Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 317

Lethia says nothing but snapped her fingers. A familiar man with dark blue hair wearing black military western clothes appeared. He brought out a few doc.u.ments and pa.s.sed it to the Princess. "I have a proposition that involves us two getting what we want."

Allen sighed, "How did you find out?"

"Oh, please. It was obvious how fond you were of Lyn since you didn"t pick me as your marriage partner."

Indeed, his brother provided him a choice.

"I do want Lyn, that much is true. However, to team up with a woman who only wants to harm her is something I cannot do."

"Prince Allen, do you really want Kazuya to take Lyn away?"

"Lyn is n.o.body"s possession," Allen argued. His gaze darkened. "Enough, I shall speak no more on this matter if you insist on getting your way. I shall resort to speaking to your Mother about this."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Lethia"s eyes widened, alarmed, "You wouldn"t dare."


As a member of the Wind Kingdom"s current royal family, he had his duties in other lands. Such as visiting the va.s.sals underneath their family, acting as negotiators, and living in other lands. The family he is visiting now is the Sanderson family. He received disturbing news that the head pa.s.sed away, and now… His gaze flickered onto the woman who had been holding back her tears until he told her it was okay.

Sada thanked him and whimpered for a few minutes before she slowly regained her composure. In a firm voice, she declared her intentions, and Allen said he would support her.

"You were right; what you said back then. Had I heeded your advice before then, none of this would have happened before."

Allen pitied the girl, she was the same age as Lyn, and already she has to take charge of her household.

A long time ago, he told her to pick her friends and enemies wisely. But like the girl"s mother, Sada still believed in peace. She believed that one day, the Empire would fall under a single rule, and everybody would work in harmony. But Allen knew that those values are outdated, otherwise by now they would have an Empress. It is only because people are unwilling to accept change and wish to carry on keeping power for themselves that things are like this now.

"But… if you are anything like your mother, you will be alright."

Even though the girl"s mother believed in peace, she was an excellent woman, a good ruler. He complimented her strategies on numerous cases before. A woman who believed in peace, and yet could still keep her people in line. For Allen, that was a sign of a strong woman. Many people complimented Queen Orthez for being the best ruler. But there are those like lady Hira that would be a better candidate for Empress. In fact, Allen was planning to persuade her the next time he met her. Who would have thought that things would end up this way?

If Sada could keep up this standard that her Mother had pa.s.sed on, then he would support her fully without any hesitation. Regardless he would do his best to support her, even if she wasn"t a ha.s.sle.

Sada appeared shocked at his words. "Thank you…" she uttered.

Allen merely nodded, his gaze lands on the sky from the opening of the adjacent door. He had only just left that place and returned recently and heard the news. Only to have to head back again. Just before he left, though, he heard of the instructions that have been given to his future wife. " Spy, we want you to spy on Prince Allen. So stay with him". It was a quite dirty task. Indeed, he wasn"t one to talk when it comes to that. However, the girl"s expression than didn"t waver, and she had answered it properly. That girl she intends to see it through, even Allen could tell.

Following the instructions from mere dogs aside, he wondered if it was truly alright. If Lyn comes knocking on his door soon, then it would mean she accepted the task. If she doesn"t, then that should be a good thing. But, Allen was truly hesitating.

The darkness in that girl"s heart continues to grow every day, doesn"t it Lyn? If she carries on this path, she will suffer even more.

"Thinking about Princess Lyn?" Sada questioned.

Allen sends her a look, causing Sada to smile. "I"ve already heard from your grandmother. It seems like you treat her quite well. Truth be told, I was rather worried about it at first since you"re not exactly known for your personality. I"ve experienced it firsthand too." He merely humphed at that, yet Sada continued. " Even so, you treat that girl differently; that"s why I believe you can actually stand a chance in winning her heart."

"Ridiculous," he mutters. Allen turned his attention towards the door. " In the end, it doesn"t matter what I do. She will be the one to decide."

That"s why he cannot do anything. Allen recalled Lyn"s happy expression when she spoke about the man named Kazuya. That was a first for him, hearing her speak so clearly to him. While his relations.h.i.+p with Lyn has gradually improved over the last few years. There has always been a wall between them.

"But that"s why," Sada shuts her eyes and opens them. She stood up and made her way outside. "That girl"s burden is a heavy one, which is why I can see why you"ve been taking the actions you have. However, that"s exactly why I believe that if some gentleman takes the proper actions and conduct properly towards her. Then she will be just fine."

"Are you giving me a lecture on how to woo a girl?" Allen mutters. Yet regardless he understood what she was talking about. Though he would never admit it out loud.

Sada shook her head before her gaze turned rather serious. " Actually Princ Allen. There"s something I wish to discuss with you. Do you know this girl?" she said, holding up a picture.

Recognition instantly filled his eyes.

He had seen her before, on more than one occasion. Not just during his times at home. Whenever he"s in the Mist Kingdom or conducting other business too, he always seemed to into this strange woman. " What has she done?"

"It"s a confirmation. She is involved in that matter.

As she spoke those words, Allen"s gaze darkened.

In the end, your burden carries on increasing, huh Lyn? Once again, she will have to shed meaningless blood.