Please Be More Serious

Chapter 17: Golden Frog.

17: Golden Frog.

Zhengqing did not block Yin Ting, at least not right in thatmoment; it would be impolite, he thought. He logged off his blog and went backto work.

Today the atmosphere was good; it was Friday and there was apublic holiday the next week. But Zhengqing remained sensitive for some reason,therefore, all day he was properly serious with his colleagues and even whenhis secretary smiled as she brought in reports.

Around four, Zhengqing had done most of his work so he couldrelax. He got a cup of coffee and went on his blog. He hoped that Tingting Yuli413 wasn’t gossiping on his comment section, or else he would block her.

With that mind, he logged on. Other than a few comments fromhis industry colleagues, there were no new messages from Tingting Yuli 413.

He decided to visit her blog and nearly choked on his coffee.She was not being followed by so many familiar IDs. Her latest post was aselfie in a restaurant. She was smiling and winking, the expression was very verycute. She wrote: A new riddle: To look at the world with one eye or two; whatis the difference? The answer will be given tomorrow.

There were lots of comments. He realised that she had a lotof fans, more than twenty thousand. There were lots of comments, about theriddle and some were derisive to her.

Zhengqing tried to wink, but realised that his facial muscleswere not attuned to such a feat. He could not think of the answer, so he wouldsimply wait till tomorrow. He logged off and turned away to find Yin Ting athis office door.

Zhengqing was surprised and subconsciously glanced at thecomputer screen. He had logged off. But another thought occurred to him, eventhough she couldn’t see his screen, she would have seen him trying to wink.

She seemed to have seen nothing for she smiled and said,‘Remember, Yingjie asked us to dinner?’

‘Yes,’ he answered seriously. They had been invited to eattogether with Gu Yingjie so they could help him sort things with Yufei.

She continued to smile, ‘I will go and see Yufei in themeantime.’ She didn’t wait for him to reply and she went off to Yufei’s office.

Just then, a chat window popped up. One of his colleagues wasasking: Was that girl in your office Tingting Yuli?

Zhengqing sent back three smiley faces and said: The points broughtup in the meeting today, can your team complete it by next week? And yourdepartment’s leave schedule for the public holiday, when would I receive it?And when would the marketing plan for Christmas be changed?

There was silence. Very good, Zhengqing thought.

He went back to the blog and his face turned green withhorror.

What was this ghost? Someone wrote: Somebody asked what wasthe difference seeing the world with one eye and seeing the world with two? Itried it. I did not see any difference, ah.

Some people concurred and some were on Yin Ting’s side.

This woman was like a virus.

He could not be bothered anymore; he logged off and went backto work. There was a board meeting on Monday; he needed to present the resultsfor this year and their goals and targets for the next. He could not relax.

He read and signed what needed to be signed, emailed relevantparties, sent his a.s.sistant out to find out the progress of the variousdepartments on their projects.

Manager Du, seeing Zhengqing’s a.s.sistant cried, ‘Qiu zong istoo quick. Can’t you give him something else to keep him busy?’

His a.s.sistant shook his head, ‘Can’t. He has signedeverything. Therefore has sent me to urge you all to be quicker.’

‘Doesn’t he have a visitor? Let the guest divert hisattention.’ When the boss’ efficiency was too high, it put too much pressure onthe underlings. The required data is large, the distributors are many, and themarket a.n.a.lysis data was many. It was not a quick work.

‘He doesn’t have a guest. Do you mean Miss Yin Ting? That isyoung Miss’ guest; she is with her right now.’

‘Tingting Yuli 413?’ Manager Du’s face lit up at thepotential for gossip.

‘Yes,’ like Manager Du, they only just found out her bloghandle that day, ‘She had come lots of times before; she is Young Miss’friend.’

‘She seems very cute,’ Manager Du said laughing.

‘Yes ah, but some people are swans,’ Zhengqing’s a.s.sistantreplied with a wide toothed grin.

‘Yes well,’ Manager Du said with a sigh, ‘And like VP Qiu,some people are gold plated frogs,’

There was a cough near them. Zhengqing’s manager looked upand jumped. Manager Du’s face paled as he turned to find the gold plated frog –no – VP Qiu holding a gla.s.s of water behind him. His face was impa.s.sive with ahint of annoyance.

Zhengqing’s a.s.sistant immediately bailed on him, ‘Manager Du,didn’t you just call Qiu Zong a frog?’

Manager Du’s expressioned was pained as he protested, ‘I alsosaid golden. Golden! Can Qiu Zong not be angry?’

‘If you hand the reports, plans and projections in quickly hewould not be angry,’ Zhengqing’s a.s.sistant said in mock comfort.

Zhengqing had not been angry. To be honest, a golden frog wasbetter than phoenix male (Zuben: Whatever that means), it was more pleasant tohear, and Manager Du was only joking about with no malice intended. In thepast, he had overheard people saying a lot of malicious thing about him, so hehad become immune. He knew that if he remained strong, people would eventuallyshut up. And if they didn’t change, not only were their mouths cheap, theirhearts were cheap and there was no cure for that, so no need to bother withthem.

Zhengqing, with his gla.s.s in hand, pa.s.sed by Yufei’s office.Though the door was closed, he knew Yin Ting was in there with her. He staredat the door then turned away. As he did, he caught a colleague’s eye; theysmiled at him, and pa.s.sed by with a cup of tea.

It seemed like a lot of people were having tea, ah. Zhengqingraised an eyebrow, people were surprising. Yin Ting had been by a lot of times,and now it was today everyone was curious. (Zuben: They are curious about theperson that makes VP Qiu do the silly)

Back in his office, he thought of what he had heard ManagerDu say. Did they think there was something between him and Yin Ting? He laughedat the absurd thought, this scandal was too baffling. It was impossible betweenhim and her. First, he was so much older than her, she did not understand him,and he was uninterested in her doings. One cannot talk to a duck every day.They had nothing in common.

He thought of when Qin Wenyi wanted him and Yufei to dateusing Yongkai as a common factor, but even that did not come to anything.Though Yin Ting and Yufei had different personalities, they were of similarbackgrounds.

He preferred a woman who was independent, dedicated to herwork, understands the way things work in business and had things in common withhim.

Therefore, how was it possible? He and Yin Ting would be topten in the most unsuitable people to date each other.

While in though, in the corner of his eye he saw a headpoking through his office door. Smiling.

Zhengqing looked at his desk, it was clear. He wasn’t asbusy. He sighed inwardly and beckoned her in.

Yin Ting jumped in, ‘Can we go?’

Zhengqing froze, ‘Where?’

‘Dinner with Gu Yingjie.’

Oh, that’s right, ‘Not time to leave yet.’ He told her

‘Only five more minutes,’

‘It is still not time to leave.’

‘But you can’t do anything in five minutes,’

‘If you’re not here I can do a lot in five minutes.

‘Really?’ She asked earnestly, blinking, ‘Then I won’tdisturb you. I will sit and wait.’ She took herself to a couch to sit.Zhengqing stared at her, was she trying to test what he can do in five minutes?That would be awkward because he had nothing to do.

(Zuben: Just give up and go, don’t torture us with apointless stand-off)

He watched her as she sat on the couch and drew out her phoneto play. After a bit, she looked up to find him staring at her,

‘Um, is my sitting here bothering you? I will go out.’ Shesaid as she rose. Though Yufei had already left work, she could chat with thesecretary, so she had no problem sitting outside.

‘No, sit here.’

She made no comment as she sat back down and continued tolook at her phone.

Zhengqing tapped his desk silently. He looked at the clock onthe computer (Zuben: No watch, big man?) There was not really a problem leavingwork early, it was just a question of setting a good example (Zuben: Pointlessstand-off)

Yin Ting was laughing hard at something on her phone. Shesuddenly stopped when she remembered she was in someone’s office. She glancedat Zhengqing, who quickly turned to his computer screen. She had a cheekyexpression on her fcae and returned to the video she was watching.

What was so funny? He would like to know.

There was a knock on the door, and his secretary poked herhead in, ‘Qiu zong, do you need anything else for this evening? If there isnothing else, I will be heading out.’

Zhengqing blinked, two minutes had gone in the blink of aneye.

‘Very good. You’ve worked hard, good night.’

His secretary turned to Yin Ting and said, ‘Miss Yin, I’moff. See you later.’

‘Bye,’ Yin Ting replied waving. When his secretary left, sheturned to Zhengqing, and asked, ‘Are you done?’

‘Hm.’ He replied and he began to pack up. He rarely had thechance to leave work early, but with this troublemaker around he won’t be ableto concentrate on any extra work. They left his office and headed for theelevator, and Zhengqing came to regret this,

Since it was the end of the day, every one was at theelevator. They saw Yin Ting and said h.e.l.lo, some even asked if she was TingtingYuli, to which she replied yes. Zhengqing put on a serious face the entire timeand said nothing. While they talked to Yin Ting, they stared at both of themwith strange looks.

He felt weird.

In the elevator, everyone entered. He and Yin Ting weresurrounded by everyone; who were watching them. Yin Ting did not care, she wasplaying on her phone, while Zhengqing’s face grew warm and he felt strange.

18: Beautiful Thoughts.

At that evening’s “seminar”, Yin Ting talked more, becauseshe had met with Yufei and knew more about her state of mind.

‘Yufei is not going to break up with you, that is what shetold me.’

Yingjie let out a breath he’d been holding. Zhengqing raisedhis eyebrows, why was a love issue making him so tired, there was no dignity inthis, why do people fall in love again?

‘You know she had been making a lot of mistakes at workbecause of this,’ he said critically

‘Un-romantic!’ Yingjie and Yin Ting said in unison.

‘This is a serious test of love,’ Yin Ting said seriously.

(Zuben: I’m sorry; I’m with Zhengqing on this one.Compartmentalise. If she wasn’t the boss but an employee, would they be sayingthe same thing?)

Yingjie was moved, his eyes were watery as he said, ‘Xiaoting,you’re really an angel.’

Yin Ting looked depressed, ‘This angel can’t find aboyfriend, this angel is unhappy.’

Yingjie nodded and said, ‘When this is settled, I willintroduce you to many guys until you find the one you are satisfied with.’

‘I will hold you to that,’ Yin Ting looked very happy,

Zhengqing frowned, ‘Are we here to solve Yufei’s emotionalissues or are we here to solve Yin Ting’s boyfriend problem?’

‘I will not delay,’ Ying Ting said as she continued, ‘Yufeiadded that Zhengqing would not gossip.’

Zhengqing raised his eyebrows, ‘What does this have to dowith me?’

‘She said she wanted you to tell her father about her andYingjie, but you were being discreet, however you freely told me. She is veryupset with you.’ She said despite listening wholeheartedly to the gossip.

‘What did you tell her?’ Zhengqing was somewhat nervous. Henever gossiped and this proved that he should not.

‘I repaid her by telling her of your gossip. About yourmatter with May Shen and Zoe Mao and how I had to take the children awaybecause they were afraid of three people at the table. You’re welcome,’

Zhengqing was speechless, he did not thank her! And theyperson running away was her, the gossip they had to follow.

‘We gossiped so her mood would be better,’

(Zuben: Did you know the character for gossip also translatesto 8 Diagrams?!)

Zhengqing thought something was wrong with this scene; threepeople at a dinner table. The first time it was he, Huizhu and Yin Ting, nextit was he, Huizhu and Jiaqi, not it was him, Yingjie and Yin Ting.

Everything, this ‘angel’ was present!

This was scary, ah!

Yin Ting told them that Yufei was concerned about Yingjie’sex-girlfriend who had not given up on Yingjie. Yingjie was still friends withthis person. Yufei was very affectionate, but wanted absolute loyalty from herman, and she was very sensitive about this issue. Despite Yingjie’s repeateda.s.surances, Yufei still had no confidence. (Zuben: I don tire oh)

Yin Ting and Yingjie talked a lot about what to do. Then theyturned to Zhengqing, hoping that he had ideas,

‘Goodwill has been damaged,’ he said, ‘If you want tore-establish goodwill, you have to make some sacrifices, sell some benefits,and be willing to work out more severe contractual constraints,’ (Zuben: Eh?)

Yin Ting and Yingjie stared blankly at him.

Zhengqing stared back.

Yingjie and Yin Ting went back to their discussion. Yingjieunderstood Zhengqing’s point (Zuben: Oh good), but he had no benefits to sell;he gave her gifts, she did not accept; he apologized, she did not listen; hemade promises, she wouldn’t trust in. What else could he do? (Zuben: Leave heralone)

‘The worst case scenario is that I would have to pursue herall over again. I did not give up the last time; therefore, I would havepatience and persevere.’

‘Good, do not be discouraged. You will win her over.’ YinTing said to cheer him on.

Yingjie looked grateful, he’d talked to a lot of people buthe thought Yin Ting was the most lovely, really an angel, ‘Xiaoting,’ Yingjiesaid, ‘I will surely introduce you to nice guys,’

‘Very good. I am in your care,’ Yin Ting said smiling.

Zhengqing looked at the both of them; he really did not knowwhat was making so good about this. This Yin Ting girl seemed to have a skillin turning her unsuccessful pursuits into friendship, ah. How was she sofamiliar with everyone?

‘Your thoughts are too beautiful,’ Zhengqing could not helpbut say, ‘The success of a pursuit not just with patience and will, but whetheryou have what the other person wants. It is not love either. You don’t lackanything, but love is not shining on you now. How long you have persevered doesnot result in someone caring about you.’

Yingjie and Yin Ting stared at him.

Was this person here to help or discourage? (Zuben: Well youknew what kind of person he was and you asked him to a love solution meeting)

‘Qiu Zhengqing, your love values are definitely a problem.’Yin Ting said

‘Thank you for your review.’ He said as he thought that sheand he were vastly different people. Love exists in the romantic world, theAngel Xiaoting’s world. But he resided in reality; all he needed were his workand his life. But marriage was part of life; therefore he treated it as aproject he had to undertake and complete.

The meal and the admiration committee’s heated discussionfinally came to an end. Zhengqing without thinking about it, walked with YinTing to his car.

As he opened the door for her, he realised Yingjie did notoffer to drive Yin Ting home. They had said goodbye to him, and walked to hiscar without thinking whether it was even appropriate. (Zuben: Isn’t it too latefor that?)

Yin Ting really had a skill for turning strangers intofriends. Then he remembered the “eyes of the world” riddle she had put on herblog.

‘Why are you smiling?’ she asked.

‘What is the answer to the riddle?’

Yin Ting smiled a somewhat self-satisfied smile. Just thenZhengqing’s phone buzzed, he checked; it was Huizhu.’

‘Why don’t you park and answer?’

He had thought to call her back when he got home, but sinceYin Ting was okay with it, he parked and answered the call.

Huizhu just finished working overtime; she sounded tired, butasked if he wanted to grab a drink with her. Zhengqing thought she didn’treally need a drink just someone to talk to. It seems the matter at work wasquite bad, so he agreed.

When Zhengqing finished, Yin Ting asked, ‘Was that Zoe? Youcan go to her, I will take a taxi.’

‘No need, I’ll get you home first, we aren’t far. She’s at arestaurant eating dinner. I am just going to accompany her.’ He said as he startedthe car and drove on.

‘She’s really strong and hardworking.’

Zhengqing nodded, this kind of strength was something girlslike Yufei or Yin Ting could not achieve.

‘My mother, when she was alive, was also very strong andcapable.’ Yin Ting said quietly.

Zhengqing was somewhat shocked; he had a.s.sumed her motherwould have been a happy-go-lucky housewife quite like Yin Ting in character. Hereally couldn’t imagine Yin Ting as a strong high powered woman.

‘My mother helped my father when he started his business, andhelped him make a lot of money. My father always said that without my mother,the person he was now would not exist. That includes, my brother and I, hismoney, his family; everything was given to him by my mother.’

Zhengqing held his breath, keeping silent. When Yin Tingspoke of her mother, her aura became fragile, so he felt he had to treadcarefully.

‘When my mother fell ill, my father blamed himself. Hethought that if she hadn’t had to work so hard, she would not have fallen ill.He had only kept the printing factory, because that is the first business mymother and he acquired. He said he will leave the business to Uncle Wu; who hadbeen a follower of my dad for many years.’

‘He’s not leaving it to you?’ he blurted out accidentally

‘I don’t want to manage it, neither does my brother. And dadsays if we have no interest in doing something, don’t do it.’

‘He doesn’t want me to have to work hard. My mother workedtoo hard, fell ill and left early. It isn’t worth it. He would rather not havemuch as long as my brother and I were happy.’

Hearing those words made Zhengqing uncomfortable, Zhengqingfrowned. (Zuben: Everyone is different, Zhengqing, would he be saying the sameif they had remained poor?)

‘I was born during the busiest time in their business. Myfather didn’t have time; my mother was also going all out. After my birth, mymother was weak, but I was also unwell. So she was taking care of me and runningthe business; never once stopping to take care of herself.’

Yin Ting said, ‘My father said it was because of greed. Atthe time, they had enough. One child was enough, the money was also enough, butthey wanted more. More children, a more successful business…more was better.Then my mother died, and it was all pointless.’

Zhengqing had no appropriate comment to that.

‘Therefore,’ she continued, ‘Work is work, do it diligently.But one must also take care of their health. If you don’t have your health, youhave nothing. I understand your dedication to work, it is the same as a hobbyto you. Just like some people are happy playing mah-jong, some are happytravelling, some people like to sing, you like to work; it makes you happy.This is fine if you don’t overdo it, because there is no limit to success justlike happiness. You cannot force yourself saying you want to be happier. Youwill go far chasing happiness, but never reaching it, and find yourself tiredand unable to move ahead. So health is important, do not give yourself too muchpressure. You and Miss Zoe are the same, ah!’

Zhengqing nodded and said he’d heard. Her eyes were widestaring at him.

Yin Ting laughed, ‘Actually, I know that you would not care.My brother said a reasonable person is most disliked, but I wanted to say whatI must say. Do not mind.’

‘I don’t mind, thank you.’ Zhengqing said feeling strange. Alittle anxious. He didn’t not think anything he said would be accepted.

Yin Ting did not speak again but turned to her phone gentlyhumming a song. The sound was light and soft. He concentrated on the drive.

Soon he arrived at her neighbourhood. She alighted from thecar, and said a cheery ‘Bye!’

After she left, the anxious atmosphere relaxed. Zhengqingbreathed a sigh of relief, and sat for a few seconds. He started the car againto head to Huizhu when there was a shadow at his window.

Zhengqing jumped and stepped on the brake suddenly. He lookedcarefully, it was Yin Ting.

Zhengqing flushed and opened the window, ‘Please do not dothat again!’ he said sternly.

Yin Ting was startled; her eyes were wide in surprise. She lookedinnocent

‘What if I was driving off when you rushed at the window andyou fell and hurt yourself or got hit?’

‘Yes, I’m sorry,’ She said quietly, lowering her head lookingcontrite.

Zhengqing stared at her silently for a long while; thenasked, ‘Well, what did you want to say that you risked your life for?’

‘I just suddenly thought of it. I was afraid I would get toyou too late.’


The angel pulled two lollipops from her bag,


‘I was thinking, Zoe had worked hard today, so she will feelvery pressured. If you guys had a sweet together, it would relax her. You willbe happier. Coaxing a girl this way is very effective.’

Zhengqing gave her a sceptical squint. How old was thisperson she wanted him to coax? He wasn’t going to coax Huizhu, they were goingto have a serious business discussion.

With a sweet? Miss Yin Ting, are you teasing me?

‘Also don’t sit and drink and chat. Go for walk while youchat, it can ease the pressure and the atmosphere would be better. (Zuben: G.o.dsthis writer is obsessed with atmosphere) The stars a bright today, a walk wouldbe very good.’ She said as he put the sweets in his hand, ‘I’m going now. Drivesafe.’

Yin Ting went. Zhengqing was in a daze. The stars werebright? Taking a walk was good? Hadn’t he told her on several occasions thatHuizhu wasn’t his girlfriend? They were adults!

Sucking on sweets…Zhengqing really couldn’t imagine thatpicture.

He heard her call ‘Big!’ in the distance.

Big? Or Dada?

It was a bit far to see. He looked in the rear-view mirror butcould not see anyone. He looked at the sweets in his hand. That Yin Ting wasreally…


19: Looking at the world with one eye or two.

Zhengqing arrived at the restaurant Huizhu was eating at.

He found her eating her dinner in a daze.

She smiled when she saw him. She had applied heavy makeup onher face but it could not conceal the tiredness and dark circles under hereyes. Huizhu did not say much only drank.

A waiter came along to ask him if he would like anything,Zhengqing declined.

‘I wanted to wait for you to arrive before we chose the wine,but the atmosphere here is not good. We can move to another place to drink,’

Zhengqing thought that it wasn’t the atmosphere of the placebut the state of mind of the person. She was not happy, therefore nowhere wouldbe comfortable.

Zhengqing called the waiter so he could pay, but Huizhuinsisted on paying. He did not quibble. She paid up and they left therestaurant into the cool autumn night.

‘Where should we go?’ She asked.

He did not know. He hadn’t studied Yin Ting’s love dossieryet, and he doesn’t usually go out to drink, he could only think of Yin Ting’sbrother’s bar, but he did not want to go. So he said,

‘Why don’t we take a walk?’ He remembered Yin Ting tellinghim the stars were bright tonight.

‘Alright,’ she said. She had no opinion either way.

‘How is work?’ He asked as they strolled along the street.

She sighed and told him what had been happening in thecompany till now.

‘The AGM was called and we were told to make more persistentefforts into profits, more market research, have more understanding of thebusiness. From this I suspect company had a few projects in unfamiliar waters,so there unexpected consequences.’

‘Cui Yingwei had been taking the HQ reps and auditors out onthe town for entertainment. I am sure, now that I am more aware of how heoperates, he is trying to stall to find a scapegoat for his actions, and ofcourse, for personal gain.’

‘I don’t think I will be working there for much longer. He istoo insidious. And unless I pretent to be blind, deaf and dumb, or go alongwith him, I would be in trouble. I can’t do either,’

‘And the guy he nearly threw under the bus, Wu Fei, Yingweihas been calling him to talk privately a few times. Yingwei told Wu Fei that hehad misunderstood him, the company would not fault him for the fraud, that hewas young and inexperienced. He found the situation in a timely manner andresponded well. He a.s.sured Wu Fei that he and the company would cultivate him,as long as he does a good job.’

‘Wu Fei asked me what he should do. I told him that he has tomake that decision for himself. We haven’t talked since then.’

‘I’m going to finish all my work before the National Holiday,then go off on holiday for two weeks.’

‘The rest would be good for you,’ Zhengqing said.

She smiled, ‘I’ve never been on holiday this long. After myleave, I would have to go back to that company, and that doesn’t make me feelgood. I can’t even leave for my holiday in peace, because I think that personis aiming for me. Before I joined this company, I had to sign an industry banagreement if I resign; I am not allowed to work in the electronic equipment fortwo years. But this is all I have done all of my working life.’ (Zuben: Whosigns daft contracts like that?)

Zhengqing nodded in understanding.

‘If I had resigned because of something else, I wouldunderstand but I am leaving unexpectedly because of a rotten person. I can’tswallow this.’

‘If you don’t resign and stay. He will surely find a way toget me into trouble and ruin your reputation and you would end up with a stainon your resume,’

‘I know,’ she said nodding, ‘He nearly made Wu Fei hisscapegoat. He would be planning something, since I am now a time-bomb in hiseyes. That is why I am leaving. I just want to work hard and earn my keep, andnot have to worry about anything.’

Zhengqing nodded. She had already decided, she just needed tovent to someone. If this had happened to him, Cui Yingwei would have paiddearly. On the other hand, one didn’t have strong evidence. He would havestayed to collect evidence, talked to the company representatives, devised aplan, told the press, and helped the company maintain a good image. (Zuben:What a hero! ¬.¬)

But it was a hard war to fight, and Huizhu was not him, shedid not want to fight. Choosing an escape was also right. (Zuben: She shouldhave thought about protecting herself before she went out to be a n.o.ble knight)

‘I’m tired, let’s sit.’ She said when they came to a parkbench on the pedestrian walk.

As they sat, she sighed and said, ‘I need a smoke,’

Zhengzing remembered the lollipops Yin Ting gave him.

‘Don’t smoke, have this,’ he said taking the sweets from hispocket.

She stared at them and at him, he got somewhat embarra.s.sed.

‘Did you bring the sweet to stop me smoking?’ she asked.

The question embarra.s.sed him more. The sweets were toostrange. Ying Ting, this fool. But Huizhu took the sweet, unwrapped it andpopped it into her mouth. She smiled as the flavour spread in her mouth.

‘Orange flavour! Very delicious.’

Zhengqing touched his nose; he hadn’t known what flavour theywere. He hadn’t looked at them when Yin Ting handed them to him.

‘How come you have sweets?’

‘Yin Ting gave them to me, she knew I was coming to see you,she thought you might be stresses and said the sweets may help make you feel better.’

Huizhu’s heart unexpectedly sank, and she asked carefully,‘Are you two dating?’

‘No,’ he said with a smile, ‘A colleague is having some loveissues. Her boyfriend asked us to dinner to help them. My colleague is YinTing’s friend; the boyfriend is a work acquaintance that became friendly. Wejust had dinner together,’

Huizhu calmed down, ‘Tell her thank you for me, the sweet isdelicious.’

Zhengqing laughed, if he told her that Huizhu like thesweets, Yin Ting would be really proud. He imagined her prideful expression andlaughed some more.

Huizhu watched him, then she said, ‘For the holidays, I amtravelling out for relaxation and to think of my future,’

‘Sounds like a good idea,’ he said.

‘What do you plan to do on the break?’ She asked again. Shereally wanted to invite him along with her, but she did not want to seem tooforward.

‘Rest and work. What else?’ he said naturally.

Huizhu was disappointed. She sucked on the sweet silently.

Zhengqing stretched his long legs out and leaned back to lookup at the sky. The stars were really bright tonight. Though, that Yin Ting washugged by the G.o.d of thoughtlessness, she occasionally said some truths.

When he didn’t speak for a while, Huizhu tried to find atopic, ‘I actually somewhat regret coming back home,’

He turned away from the sky back to her, ‘Really?’

‘I was thinking that I should get married. There was no timeto meet anyone in the US, so I thought that returning home, I would get theright job, meet the right man…’

That hint was a bit embarra.s.sing, but Zhengqing chose toremain silent,

‘When I left work today, it was a bit depressing. It was likeI was leaving and never going back. For two years I would not be able to dothis profession, it felt like abandonment. I had thought initially that theconditions were good and I was in a hurry. I was too impulsive.’

‘You can think about starting again. Two years is enough torest and plan.’ He suggested

‘A little I can’t imagine it though,’ she said, the futurewas a muddle.

‘Do you know why a car can turn?’ he asked. He felt foolishas the question came out. He was getting infected by Yin Ting.

Huizhu blinked, ‘To change direction when you need a change?’

Zhengqing nodded with a smile.

Huizhu laughed, ‘I like your metaphor. Indeed, you have toturn at the right time or you may hit a brick wall.’

‘That kind of sharp turn does not make sense, but that is YinTing’s style.’ He wasn’t taking responsibility for that sort of naivety.

‘So the changing moon, is also something she said to you?’

‘Yes. She likes those kinds of riddles. Would you know theanswer to this one; what is the difference if you look at the world from oneeye or two?’

‘What is the difference?’

‘I haven’t been able to figure it out,’

Huizhu close one eye to look at Zhengqing, then looked at himwith both eyes, ‘Looks the same. What is the difference?’ she said.

‘I will ask her,’ he announced and proceeded to call her onhis mobile.

She wasn’t that curious, she thought as she watched him dial.(Zuben: He is)

‘Ask. You. Positive. Point.’ Yin Ting said as she answeredthe phone.

Zhengqing grimaced, ‘These words are what I would like to sayto you,’ (Zuben: Nothing makes sense)

Yin Ting laughed and asked, ‘How did the date go?’

‘It’s not as you think…’

‘Why did you call me? Did you want a suggestion for wine barswith music? I know a good place…’

Zhengqing stopped her, ‘We just want to know the answer tothe riddle.’

When did I say I wanted to know the answer? Huizhu thought.

‘I suppose I can tell you. If it was just you, I’d tell youto go to my blog, but since Zoe wants to know. However, you must not post theanswer before I do!’

‘I am not that jobless,’ Zhengqing said grumpily, ‘I will putyou on speaker phone.’

‘Miss Zoe!’ Yin Ting said in greeting.

‘h.e.l.lo Miss Yin,’

‘h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo! I will tell you the answer, it is quite simplereally: There is no difference!’

Zhengqing expression fell. That was it?!

‘Therefore why fight to close one eye? Just be relaxed andlook at the world with both eyes wide.’

Always at sixes and sevens, but there was some truth to it.

Huizhu and Zhengqing exchanged a glance.

‘Okay, next one I just thought of. Why are the stars sobright?’

‘I don’t want to know.’

‘You don’t have to listen; I can tell Miss Zoe the answer.’

‘She doesn’t want to know either,’

‘Oh!’ she said a little downheartedly.

‘I want to hear,’ Huizhu said, taking the wind out ofZhengqing’s sails.

Yin Ting perked up quickly, ‘Quickly, take the phone offspeaker and give it to Miss Zoe!’

Zhengqing handed the phone to Huizhu; they chatted for a bit,and Yin Ting told her the answer. They bid each other goodbye, and Yin Tinghung up.

Zhengqing looked at the sky while the ladies chatted, he didnot mind being set aside.

Huizhu handed him his phone back, her eyes glimmering withlaughter, ‘Let’s return,’ she said.

Zhengqing and Huizhu walked silently for a bit, then heasked, ‘What did she say?’

‘She said not to tell you,’

‘…’ It was not like he wanted to know anyway.

They remained silent as they walked back to the restaurantparking lot and he walked her to her car. She got in, and he was about to leavewhen she called him back


He turned.

Huizhu opened her mouth, she wanted to say; you have talkedabout Yin Ting many times today, did you know that? She wanted to ask him to goon the holiday with her. No work. No friends. Just the two of them. She wouldlike to know him better and like him to get to know her better. But she choseto say instead, ‘Have a good night,’

‘Thanks, have a nice time on your holiday. Drive safe.’

They nodded to each other and he went to his car.

On his way home, Zhengqing knew the answer to Yin Ting’sriddle would not be the scientific one (Zuben: One would think you would havelearnt that factoid by now)

So what could it be?

When he got home, he took a bath and got ready for bed. Hestood on his balcony to look at the night sky and suddenly had an impulse totake a photo. (Zuben: Your phone’s camera must be amazeb.a.l.l.s!) He posed thephoto on his blog.

He put his phone on the bedside table and settled in to bed.Shortly after, he got up again and went on his blog. There were four newcomments,

Tingting Yuli 413: Sofa!!!!! With a dancing emoticon.

Zhengqing laughed.

Tingting Yuli 413: The sofa is mine!!!!! With a dancingemoticon.

And unfamiliar ID: ???

Tingting Yuli 413: You finally put up viewable content.

Zhengqing wanted to laugh but he did not know what was funny.

A photo of the stars was viewable content? That fool, she wasreally boring.

Zhengqing put his phone down and went back to sleep.

His sleep was particularly good. 

Zuben: These 9 chapters were intensely boring. All the occurrences could have been summarised to 4 chapters max! They were so tedious. 
I hope you guys are enjoying it better than I am. 
