Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

Chapter 329

Lyn nodded in understanding, but Kazuya continued. "I"m sorry, I didn"t think you"d ask this suddenly… I thought you uh towards me.."

"?" Lyn looked at him blankly. What is he rambling on about?

"Never mind," Kazuya mumbled.

"Is it something important?" If it is something important, she doesn"t want to listen to it now.

Kazuya shook his head, "Well, it can wait," he gave her hand a little squeeze and turned back to the map.

What was he talking about just now? She"s very curious. She hates being left in the dark regarding these things. Lyn realized that she couldn"t stop thinking about his words, so she did everything she could to get his attention.

After a short while, Kazuya told Rhys that they ought to take a break and pulled her into an alleyway where there was n.o.body else around. Kazuya pinned her against the wall and traced her lips with this thumbs. This was the first time she had seen him do something like this, and for a spilt moment, her head became blank. Is he going to try something on her? But no sooner had she thought that did Kazuya pull away.

"Lyn, don"t do that again."

"But, uh…"

Kazuya sighed, "Alright, I"ll tell you what was on my mind, okay?"

Lyn nodded and looked at him with expectation in her eyes.

"After that conversation we had. I thought it translated into waiting until you settle things with the other guys."

A knowing ah pa.s.sed her lips. "Other than Allen, there is nothing really to settle with Rhys. It"s not like we"re in any kind of relations.h.i.+p."

She does not have to explain anything to him.

"But you know of his feelings for you, correct? Isn"t that enough…"

Indeed, normally, it would be enough. However, what her and Kazuya are thinking are two completely different things. What Kazuya wants her to do is properly end things with Rhys. But would that not mean admitting that there is something between them? If she were to do that, would be bad for Rhys too. Rhys will think that he is unique enough to her that she is explaining everything to him. She has to draw a line somewhere; otherwise, she may have told Rhys everything like Kazuya wanted.

Lyn shook her head, "Don"t misunderstand me, Kazuya. I do care for Rhys, and I"ll admit he is very important to me. Even now so is Allen. But when I thought it through, the one who is the most important is you and not them." She thought about it very carefully; the person who holds the largest part in her heart is Kazuya. She reached over and extended her hand out to caress his cheeks, "Do you doubt me?"

"It"s not you, I doubt," Kazuya mumbled. "I guess I"m just not used to these things."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Lyn laughed, "I don"t think I"m very good at this thing either. All I know is I"m the most happy when I"m with you. When I"m with you, I want to get close to you. I want to touch you."

"Well, I guess that"s pretty bold confession."

"Ah-huh, isn"t it the same for you? Ever since we first did it, you"re becoming awfully perverted. I wonder what I got myself into. I guess this is what they mean when they say appearances are deceiving."

At that comment of hers, Kazuya scratched his face awkwardly. "Well, all in all. I am a healthy young, sixteen-year-old male. It is only normal to act that way."

"Weren"t you spouting some nonsense about being the perfect gentleman not too long ago?"

"Even a gentleman has its desires."

She wonders if the same goes for Allen. For as long as she could remember, that man has never treated her as a woman. But ever since Kazuya and the others came here, it feels like something has changed.

"Kazuya, remember you asked me if I had a wish I wanted granted?"


"I have one," she leaned forward and brushed her lips against his ears. "I want to be with you forever; that is my wish. Can you grant that for me?"

A few minutes had pa.s.sed, and Lyn blinked in surprise. What"s wrong? Was that too straight forward of her? Rhys did tell her that there are guys who don"t like straight forward girls. Is Kazuya one of them? But just as she thought that Lyn caught a glimpse of Kazuya"s expression. For some reason, he was bright red like a tomato, even his cheeks… Lyn quickly realized why and pulled away.

She nervously played with the hem of her skirt. Her heartbeat increasing at an incredible rate. After a short time had pa.s.sed, she felt Kazuya"s lips on hers. It was a sweet kiss even though he opened her mouth. Their tongues intertwined with each others. Unlike the kisses, she shares with Rhys. The ones with Kazuya made her body tremble all over. It"s so different. Why are things so different when she is with this person?

Lyn felt her breathing become unsteady, her face all sweaty. Kazuya doesn"t have any experience. But he"s very good at kissing. If she didn"t know him as well as she did, Lyn would a.s.sume that he"s had other girls before. It isn"t uncommon for the men living in this Empire to have multiple partners. It"s rare to find somebody out there who would give their love to you, and you alone.

However, here she is with Kazuya, and at this moment, she can"t help but think. She really wants to be with him forever.

After he finished kissing her, Kazuya drew away and brushed his forehead against hers. "So, do you mean those words? Tell me right now. You can still take it back."

Her gaze softened when she realized why he didn"t reply right away. He wants to give her a chance. Kazuya has always been so considerate of her feelings. He wouldn"t have kissed her just now if she didn"t want it either. He knew she wanted to be kissed.

"I don"t want to."

Kazuya laughed, "I"m really defeated by you, my Lyn."