Potatoes Are the Only Thing That’s Needed in This World!

Chapter 27

“Erm... I wanted to stretch my body a little, that’s all.” In an attempt to conceal my 

actions from before, I lied. After all, if Rei approached Di Yana and snitched on me, I"m 

afraid that my life will be forfeited. 

The deterrence brought forth by the [Harbinger of Death. The Iron Fist of The World 

Destroyer Dragon. The Amba.s.sador of h.e.l.l] is not a laughing matter. 

“Fine then~ If you are tired of waiting, you can request the r.e.t.a.r.ded leader to allow you 

to take the examination in advance you know~” Rei said as she hummed a tune. She 

seems to be in a good mood, as she sat on a sepcial and exclusive seating. 

If I’m tired from the waiting... isn’t the reason for me being tired is because you are 

sitting on my shoulders? Get down from there quickly. Although you are not that heavy, 

it is still very annoying! Are you a clingy kitten?  

“Next, number 73.” 

During the time I spent grumbing in my head, Lambert called upon the number of the 

villager before me. As I lost my last cover, my existence was exposed in the sights of the 

maniac killer. 

But it’s fine, I still have a bit of time, I still have time to mentally prepare myself. There’s 

more than sufficient time for me to even reminisce my entire life journey at least once~ 


With a flash of electricity again, the person before me collapsed at the sound of the 


“It’s zero again, next.” 

Between being called and collapsing, not even a second has pa.s.sed. 

Hey! Aren’t you guys too weak! Can’t you guys even buy some time? I was just at the 

beginning of recalling the night before when I graced my potato with a night visit, and 

you guys had collapsed so easily already? 

In this village, among the 73 partic.i.p.ants that was before me, 67 of them have a magic 

resistance of zero, and the 6 that remain were merely rated as C rank. 

This is the magic federation ain’t it~ You are all citizens of the magic federation ain’t it~ 

“Like I said, next. Folande, it’s your turn.” Hermit crab reminded me as he hit his pen 

used for recording purposes against his gauntlet. 

Who exactly is Folande... right, be on your way to search for Folande to take the 

examination, then. 

Although I wanted to retort, but ultimately I just let out a deep sigh, and resigned myself 

to the cruel reality. It is better to just get it over with, rather than prolong the agony. 

Come at me, you beast! Do not pity me just because I am an apostle of the Potato G.o.d, 

end my suffering quick. 

I went up to the super adorable squirrel girl, and stretched out my hand towards her. 

Upon seeing this, Rei hopped down from my shoulders, giving me a sense of relief and 

my freedom back. 

“In that case... I’m coming, okay!” The young girl that was shorter than me by 2 feet, 

glanced up at me from below with her pure innocent eyes similar to the eyes of small 

animals. From her small ruddy lips, came a voice that was sweeter than honey. Her pair 

of fair white tiny hands that were too little to envelop my palm, transmitted warmness 

that would make one excited as well. 

The fusing of fear and curiosity had made me lost myself completely in her world. 

d.a.m.n it! I’m not a lolicon! I’m not a lolicon! I’m not a lolicon! I’m not a lolicon! I’m not a 

lolicon! I’m not a lolicon! I’m not a lolicon! Hurry and give me treatment! Shock me! 

Quickly, give me [electrotheraphy]! Zap me now or it will be far too late! My love for 

G.o.ddess of potatoes is exclusive! I cannot accept the cuteness of a non-potato life like 

you! Potato is the cutest in the world! You...you...yououou are nothing! Hurry up and 

make me sober again! 

I closed my eyes with a face full of despair, however, I did not experience any sort of 

electricity that was supposed to shock me. 

s.h.i.t... Kaiser! You tricked me! Was conquering me your intention all along?  

"Ooh~ Just as expected?" As though he had grasped the current situation, a sinister 

laughter resounded from Lambert"s metal bucket. He then ordered his [claw]: "Kaiser, 

use that move." 

"Eh?! But... isn"t that very dangerous?" Kaiser got a shock, she seemed to be  getting 

cuter by the minute. 

Kaiser is so adorable, the world cutest...second cutest!! 

"It"s alright, I will take full responsibility if there"s any accident." Lambert gave a thumbs 

up to rea.s.sure Kaiser. 

Wait a second? What are the two of you planning to do to me? Why are you both 

speaking in a secret code? Are you guys planning to a.s.sa.s.sinate me? Are you guys 

plotting to do something detrimental to the most devoted apostle of the Potato G.o.d? 

a.s.sa.s.sin! Someone come and save me!  

Immediately, I saw violent winds appeared and revolved around Kaiser"s surrounding. I 

could clearly feel a colossal amount of mana surging around her. 

Near her wizard hat and purple hair that were dancing in the wind, some strokes of 

sparks could be seen speeding past with a naked eye. 

Kaiser, what are you doing? What kind of ultimate are you releasing? Grabbing my right 

hand, are you are planning to turn me to a rail gun and shoot me away? 

However very soon, she returned back to her original state. The gathered mana 

dissipated instantly in the air as well. 

"Heh~ As expected of a pure blood from the White magic clan, [consume mana] had 

certainly lived up to its name." Lambert laughed and continue his explanation, but I have 

no idea who he was explaining to. "To absorb all mana touched directly, and even able to 

absorb [earth-shattering thunderous strike] a magic that is on par with [Demonic flame 

dragon tornado].” 

All that was just the two of you playing with me? I got treated like a vacuum cleaner? 

Wait... What is a vacuum cleaner? Why would I say such a a word?  

Thus, in a baffling turn of events, I got a [S rank] rating, and became one of the two 

people in this village that had obtained the best result at this current stage of the 


I... had done nothing at all though... 

Aren"t the villagers in this village all trash? 

Incidentally, due to the fact that I had missed the best timing to seek treatment, I have 

successfully contracted the incurable illness named [Lolicon].