Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 166

Her thoughts broke off when she felt somebody lift her off the ground. Lyn cheeks flushed red, "Allen, put me down! I"m okay."

"Your current facial expression and the fact that you were crouching tells me so otherwise," Allen trailed off and sighed, "What did you think you were trying to achieve, pulling a stunt like this?"

"Saving a persons life?"

"At the cost of your own health?"

Lyn nodded, "It"s not like anybody would miss me if I"m gone, my existence is small," Lyn murmured, "The only one who could sacrifice so much here, and not lose anything is me."

"n.o.body? What about me?"


Allen sighed, "It seems like you underestimate the position you have in my heart."

Wh--what is he talking about? Lyn looked around and was grateful that n.o.body else was in the area, "Bring me to my room."

"I shall."


Lyn didn"t think that Allen would stay with her, "Shouldn"t you return to the ball?" Lyn asked as she peeked from the covers. Allen sat down on the couch and was reading a book.

"I shall accompany you for a while longer, so rest."

"Allen, can I hold your hand, please?" Lyn knew this was a completely ridiculous request. Rhys went along with it because he didn"t mind physical contact, but Allen? She"s unreasonable. But lately, she can"t fall asleep unless somebody is holding her hand.

To her surprise, Allen walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed; he grabbed hold of her hand, "Are you comfortable? Do you need anything else?"


He is really holding it. How unusual, doesn"t Allen dislike physical contact? But lately, he keeps doing these things. Lyn honestly didn"t know what to think anymore.

The Wind Kingdom"s second Prince turned to look at her then. Just merely turning around, he"s really giving off that aura of someone amazing. His looks are undoubtedly amazing, and she can see why people are attracted to him. " So? This fainting, neglect of health and malnutrition?"

AH---! That detail, did he meet with that person personally? Damm, she should have known better than to trust that guy with something like that. "No, it"s just I honestly wasn"t hungry so," Lyn kept her gaze on the duvet. Do not make eye contact at all.

"Not hungry? Then should I force food into your mouth?"

Her sweat fell at his words, he"s serious, isn"t he?

"If this is the state you gets in whenever you"re busy or worried about something, then it"s no wonder your condition has been acting up again," a frustrated sigh pa.s.sed Allen"s lips.

"No...I promise I do eat, well drinks and some meat."

"A magic drink to make you less fatigue and a single piece of ham correct?"

Aghhhhh! The General must have told on her, or even Rhys. Rhys knows about her current condition. This is bad, don"t they know how scary Allen gets whenever it concerns her health?

"From now on, we will eat all our meals together."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Eh...? But wait your schedule..."

Allen shook his head, " That"s not important. I"ll make time. I"ll take charge of your nutrition, do you understand that Princess?" Allen said in a commanding tone. Allen placed his hand on his face to cover his eyes, "Anyhow, please stop doing these things. Do you know how I felt when I realized you were sick and forcing yourself to smile? I felt my whole body become numb."

Lyn looked down with a guilty expression on her face, "I"m sorry. I know it sounds like an excuse. But I hadn"t really noticed it had gotten bad, you see normally, " her sentence fell short when she felt Allen"s hand on her forehead.


"Your very feverish, remain here and do not move. I shall fetch you a meal."



Lyn pretended that she couldn"t see Allen"s angry expression from the other side of the room. It"s not like she wanted to come back down here despite feeling so bad. But, it didn"t feel right for her to just leave like that. Her head felt like it was spinning, however... A deep sigh pa.s.sed her lips, that stupid guy in her subconscious. What interesting message? Perhaps, Lyn looked over at Prince Ereland.

With a deep breath, Lyn strolled over ignoring the expressions of the surrounding people. She pointed to the veranda, and Prince Ereland followed her. Once they were there, Prince Ereland looked around to see if there is anyone around them. "Yes, Princess Lyn?"

Lyn bit her lip, "this could be completely wrong, but, she may as well give it a shot," Lyn thought. "I apologize if you find this offensive. But, I"ve noticed that your behavior towards me has always been strange. When you realized your men harmed me, you immediately called it off. I realize then that your intention was different from what I thought."

At first, Lyn thought that he kept her away from the others because he knew of her powers. Yes, he knew about them, but Prince Ereland did not intend to use it. In fact, she learned that Prince Ereland was not as bad as he seemed. In fact, it turned out the man was being controlled by somebody who used dark magic. He already went to each town, knocked on their front door and apologized.

According to his soldiers, Prince Ereland encountered an unusual person during a trip to another country when he was younger. "Back when he was young and naive, he had his guard down," Lyn understood immediately what those words meant. Prince Ereland fell for a dark magic users trap because he was showing kindness.

"I apologize for everything; I misunderstood you."

Prince Ereland seemed surprised and shook his head, "No, please don"t apologize. I"m the one who did something bad. To your sister too, to the citizens...I"m not fit to be a Prince."

Lyn smiled bitterly, "Then that makes me even less qualified to be a Princess."

"Princess Lyn."

"I think you"re just fine. The people won"t forgive you right away; there will be those who disregard the words of the council. Those who won"t believe. From now on you"ll have a hard time, but I"d like you to know I"m willing to become friends with you."

"Princess Lyn, those words are more than I can ask for."

Lyn smiled, "En, then we"re friends."

"Princess Lyn, I was surprised to hear that you were...towards Prince Allen."

Wait this situation, "Is this why your acting strange towards me?" he always acted strangely before when he was brainwashed. But it wasn"t like this. The strangeness before gave her the creeps, this time she felt uneasy.

Prince Ereland ran his hand through his hair and exclaimed, "It"s because I love you. I thought I would stand a chance, if you didn"t really love him. If your being forced by that other man..."

Lyn shook her head, "I"m sorry, but I will stay by their side. Allen, he," she looked back inside the ballroom where guests surrounded her fiance, "...has always been looking out for me. He may not be the most affectionate person, but he cares deeply for me."

From the very start, this person has not left her side. Even though he never saw or treated her as a woman who he could have feelings for. Allen has never left her side.