.’

‘Go home. When you get home callme.’

‘Ah Xiaoting,’ he called, afraidshe would hang up.

‘What’s up?’ she asked


‘Yes ah. We can meet up tomorrow.’She said happily, ‘Today you were socialising, not working crazy overtime, sono points are deducted, therefore, we can have a date tomorrow.’

Zhengqing closed his eyes asGuohao’s words came back to him. Did they really have problems getting along?Was he and Yin Ting’s approach to love completely different?

‘Tomorrow,’ he said, ‘let’s go tothe movies.’

‘Really?’ Yin Ting’s voice rose anoctave; she was very surprised. Zhengqing was suddenly distressed, it was justgoing to the movies and he didn’t think of going with her. (Zuben: Well you aredense in living life)

‘You actually decided to go to themovies by yourself? So surprising!’ Yin Ting was very happy, ‘So we should goout for lunch, then go to the cimena after. You go to the gym on Sat.u.r.days,don’t you? My dad hasn’t come back; I will ask him what he wants to dotomorrow. If there isn’t anything, I’ll have lunch with him while you are atthe gym. Then we can meet up afterwards for dinner and the cinema!’

‘I met your dad – had a meal withhim.’ He said, grasping the chance. ‘He’s on his way home now.’

‘You saw my dad? How clever. Wheredid you meet? Did everyone know who he was?’

‘No…truthfully…’Zhengqing pausedwhile he thought of the words to tell her, ‘Truthfully, your dad asked me to dinnertonight but he asked me not to tell you, so I told you I was entertainingcustomers.’

After a little silence she asked,‘What happened?’

‘Well, he…talked about thedifference in our personalities and the emotional risk we are taking by beingtogether.’

Yin Ting was quiet, then she said,‘Please rephrase that again, in simple terms.’

‘That is, he has no confidence thatwe can go the distance.’

Yin Ting could not believe it,there had been no warning at all.

‘So what did this mean?’

Her father had been polite toZhengqing, they had even had a laugh at the Spring Festival. Why would hesuddenly look for Zhengqing to say such a thing?

‘Xiaoting, when your father getshome he’s going to talk to you about his a.n.a.lysis. I called you to tell youwhere I stand.’

Yin Ting suddenly felt cold. Howcould this be? How could this happen? (Zuben: You can’t outwit an old fox)

‘Your father has his reasons, butmy feeling is that there are many difficulties and setbacks in life. Thechances of finding someone you like and who likes you are small. I have lots ofthings to say, but I don’t know what your father will say to you. I just wantedyou to know that he didn’t convince me.’

Yin Ting’s heart was in chaos. Shesuddenly felt overwhelmed.

‘What-what did he tell you?’

Zhengqing gave a small frown, hecould hear the distress in her voice, he replied her, ‘Through his observationsof us, there are disparities between us that he feels will develop intoproblems in our relationship later on. He did his a.n.a.lysis and expressed hisopinion.’

‘I called to warn you that yourfather does not have confidence in us, and he will talk to you about it. Iwanted you to be mentally prepared. But I also wanted to let you know I loveyou and ask you not to give up. Do you hear me?’

Yin Ting’s head was blank. (Zuben:This is the problem with counting your chickens before they hatch)

She didn’t reply.

Zhengqing called her name again;she gave a vague reply,

‘Do you understand what I justsaid?’

‘I understand.’

‘Can you repeat it?’

‘My dad went to look for you totell you he doesn’t want us to be together.’

‘No, my last words.’

‘Please be more serious, my heartis in chaos.’

‘I know but you have to listen tome. I love you, and I will never give you up.’ (Zuben: But does she feel thesame in the face of beloved daddykins.)

‘I hear you…’

‘Repeat what I have said.’

‘You love me and you will not giveme up.’

‘Good,’ he said, ‘your dad is onhis way home, he knows that I will call you. He was very calm when he talked tome. It didn’t turn heated. There was no quarrel. Do not worry, okay?’

Yin Ting nodded but realise hecould not see her, ‘Yes,’ she replied.

‘I hope that you will listen to himcalmly. Do not get agitated, do not be sad. He wants what’s best for you, Iunderstand that. He didn’t hurt me. So don’t worry okay?’

‘Yes,’ she replied with a littletremor in her voice. She was afraid.

‘So repeat what I told you again.’

‘You love me and will not give meup.’

‘Good. Say it again.’

Yin Ting’s voice broke and tearscame down her face as she said, ‘You love me and will not give me up.’

‘Please remember that.’

‘I will.’

‘I know I have a lot ofshortcomings, and I am not like you. But I will adjust; we will find a good wayto get along that suits us. We’ve been working hard on our love,’ (Zuben: Doingnaïve things), ‘I will work hard and be with you so you can do what you want todo. I promise okay?’

‘Okay.’ She said with a sob.

Zhengqing wanted to be with her andtake her into his arms in a fierce hug and comfort her. But he could only expresshis determination over the phone. But words were not enough to express how hefelt about her.

‘Don’t cry.’ He said.

‘I love you too.’ She said

‘I know or I will insist.’

Yin Ting could not help but sobmore, ‘I’m sorry, I did not know my dad had such an idea. I thought he likedyou.’

‘Please don’t cry. He doesn’t hateme, he just doesn’t thing I will be a suitable son-in-law. He did not embarra.s.sme, he was very respectful. We really didn’t argue. He wasn’t mean to me, sodon’t be sad or afraid. He just told me his opinion, and I told him my opinion.Be calm and listen to him. Don’t worry about me.’ (Zuben: What if she choosesto break up?)

‘Alright.’ She replied.

‘Now, go and wash your face, have agla.s.s of water and take deep breaths counting from one to a hundred. Will youdo that?’ He said to her gently.

‘Yes, I will.’ She repliedtearfully. She couldn’t speak, she could feel the tears welling up again butshe didn’t want him to worry.

Yin Ting hung up and went to washher face. She looked at herself in the mirror; her eyes and nose were a littlered, so she splashed cold water on her face some more. After that, she felt abit more comfortable. She made herself a pot of tea and drank two cups whileshe was waiting. She looked in the direction of the entryway – her father hadnot arrived. She thought of Zhengqing and her heart hurt, but she told herselfnot to panic, she will listen to what her dad had to say.

Yin Ting started taking deepbreaths and counting, but she kept loosing her count. She started over again,at one hundred and fifty seven, she heard the door open. And her fatherentered. As their eyes met, they knew what happened (Zuben: psychic connection)

Her father took off his shoes andsaid, ‘I am back.’

Yin Ting smiled and said, ‘Welcomeback. I made some tea.’

‘Pour your old man a cup,’ he saidas he came to sit on the couch.

Yin Ting brewed some more tea andpoured the steaming brew into a purple tea cup, and carefully placed the cupbefore her father.

‘Thank you,’ he said. He stared atthe cup for a time but did not drink, ‘Did Zhengqing call you?’

She nodded.

‘Can daddy talk to you?’

She nodded, but could not sayanything, her eyes were turning red and tears were welling up.

Guohao smiled and said, ‘Go and geta box of tissues.’

She went and returned with the boxin hand, her expression solemn.

Her father began by praisingZhengqing’s work and life ethic. The he began to tell her his thoughts aboutthe differences between Yin Ting and Zhengqing. He asked her if she understoodhis needs as a man in his position. His work was his whole world, but whatabout her?

Yin Ting was unable to reply. Hereyes were red but she did not cry, she had promised Zhengqing to listen to herfather calmly and rationally.

He told her he hoped she couldrealise her dream of travelling the world, living freely. He doubted that YinTing could understand or conform to the needs of a man like Zhengqing and shewill drag him down.

‘He is not a man that will get offwork on time,’ her father said, ‘at least not for a few more years. The work isendless, and in his position, he cannot afford to take it easy like an averageworker. You laid rules and because he loved you, he complied. But in reality,he cannot comply and in truth, he does not want to. And when he breaks therules, you will be angry and disappointed. Is this what you want?’

Tears were now pouring down YinTing’s face, but she could not help but protest, ‘Then I would not bind himwith rules, would that do?’

Guohao sighed and pulled hisdaughter into his arms, ‘You set the rules for the wrong person. Don’t you see;you’re not suitable for him daughter?’

A sob finally escaped her lips,Guohao took tissues to wipe her tears, ‘If you want to be good to him, you willhave to harm yourself, and if he wants to be good to you, he will harm himself.Do you think that you will be happy with that? You said you like clouds becausethey roam free in the sky, but if your pick it up and put it in a box, would itstill be the cloud you like?’ (Zuben: It works for some people)

‘I really like him, Daddy,’ shesaid through her tears, ‘I’ve never liked anyone this way before.’

‘You’ve always chased boys, andthen when they reject you you come home to cry that you like this one or thatone. Is this not the same?’ her father reminded her. (Zuben: How is it the samething, Daddykins?)

Yin Ting sobs intensified, ‘It’snot the same. I know it – it is totally different.’

‘Why do you like him?’

Through tearful hiccups, she said,‘He is so kind. When he talks to children he will come down to their level sothat they don’t have to look up at him. He is very patient, even when adiscussion is boring, he would not interrupt but listens well. He has a goal thathe is aiming towards,’ she blew her nose, ‘He is kind to animals…’ she thoughtof Zhengqing, helping Little Stone fix her collar, when he helped Xiao Han cleanhis shoes, when he held Miao Dada and fell asleep on the sofa beside her. Shecried even more, she could not go on. (Zuben: It’s funny that his nervousnesswith the kids came off as kind)

‘But there are other men like thatin the world.’

Yin Ting shook her head, ‘They arenot Zhengqing.’

‘Yes, so you should let him behimself.’

Yin Ting sat shock still as thoughshe had been slapped. (Zuben: dos.h.i.te?)

Guohao hugged her gently, ‘Youunderstand now, right? You simply do not suit each other.’

Zhengqing looked at his phone,unease stealing his heart. He wanted to know what was happening with Yin Tingbut she could not call right now. When they finished talking, Yin Ting wouldcall him, so he should be patient and wait.

via Pintrest

Chapter 60

When Yin Ting returned to her room,it was almost eleven. She knew that Zhengqing must be waiting for her phonecall and she should call him, but she was so very depressed. Although the tearshave dried, her heart was still heavy. She fell on to her bed, she did not wantto move or talk, she felt guilty and sad.

But she waited for her emotions tocalm down before calling him. But while waiting, she felt the tears fall. Shedid not understand why she was crying, she had not been thinking of anything.She dared not. Zhengqing had been right; there had been some truth in what herfather said. She had never taken into account Zhengqing’s position. She hadjust thought it wasn’t good to work overtime and did not consider the pressurehe was under.

She had considered herself a goodgirlfriend, carelessly doing as she pleased. In trying to cook, she destroyedhis kitchen. Her thoughts had been self-righteous.

‘You need to think about it, andbreak up as soon as possible. Do not hold each other back.’ Her father hadsaid.

Although he hadn’t been harsh, hehad been firm in his words. He did not agree with them being together, and itmade Yin Ting sad. She knew his words were not casually spoken.

But not together? No Qiu Zhengqingin her life? She could not imagine. (Zuben: You guys haven’t even done the deedyet)

She had been lying on the bed forheaven knew how long, when her phone rang, causing her to jump.

A quick look at the caller ID saidit was Zhengqing; she quickly grabbed a gla.s.s of water from her beside table todrink. She had poured it last night, so it was cold down her throat. Shecleared her throat and answered the call.

‘h.e.l.lo,’ she said softly, afraid hewould hear the distress in her voice.

‘Have you finished speaking withyour dad?’

‘Yeah,’ she said lightly, trying tobe sprit.i.ted.

There was silence from the otherend of the call, as though he was waiting for her to say more. But when nothingwas forth-coming, he asked, ‘Your thoughts?’

She shook her head, ‘I don’t knowwhat to do.’

‘I understand.’ He said, his voicewas gentle.

Yin Ting suddenly found herselfcrying again, ‘My father,’ she said tearfully, ‘he makes sense.’

‘That can’t be denied, but realityisn’t as cut and dried.’ Zhengqing said trying to comfort her.

Yin Ting wiped the tears on herface, ‘I realised I was so naïve; making you get home on time, penaltypoints…they were so childish and selfish.’

‘I did not think so.’ Zhengqingreplied. (Zuben: I did)

‘But after a while you will find meannoying and stupid.’

Zhengqing was silent for two beatsthen said, ‘I thought so in the past but not now. A cute girl taught me to lookaround me and see the good and beautiful in the world. Yes, I have a lot ofwork but then I remember that there is someone who loves me waiting for me;waiting to open the door for me, it makes me happy. This is very important tome.’

Hearing that Yin Ting cried evenmore; she had forgotten. At the start, she had been so happy to be there whenhe came home, but she had forgotten the reason why they did it. She onlyremembered that if he did not come back on time, she would not come to see himthe next day as punishment. She only wanted him to come home early. She hadforgotten that he rang the bell when he came home. The idea to wait for him athis house was hers at the start, so they always ate at his house instead ofout.

She actually forgot. So her fatherwas right. (Zuben: Isn’t that just human nature?)

‘I’m sorry, I forgot.’

‘What did you forget?’

‘I forgot we had dates at homebecause of this. I wanted to do it, but I forgot why I did it. I always wantedsomething else.’ (Zuben: Maybe y’all shouldn’t be at home all the bleedingtime)

‘But you didn’t forget. You wroteit in the diary. I read through it and saw it.’

Yin Ting wiped her tears and blewher nose, ‘You read the diary?’


‘How many?’

‘No number, I just read it.’

Yin Tin wiped her tears, but didnot reply.

‘Your approach is good. You arealways clever in this way. So we will find a way.’

But Yin Ting had no confidence. Herfather’s thoughts were justified. She had never considered Zhengqing’sposition. She didn’t have a career; she’s always lived freely, so she had neverconsidered his side of things.

It wasn’t a problem of money, but aman’s pursuit of achievement. (Zuben: Which in itself, is to a.s.suageinsecurities about his past and people looking down on him because of it)

Her expectations of life and hispursuit of achievement are in conflict.

There was certain death, so herfather said.

Though she tried, she could notthink of a way to solve it. If she was always waiting for him at home, shewould be unhappy. She had to be truthful to herself. Even if she wasforebearing and accommodating, she would not be happy, neither would Zhengqing.

‘What should we do?’ she asked.

‘Keep on going. Together.’Zhengqing was very firm.

‘Can I?’

‘Why not?’

Yin Ting didn’t have the words todescribe her feeling. She wanted to keep going but she was now afraid, afraidthat their life will turn out as her father expected. And her father did notagree with their relationship; she cared deeply about this.

Zhengqing sighed inwardly; he knewthat the impact of Yin Guohao’s words would be greater on Yin Ting than on himbecause the relationship was of a beloved father and daughter. Yin Ting waswilling to give him up to prove her father’s importance. Guohao did not wantthem to have a relationship; Yin Ting would be affected by this. His biggestchallenge was not Guohao, but Yin Ting.

If she lets go, then his hard workwould be for naught. Once some accepts a bad result, things tend to go in thatdirection.

‘Do you remember the words you’vesaid?’

‘Which words?’ (Zuben: She says alot of nonsense, she can’t be expected tor remember all of it)

‘Why is the bright sun so far?’

Because, we need a bright and loftygoal.

Yin Ting covered her mouth; she didnot want to cry out loud.

‘Why does the moon change phases?’

Because, change can be beautiful.

‘Why is coffee fragrant?’ (Zuben:to give me a headache?)

Because after coffee went throughtribulations, it met milk.

Coffee met milk. He met her.

‘Please be more serious, I want tosee you.’ She said through sobs.

‘Good, come downstairs.’ He said.


‘Come downstairs, I’m at the park.’

Yin Ting finally reacted to hiswords. He had been downstairs?! In front of her neighbourhood!

Yin Ting rushed out; she didn’tstop to wash her face, she took no coat, did not change her shoes. She rushedout of her room and met her father. She ran out the door and said, ‘I’m goingout, I’ll be back in a bit.’

She ran to the lift and jabbed atthe b.u.t.ton. The lift answered quickly. She entered and watched the numbers tickdown, feeling amazement.

He had been here. He was outsidewaiting for her!

Without waiting for the lift doorsto fully open, she rushed out. She ran out of the building, out to the parkinfront of her neighbourhood, and then she saw Zhengqing’s car.

Next to the car, a tall man stood, hiddenin the shadows.

The man she loved. (Zuben: cueviolins)

Tears poured down her face and shecould not see the road but she just barrelled ahead – running headlong into hisfamiliar embrace.

‘Luckily it’s only the slipper thatflew this time.’

What could also fly? Yin Tinggrasped him tightly. She was really surprised he was there, and also reallytouched. At this moment, she felt like a dog chewing the mud. (Zuben: I dunnowhat that is about, don’t ask me)

Her brain conjured up the image andshe could not help but laugh.

Zhengqing looked down at hertearful and breathless face, and hugged her really tight. He turned with her inhis arms and opened the door to the back seat. She quickly got in and sat.

Zhengqing looked at her helplessly.She was crying and laughing. He went to the front, and got some tissues andswitched on the heater.  He gave her thetissues and went to look for where her missing slipper had flown to.

He laughed as he searched. Helaughed when he found it. She laughed too. He got into the back seat besideher. (Zuben: Ho ho ho)

He put the slipper on for her, andtook off his coat and placed it about her shoulders,

‘Why did you run out like this? Aren’tyou cold?’

‘I’m not cold,’ she replied stilllaughing. His face was close to hers as he put his coat about her, theatmosphere suddenly changed. His coat was really warm and his breath was warmagainst her skin.

Then Zhengqing lowered his head andkissed her.

Yin Ting wrapped her arms aroundZhengqing’s neck deepening the kiss.

They kissed till they werebreathless, and Yin Ting pulled back looking into his eyes. They were full ofaffection for her. The kiss warmed her heart. Then she remembered how she hadjumped at him; if she had been too quick she really would have fallen at hisfeet and eaten dirt, or got her teeth knocked out.

Yin Ting laughed again. He lookedat her quizzically and she told him the reason.

Zhengqing asked, ‘Do you know whyslippers fly?’

Yin Ting giggled, ‘Quicklyexplain.’

‘To make you laugh.’ He replied inhis serious manner.

Yin Ting burst out laughing. Notthat the answer was funny, or was it wonderful, but Zhengqing’s expressionwhile saying it was funny. She leaned into him as she laughed; would she behappy without him?

‘So the effect of candy and aflying slipper are the same, although they are two unrelated things.’

Yin Ting laughed again, ‘It was aterrible one.’

‘But you laughed.’ He said as hestroked her hair.

‘Well, I prefer candy.’ And theslippers were for him.

Zhengqing was silent for a bit,then he said, ‘Whatever the outcome, there are always a pair of shoes.’

Yin Ting laughed again, ‘You’reannoying.’

This was not a time of humour, butwhy was it that at the time of tragedy people could find humour? (Zuben: It isnot a tragedy, dear)

‘I wanted to ask you not to breakup.’

Yin Ting stopped laughing andlooked up at him.

‘If you look on the bright side,your dad’s objections are good for us. If we know what to look for, we can makea plan. We will certainly be able to solve problems that may arise. This isbetter than no defence, and things end up being tragic.’

Yin Ting silently looked at him.

‘You know that I never give upwhatever I have set my mind on. From my childhood, in work and life. And now,most importantly, you. Don’t worry; I will not be scared of by your dad.’