Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 197

6:30am Snow Kingdom Outskirts of Main Town

"Come on, come on, let"s go!" his girlfriend was very excited as she tugged on his hand.

"Alright, I"m coming," Kazuya replied, feeling less like a boyfriend and more like a father who had agreed to take his daughter to the princess aisle of the toy store. Still, his gaze fell on the girl smiling beside him; he supposes this isn"t bad once in a while. He is spending time with Lyn like this.

Kazuya looked around and closed his eyes. He doesn"t sense any malicious presence anywhere. What worries him is that the Snow Kingdom Knights have gone after Lyn. That guy, he clearly didn"t betray them but even so shouldn"t the others have noticed that Lyn disappeared? Unless they are turning a blind eye to things? But why would they do something like that for?

As they walked side-by-side, Lyn continued to bounce around eagerly. "She"s acting like a little kid," it was amusing to see this sight of her.

Kazuya continued watching. "Geez, you"re like a little kid." He chuckled.

When Lyn heard this, she ceased the humming and stopped swinging her arms around as she seemed to realize something.

"Sorry." She bowed her head, feeling a little ashamed. "I"m the only one having fun, aren"t I?"

"Dummy," Kazuya used his free hand to lightly wack her head. "Of course, I"m having fun. And what"s so wrong with getting excited about something you enjoy? Come on," he urged.

Kazuya tightened on her hand; he began to swing his arm back and forth. The girl"s eyes brightened again.

Despite the winter breeze, the scarf and gloves she had made him before they left never failed to keep him warm, and as he glanced sideways at the black-haired girl, he could make out the familiar golden necklace peeking out from beneath her scarf. She had not taken it off since the day had given it to her. That fact touched Kazuya; he didn"t think Lyn would treasure it so much. Though Lyn often complained that while she could wear her"s forever, his present is only restricted to a season and could get damaged easily.

The rest of her life, huh? Maybe leaving her something behind is too painful. But it is the only way. Kazuya didn"t want to expose Lyn to the horrors of the Sound Kingdom just yet. He has to talk more with that King, the girl"s father before making any more drastic moves.

Their destination was 40 minutes away, so by the time they reached the place, the couple was relatively chilled and slightly out of breath. Kazuya didn"t mind, but he took a sideways glance at his Lyn. He brushed his hand on her cheeks, "Okay?"

"Ah-huh, I think it will be warmer when we move around."

Kazuya nodded.

Their destination was one of the leisure activities in the Snow Kingdom called skating. Kazuya felt uneasy about having Lyn roam around, however, after last night he wanted to do something special for her. There was a leisure area where customers could eat at a small restaurant and leave their belongings, but Kazuya knew that if they stopped to relax for too long, they would probably not want to go onto the ice.

Lyn removed her cloak and left it with the basket on a table before she sat down and began fumbling with her skates. She was wearing western-style clothes, a pink long-sleeved top, some fabric that covered her legs, and a rustic-colored skirt.

He isn"t used to western clothes just yet even though the people living in the Mist Kingdom wear such things. "You"re going to freeze," Kazuya commented.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Maybe," Lyn agreed. "But wearing a large cloak will only get in the way."

That"s true, Kazuya sighed and removed his cloak and placed it by hers.

After he finished tying her own skates, she knelt down a bit awkwardly to secure his for him.

They carefully made their way to the ice. Lyn stepped onto the rink. She pushed off and glided effortlessly across a few feet of ice before turning back to him.

Kazuya has never done this before, so he quietly trailed after her.

"Here," Lyn took his left hand. "Just use the walls for support at first," Lyn instructed.

Kazuya followed her instructions and leaned against the wall with his other hand as she led him along.

Kazuya was a bit embarra.s.sed to note that most of the other people on the rink were also couples, but it was the man pulling the female along. "just move your legs as if you were walking normally," Kazuya said in his head. He doesn"t understand why Lyn is used to this. She should hardly have come in contact with the snow. Considering her reaction when they started traveling together. He recalled that other man and frowned. Perhaps it was that guy.

Lyn didn"t notice his troubles since she continued speaking, "So when you get the hang of it, you can increase your speed."

He followed her halfway around before letting go of the wall, and Lyn let go of his hand as he took a few steps forward. "Hmm..." he mumbled.

"That"s it!" Lyn cheered.

Due to the sudden proximity, Kazuya lost his balance, and in the next second, he was on the ground.

"Ah-" Lyn reached for him but was too late, and also fell alongside him.

"Are you okay?" She stopped beside him as he pushed himself up.

"Does a broken b.u.t.t count as okay?" He grunted.

"I"m sorry. I..." Lyn blushed, "I distracted you, didn"t I?"

Though he was initially in a bad mood after falling, when he saw the girl"s rosy red cheeks that anger vanished in a second, "Well, I was close to kissing you, so I guess it wasn"t too bad," and she looks very good in her current choice of clothes. So this deal isn"t completely bad for him.

Lyn leaned forward to kiss his cheek, but he moved, so the girl"s lips landed on hers.

Soft laughter escaped her lips, "Your very silly you know Kazuya?" she reached over and wiped away the pieces of ice from his clothing, "Let"s go again, I think you"ll get the hang of it soon."

Kazuya nodded. He didn"t mind doing it again, as long as Lyn would continue holding his hand. Guess he could sacrifice his own b.u.t.t for a bit if Lyn is going to act so cute around him. When Kazuya realized what he was thinking, he deeply sighed. Is he an idiot or something? If the Sound Kingdom elders hear of this, they"ll surely get mad at him. But even without it, they"ll get angry at him anyway, won"t they?

He followed after Lyn, who was cutely giving him instructions. After focusing and clearing his mind, Kazuya was able to skate even better than the girl. Well then again this is why people call him a genius. Even if he doesn"t know something at the beginning, after a while, he will master it.

Lyn"s eyes brightened, "You"re amazing, Kazuya, so cool!"


Kazuya didn"t know what he was doing. But all he knew was he was having a lot of fun. The two of them started to race around the rink like children. It was foolish, and loads of people were staring at them like they were crazy. But, that didn"t stop either of them. They both seem to have an odd compet.i.tive side. They went around the rink several times. At one point Lyn was ahead of him and seemed very pleased.

He chuckled when he saw that, "What a kid, but," his thoughts broke off when he saw how her hair slipped out of the clip. Her flowing black hair looked like a waterfall. Her movements, despite her childish actions, seemed so very graceful and beautiful. In the end, this girl is still so far from his reach; he still doesn"t deserve her. But that"s fine for now, "One day he will," Kazuya already put his plan in motion. Lyn may not agree with it, that"s why he isn"t exposing too many details.

Kazuya shook his head, quit staring at her. A few minutes ago he fell because he was looking at. He really is turning soft, that"s surely a bad thing for him. But Kazuya didn"t dislike this change as much as he initially thought. When he first realized he changed, Kazuya tried to stay clear from the girl.

He easily could have waited for her to come around and pa.s.s him, but he decided there would be no thrill in that, so he gradually picked up speed. Kazuya reached over and grabbed hold of her hand when he did; he noticed her flushed face. "Fever?" he frowned. Was it bad to take her out?

"I think I"m a bit tired; maybe we should eat now?"

He nodded and gently kissed her forehead, "I"ll Princess carry you back."

Lyn blushed, "Uh, no, I"m okay."

"I insist," Kazuya said, and indeed he did as he lifted the girl in his arms.