Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 198

They sat down, removed their scarves and gloves, and untied their skates before returning them, and getting their shoes back.

"Food," Lyn announced, and he beamed. He saw her make something for him before leaving, so he was looking forward to it.

But as they were walking back to their table, Lyn suddenly paused.

"What"s wrong?" Kazuya asked.

"My-My necklace..." she stammered. Her pale fingers brushed against her neck. The golden amulet that was there was no longer there, leaving her pale white skin. However, no sooner did she do that did Kazuya catches a glimpse of gold in her hair.

"Silly, I found it!" Kazuya brought her closer and ran his hand through her long hair. Lyn froze, but an instant later, the star-shaped necklace was back where it belonged. "It was in your hair."

"Thank goodness," Lyn said relieved. "If I lost this....." she trailed off. The girl was still trembling but seemed to relax as she clenched the necklace around her neck.

"It"s okay," Kazuya patted her head before he gently kissed her.

Kazuya could see her cheeks turning even redder, even though he already finished kissing her. She"s always had this thing about kissing in public. It"s cute.

Man though, pulling that kind of face. Still, he didn"t think Lyn would treasure the necklace he gave her so much. It"s quite surprising. He didn"t think she would like it that much.

"Right." Lyn took his hand in hers as they walked back to their table. Lyn then reached down and presented the basket to him with a bit of a smirk. "Now, about those sandwiches..."

The maroon colored haired boy noticed the weather changing, and grinned as he recalled something. " Hold on, let"s change the scenery."


Kazuya couldn"t help but stare at her dazzling figure and at her enchanting beauty. She looked perfect wherever she was.

Lyn caught and stuck her tongue out playfully, Kazuya laughed. But, when he saw those pink cheeks, he also felt embarra.s.sed and looked away. The place Kazuya was taking Lyn was a park he found not too long ago. He didn"t just stay away from her and do nothing. Kazuya led her down the path, and eventually reached the area he was talking about. A large fountain in the center surrounded by gorgeous flowers.

A field of different flowers, Lyn let"s go of his hand and made her wat over. She knelt down and breathed in the scent of one of the roses. Kazuya knelt down beside her, and plucked out a flower and brushed his fingers on her hair, brus.h.i.+ng back a strand of hair behind her ear and putting the flower there.

"Things like this suit my Lyn. You look beautiful."

Lyn turned shy, and her cheeks grew redder, "T-Thank you..."

Kazuya grinned widely as he stood up and grabbed hold of her hand. They continued their walk and walked down an archway. On the other side of the arch was a gorgeous lake, like the ones you would find in the forest. Earlier they were walking past bushes of flowers, but now there was an entire meadow, surrounded by a lake - no he looked up and saw a small cliff — a real-life waterfall, not an artificially made one like earlier. Different sorts of blooming flowers, b.u.t.terflies were flying around.

For a person like him who surrounded in color, this shouldn"t be new, and yet...

"Lyn?" for a split second Lyn seemed to have a dazed and distant look in her eyes. But it immediately returned to the usual look. "Was it just his imagination?"

"Hold on I"m not done looking yet..." she muttered, her eyes held a childlike innocence and brightness in them as she looked at the flowers. "So beautiful" She exclaimed as she started to list out various flowers.

"I heard rumors. about this place, but I was unsure," Kazuya replied. "I guess it was worth the risk since I got to see your cute face. I"m happy they made this place."

"Yeah. Me, too," Lyn still seemed surprised and laughed, "Thank you, Kazuya this was a wonderful surprise. I didn"t know you could be so romantic."

Kazuya winked, "Did I score some points with you, Princess?"

Lyn playfully hit his arm, "Silly, do you have to score any more points?"

"Did you bring a sheet?" He asked.

Lyn nodded, "Ah, were having a picnic?"


Lyn took out her bag and pulled out a checkered purple sheet. For some reason there was hardly anybody here, Kazuya looked around. It should just be a coincidence, right? Lyn laid out the checkered purple sheet, and Kazuya reached over to kiss her lips lightly.

Soft laughter escaped her lips, "Um," she trailed off. "Lunch first? Kissing later."

"My Lyn, your too adorable."

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As they sat down, a firefly appeared before them. Lyn"s eyes brightened, "It"s sparkling?"

"Those are called fireflies."


Kazuya smiled, guess he can teach her about that. She seems to like it; maybe he can take her to see the fireflies? It"s winter season in the Empire. But there are still some places where it is warm. First things first, he has to prove himself; otherwise, he won"t get a chance to take her anywhere.

"It"s so beautiful," Lyn kept murmuring.

"I wonder if you"re a narcist Lyn."


"You keep talking about yourself."

It took Lyn a moment to register what he said as she playfully pushed him away.

"Well then, shall we have lunch? I don"t want you to faint or anything, but if you faint, please make sure it is in my arms."


"Ah, I made some food. Rolled up sandwiches, sus.h.i.+ rolls, and desert," Lyn took out the basket.

Though the desert was something, Allen a.s.sisted her on. Even though she said she would be fine on her own, gee they really didn"t need to react that way. But...making any form of sweets, huh? It reminds her of something.


4013 Allen"s Manor - Living Room -

"And so? Is this handmade?"

"It"s made to look homemade."


"Today was the first time I learned about boilers," Lyn said with a deep sigh. She could still recall the expression on Pupillam"s face; she didn"t have to react like that.

To her surprise, Allen suddenly grabbed hold of her wrist, causing him to see the bag of the chocolates she failed to make. "I prefer these."


Ah...that"s right, something like that happened already. Chocolate.. Perhaps she should have at least tried something minor like that; she does recall how she made it. Rather the General was insisting she remembers how to make it properly implying that girls should know this much. How rude, she does so have other feminine qualities. She can play the koto, dance ....and play the harp. Then again, those things aren"t exactly what a normal girl does.

"Hmmm, you know how to do this?" Kazuya seemed surprised, and she puffed her cheeks up in annoyance. Did he think she was a bad Princess?

"Eh, of course, I do!"

Lyn watched as Kazuya started to eat it, " Is it good?". He went straight for the sus.h.i.+ rolls instead of the sandwiches as she suspected he would. Good thing she made a lot of those.

"I"m hungry, so everything tastes good."

Of course, he has to react that way.

Well at least she"s gotten a comment out of him, that person never gave her one and Allen ends up being too bashful to say anything. Rhys has never asked about it now she"s never had Rhys taste her cooking before. So odd.

That person, she wonders...what he would think if she saw this scene. Is she acting differently? Is she acting normal? Normal huh. What is she thinking about now, that is something that has already long been out of the question.

"But this is exceptionally good; I can tell you worked really hard on it. Thank you, my Lyn."

Ah? Did he notice? Of course, he did. Kazuya always notices such things about her.

Her gaze softened, " Thank you! Ah, try the cake next, it"s delicious. Though Allen helped me a little."

"No wonder it looks good."


Even if it"s just for a little while longer, if she can experience a " normal" life then...she would be able to suppress the feeling inside her for a bit longer. This world can remain pure and innocent. It can remain unstained.