Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 316

Now that he understands, he knows better than anyone the feelings the two share for each other. It would be awkward for him to intervene. Allen has always been a man with values, strange values that people wouldn"t follow. Such as being honorable. If Lyn has somebody, she genuinely loves now, and that man, in return, treats her well. Who is he to intervene? He is her fiance, yes, but even a fiance has their limits.

"My dear, have some water, or you"ll explode," Allen pa.s.sed her a cup of water, which she gratefully accepted.

"Thank you. I"m sorry about this. I don"t think we can talk about this sensibly right now." Indeed if they were to talk about it now, she really would pa.s.s out.

"It was your aide who told you to remain confident?" Allen said, changing the subject. Pupillam, who during that time period, looked like she was trying to break the two of them up.

"Ah, huh, she told me not to doubt Kazuya"s feelings. "I don"t know much about it. But you two exchanged vows when you walked up those stairs didn"t you? You should believe in that legend. That your fates will be enterwinded forever."

"The legendary staircase, huh. I heard about it, but did you two, make a promise of some so---" his sentence falls short when Allen saw her face turn red again, "It appears as though just mentioning your memories with him gets you worked up. It"s hard to believe that you lasted so long engaged to me."

Lyn suddenly seemed bothered, "What"s with that last so long thing... You have no idea what I went through."

Allen raised his eyebrow, what she went through?

"Forgive me. I must look quite foolish to you."

"Indeed. But that expression of yours is not a bad one at all." Allen nodded. There is nothing wrong with seeing her this way.

Lyn smiles, "I see. You know not too long ago, I told the other girls this. "At the start, we were both terrible at it, you know? We honestly didn"t understand what "dating" was, despite being with people before. Because I could see that it was the same for him, a part of me was rea.s.sured that everything we do onwards would be the first time for either of us. We didn"t understand it, and yet we got together, not due to the moment or anything. But because we understood that we could no longer be without each other. That sort of reasoning may sound pretty vague and mundane. I, too, will have to admit that it wasn"t exactly well thought out.

However, I knew at that moment that I didn"t want to let go of his hand, that I wanted to keep him close beside me. "Indeed, regardless of everything that"s happened since then. I never intended to let go of his hand after finally having reached it. It was something I couldn"t do. Even if I were to care for someone else in between, the only person"s hand I want to hold in the end is Kazuya"s."

As Lyn spoke, Allen could see how bright the girl"s expression was. In contrast to the child, she was back then. In comparison to the person who he met at the banquet, who abruptly started to speak to them about politics when they were alone.

Those words, for some reason, seem familiar to him. It doesn"t take him long to realize why. "What"s wrong, Allen? Was that over the top?"

Oh, she"s worried that she"s offended him.

Allen shook his head, "It"s not like that, your aide. She cares about you, doesn"t she?"

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Even though she spoke to him in such a harsh and cold tone when she brought up the suggestion of herself becoming a puppet to keep Lyn safe, Allen could not mistaken the look in her eyes then and yet regardless there was something else other than strength and resolve. He can remember it quite clearly, the expression on her face when she heard brother was coming back. Allen only caught it briefly, the embrace and the words spoken by the two.

"It"s not a "perhaps. "" Allen turned to her then, and Lyn laughs weakly, "I"ve always regretted it, you know? Not being able to do anything for Pupillam, she stood by my side for the longest time. But in the end I could never show her my true self, even now I"m hiding from her. I"m running away. I truly am the very definition of a coward."


Lyn looked over at the workers, "If, our engagement does go wrong. Please don"t blame him or hold a grudge. All of this is because of my selfishness."

"Lyn, they said it"s okay to go on break. So why don"t we eat together?"

"Okay! Let"s go."

Is he going to watch her fall into another man"s hands? Is there nothing left that he can do?


The last thing Allen expected was for this woman of all people to visit him. The first Princess of the Mist Kingdom. When he arrived at his castle, he saw her sat down in the living room and acting like it was her place. A deep sigh pa.s.sed his lips as he made his way across the room. "First Princess, what brings you here?"

A dangerous aura seemed to surround her, "Why do you keep standing in my way?"

"What could you be talking about?"

"Lyn and even Kazuya. Why do you keep defending the two so much?"

"Please watch your words; your sister is my fiance. It is natural I would protect her from harm."

"That I understand, but even Kazuya?"

Allen sighed, "First Princess, your last plan was filled with holes. I truly question whether you are the genius people make you out to be. Drug his food? Send him to your quarters? Princess Lethia, even if you wish to gain his attention. Doing it through such despicable means is shameful to the royal family. What"s more, you did not even conceal that it was your aides that brought him up..."

Lethia rolled her eyes, "Shameful or not, I"ll use any means to get the person I want."

What a spoilt Princess, Allen sighed. If he didn"t pa.s.s by that inn to check on Kazuya and the subordinates, he left with him. What would have happened? The worst-case scenario. When he found Kazuya, his state was awful.

"And? Did you come here just to complain?"

"No, I have a proposition for you."

"Proposition?" Allen raised his eyebrows. It is clear to him that this Princess is up to no good again. But hearing her out won"t do any harm.